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The Pronomos Vase, c. 400 BC. Creator: Pronomos (active c. 410-c. 390 BC).
Satyr dancing (Apulian Krater), ca 420-410 BC. Creator: Sisyphus Painter (active c. 420-c. 390 BC).
The Three Graces, 1st century. Creator: Classical Antiquities.
The nereid on a sea beast (sea-panther), 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Mars and Venus, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Mask on vine leaves and bunches of grapes, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
The Garden of the Hesperides (Apulian Krater), ca 360 BC. Creator: Lycurgus Painter (active c. 360-c. 340 BC).
Crown with gold oak leaves, 2th century BC. Creator: Classical Antiquities.
Garden. Fresco from The House of the Golden Bracelet (Casa del Bracciale d'Oro), 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Garden (Detail). Fresco from The House of the Golden Bracelet (Casa del Bracciale d'Oro), 1st H. 1st Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Woman with a Mirror, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Satyr and Nymph, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Narcissus, Echo and Eros, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
The Musical Contest between Apollo and Marsyas, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Galatea and Polyphemus, 1st century. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
The Death of Hippolytus, 1825. Creator: Court, Joseph-Désiré (1797-1865).
Venus Pudica, ca 1485-1490. Creator: Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510).
Ruins of the Baths of Diocletian from the side with two men playing croquet in the foreground, 1585. Creator: Cleve, Hendrik van, III (ca 1525-1590).
Scipio Aemilianus before the ruins of Carthage in the company of Polybius, 1797. Creator: Buys, Jacobus (1724-1801).
Paris and Helen (Venus and Amor escort Paris to bed chamber of Helen), 1800. Creator: Ducros, Louis (1748-1810).
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Title page of the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Title page of the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
Illustration to the book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant, 1497. Creator: Anonymous.
The battle on the bridge, 1889. Creator: Böcklin, Arnold (1827-1901).
Illustration to the fairytale The White Duck, 1901. Creator: Bilibin, Ivan Yakovlevich (1876-1942).
Nächtliche Landschaft (Nocturnal landscape), 1937. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Hoffmanneske Szene, 1921. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Cover design for Paradiso by Dante Alighieri, 1918. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
Alexander Pushkin. Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin, 1921-1926. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
Chernomor and Lyudmila. Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin, 1921-1926. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
Rusalka. Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin, 1921-1926. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
Leshy. Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin, 1921-1926. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
The Hut on Chicken Legs. Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin, 1921-1926. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
The peasant and the domovoy , 1922. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
Bogatyr. Creator: Veshchilov, Konstantin Alexandrovich (1878-1945).
Cover design for The Fifty Piglets by Korney Chukovsky, 1923-1924. Creator: Chekhonin, Sergei Vasilievich (1878-1936).
Vanitas. Creator: Krenes, Heinrich (1874-1923).
Compilation arthurienne de Micheau Gonnot, 1470. Creator: D'Espinques, Évrard (active 1440-1494).
The three Grail Knights brings the Holy Grail to the Ship of Solomon, 15th century. Creator: D'Espinques, Évrard (active 1440-1494).
Iphigenia in Tauris, c. 1890. Creator: Stuck, Franz, Ritter von (1863-1928).
Illustration for John Milton's "Paradise Lost", 1688. Creator: Burghers, Michael (c. 1647-1727).
Half-title for Nouvelles by Alfred de Musset , 1887. Creator: Cortazzo, Oreste (1836-1912).
Albrecht Dürer Visited by Emperor Maximilian, 1870. Creator: Koller, Wilhelm (Guillaume) (1829-1884).
Spring, c.1901-1902. Creator: Stuck, Franz, Ritter von (1863-1928).
The Tease, 1889. Creator: Stuck, Franz, Ritter von (1863-1928).
Illustration for the epistolary novel Dangerous Liaisons (Les Liaisons dangereuses), 1934. Creator: Barbier, George (1882-1932).
Illustration for "Das Schöne Mädchen von Pao" by Otto Julius Bierbaum, 1909-1910. Creator: Bayros, Franz von (1866-1924).
Elf with iris flowers, ca. 1886-1890. Creator: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939).
The Damned , c. 1910. Creator: Rechberg, Arnold (1879-1947).
Vanitas Still Life with musical instruments, books, sheet music, skeleton, skull and armour , 17th c Creator: Luyckx, Carstian (1623-after 1657).