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Illustration for Le vingtième siècle: La vie électrique. Artist: Robida, Albert (1848-1926)
Illustration for Le vingtième siècle: La vie électrique. Artist: Robida, Albert (1848-1926)
The Book of the Dead. Artist: Ancient Egypt
Illustration for book Le Livre de la Marquise. Artist: Somov, Konstantin Andreyevich (1869-1939)
Cover design: First Cycle of Lectures by N. Punin. Artist: Malevich, Kasimir Severinovich (1878-1935)
Cover design: First Cycle of Lectures by N. Punin. Artist: Malevich, Kasimir Severinovich (1878-1935)
Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime. Artist: Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul (1758-1823)
Justice. Artist: Salviati, Giuseppe (1520-1575)
Allegory of Justice Combating Injustice. Artist: Nattier, Jean-Marc (1685-1766)
Justice and Peace. Artist: Giaquinto, Corrado (1703-1766)
The Madonna of Justice. Artist: Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644)
Allegory of Justice and Prudence. Artist: Spranger, Bartholomeus (1546-1611)
Lady Justice (Fresco in Stanza della Segnatura. Artist: Raphael (1483-1520)
Allegory of Justice and Peace. Artist: Thulden, Theodoor, van (1606-1669)
The Death of Caesar. Artist: Gerôme, Jean-Léon (1824-1904)
The Deluge. Artist: Court, Joseph-Désiré (1797-1865)
Scipio Africanus Freeing Massiva. Artist: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770)
Inês de Castro with Her Children at the Feet of Afonso IV, King of Portugal, 1335. Artist: Servières, Eugénie (1786-after 1824)
The Loves of Helen and Paris. Artist: David, Jacques Louis (1748-1825)
Death of Sardanapalus. Artist: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863)
Clytemnestra hesitates before killing the sleeping Agamemnon. Artist: Guérin, Pierre Narcisse, Baron (1774-1833)
Allegory of Wealth. Artist: Vouet, Simon (1590-1649)
La Nuit et l'Aurore (Night and Dawn). Artist: Champaigne, Jean-Baptiste de (1631-1681)
The Abduction of Deianeira by the Centaur Nessus. Artist: Reni, Guido (1575-1642)
The Wedding by Proxy of Marie de' Medici to King Henry IV (The Marie de' Medici Cycle). Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Hercules and Omphale. Artist: Le Moyne, François (1688-1737)
L'appeau, dit. L'appeau, dit l'oiseau pris dans les filets (The decoy bird, also called The bird cau Artist: Boucher, François (1703-1770)
The five senses. Artist: Govaerts, Abraham (1589-1626)
The Presentation of Her Portrait to Henry IV (The Marie de' Medici Cycle). Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Oedipus and the Sphinx. Artist: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)
Diane de Poitiers Visiting Jean Goujon. Artist: Fragonard, Alexandre-Évariste (1780-1850)
Lemminkäinen's Mother. Artist: Gallen-Kallela, Akseli (1865-1931)
The Bean King (The Feast of the Bean King). Artist: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)
The Offering to Ceres. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
Meleager and Atalanta. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
Amor and Psyche. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
Diana and her nymph surprised by satyr. Artist: Dyck, Sir Anthony van (1599-1641)
Ulysses returns Chryseis to Her Father. Artist: Lorrain, Claude (1600-1682)
Portrait of Anne-Josèphe Bonnier de La Mosson, duchesse de Chaulnes as Hebe. Artist: Nattier, Jean-Marc (1685-1766)
The Different Nations of Europe. Artist: Le Brun, Charles (1619-1690)
Asia Secunda Pars Terrae in Forma Pegasi (Asia in the Form of Pegasus). Artist: Bünting, Heinrich (1545-1606)
The Three Graces. Artist: Regnault, Jean-Baptiste (1754-1829)
Diana after the Bath. Artist: Boucher, François (1703-1770)
Nymph and Satyr (Jupiter and Antiope). Artist: Watteau, Jean Antoine (1684-1721)
The Education of the Princess. (The Marie de' Medici Cycle). Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
The Three Graces holding Cupid. Artist: Boucher, François (1703-1770)
Hercules and Omphale. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
The Shepherd's Presents (The Nest). Artist: Boucher, François (1703-1770)
The Swarm of Cupids. Artist: Fragonard, Jean Honoré (1732-1806)
Ruggiero Rescuing Angelica. Artist: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)
The Rape of Europa. Artist: Boucher, François (1703-1770)
Spring (From the Series Les Saisons). Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
The Hunt of Diana. Artist: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705)
The Warrior's Dream of Love. Artist: Fragonard, Jean Honoré (1732-1806)
Venus Pouring a Balm on the Wound of Aeneas. Artist: Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (1610-1662)
Paolo and Francesca. Artist: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)
Venus Anadyomene. Artist: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)
Numa Pompilius and the Nymph Egeria. Artist: Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665)
Diana the Huntress. Artist: Master of the School of Fontainebleau (2nd third of 16th cen.)
The Road to Chernomor. Illustration to the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin. Artist: Charlemagne, Adolf (1826-1901)