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The Misshapen Polyp Floated on the Shores, a Sort of Smiling and Hideous Cyclops. From the series Le
Allegory of Gluttony (Allegory of Intemperance. Allegory of Gluttony and Lust).
Rinaldo's Farewell to Armida.
The Synagogue. From the Mirror of Salvation altarpiece.
The Nightmare.
The Witches' Kitchen.
Ulysses and Calypso.
Olympus: The Fall of the Giants.
Poster design for the film L'Atlantide by Jacques Feyder.
Group of angels.
Apollo with cupid.
Angel seated on a balustrade.
The Fall of Phaëthon.
The Fall of Phaëthon.
The Decameron.
Siegfried and Brünnhilde.
Wheel Of Fortune. Tarot card.
King of Cups. Tarot card.
The Calumny of Apelles.
Daruma (Bodhidharma).
Angel and Péri.
Dreams of grandmother and granddaughter.
Ivan Tsarevich fought Zmey Gorynych.
The Night.
The sin.
Sacrificial Altar.
Sonata VI. Andante. (Sonata of the Stars).
Lithuanian Graveyard.
The Sacrificial Death of Marcus Curtius.
Witchcraft (Allegory of Hercules).
Venus awakened by Cupid.
Venus Playing with Two Doves (Portrait of the Ballerina Carlotta Chabert).
The Sea Monster (Das Meerwunder).
The Lovers and death (The walk).
Earthly Paradise. From: Four Visions of the Hereafter.
The Wood Has Ears, The Field Has Eyes.
Infernal Landscape.
The Witches' Kitchen.
Four Visions of the Hereafter.
Mad Meg (De Dulle Griet).
Initiation of a Witch.
Witches under the gallows.
The Witches' Sabbath.
The Magician.
The Witches' Sabbath (After Hans Baldung).
The Witches' Sabbath.
Historia, Tempus, Legenda.
The Ass in the School.
Venus and Cupid Mourning the Dead Adonis.
Venus and Cupid.
The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis.
The Triumphal Procession of Bacchus.