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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Allegory of Fortune or Nemesis.
Cato Uticensis.
Sleeping Venus and Satyr.
Allegory of patience.
Venus, Faun and Putti.
Pan and Syrinx.
Idealized Portrait of a Courtesan as Flora.
The Sound of the Stream.
Cupid peeing.
The mountain peak. The Ice Queen.
Allegory of the Christian Church.
Dante and Vergilius on the Way to the Purgatory.
Cover of the Chizh (Siskin) children's magazine.
The Genius of Salvator Rosa.
The Equanimity of Anaxarchus (Mediis tranquillus in undis).
To Visit the Sick.
Vertumnus and Pomona.
The Triumph of Bacchus.
Drunk Tyran. Illustration to the theatre play An Ardent Heart by Alexander Ostrovsky.
Manilovs. Illustration for the poem The Dead Souls by N. Gogol.
Chichikov at the house of Korobochka. Illustration for the novel Dead Souls by N. Gogol.
Khlestakov. Illustration for comedy The Government Inspector by N. Gogol.
Allegory on the accession to the throne of Emperor Alexander I.
Cupid and Psyche.
Mercury and Argus.
Flora as Allegory of Spring.
Orpheus and Eurydice.
Veni, vidi, vici. Triunphus Caesaris (The triumph of Julius Caesar).
Narcissus and Echo.
The Wild Chase.
Wounded Amazon.
The Sin.
Tartini's Dream. Devil's Trill Sonata.
Illustration for the Fairy tale Morozko, 1931.
Venus, 1490.
Figurine of the Colourful Devil, 1927.
Head of a Chimera.
The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, c. 1618.
The Nymph of the spring, 1550.
The Dream, (Allegory of human life) After Michelangelo, ca 1578.
Thetis receiving Armour for Achilles from Hephaestus, 1630-1635.
All is Vanity, c. 1900.
The Birth of Aphrodite, 1887.
Intelligence, Industrial progress, Technological Progress, ca 1935.
Portrait of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), 1920s.
Modern Idol, 1911.
Georgian Folk Tale.
The Triumph of Rome, c. 1622.
Jason killing the Colchian Dragon, ca 1766-1770.
Still Life in the studio, 1889.
The Artist and his Model, 1919-1921.
Under the Stars, 1900-1905.
Murder, 1906.
Jealousy, 1913.