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Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zozer), Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zozer), Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zozer) in the distance, Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zozer), Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zozer), Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Step Pyramid of King Djoser (Zozer), Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Step Pyramid of King Djoser behind the Nile's flood plain, Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Wallpainting of 3 butchers cutting up a carcase, Tomb of Idut, 5th Dynasty, c2350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting of 3 butchers cutting up a carcase, Tomb of Idut, 5th Dynasty, c2350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons (Khonsu), Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons (Khonsu), Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Relief of the Pharaoh smiting his enemies, Temple sacred to Amun, Mut and Khons, Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
The crocodile-god Sobek with Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Sobek Temple, Dakamsha, Egypt, c1380 BC. Artist: Unknown
The crocodile-god Sobek with Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Sobek Temple, Dakamsha, Egypt, c1380 BC. Artist: Unknown
The crocodile-god Sobek with Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Sobek Temple, Dakamsha, Egypt, c1380 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pharaoh Amenhotep III (Amenophis III), Sobek Temple, Dakamsha, Egypt, c1380 BC. Artist: Unknown
Mortuary Temple of Rameses III at Medinat Habu, Luxor, Egypt, 20th Dynasty, c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Mortuary Temple of Rameses III at Medinat Habu, Luxor, Egypt, 20th Dynasty, c12 century BC. Artist: Unknown
View through the Pylons, Mortuary Temple of Rameses III, Medinat Habu, Luxor, c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Reliefs of Ramesses III, Mortuary Temple of Rameses III, Medinat Habu, Egypt. c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Rameses III and sacred baboons, Mortuary Temple, Medinat Habu, Egypt, c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Rameses III receiving blessing of Amon-Ra, Mortuary Temple, Medinet Habu, 12th centuryBC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian gods engraved on pillars, Mortuary Temple, Medinat Habu, Egypt, c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian gods engraved on pillars, Mortuary Temple, Medinat Habu, Egypt, c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Lotus-headed pillars, Temple of Rameses III, Medinat Habu, Luxor, Egypt, c12th century. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Rameses III receiving tribute, Mortuary Temple, Medinat Habu, Egypt, c12th centuryBC. Artist: Unknown
Figure of the god Horus in the form of a falcon, Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, c251BC-c246BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), Giza, Egyptian, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The dwarf Seneb with his wife and two children, Giza, 5th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Detail from sculpture of Prince Rahotep High Priest of Heliopolis, Meidum, c26th century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Detail of a sculpture of Nofret, wife of Prince Rahotep, Meidum, 4th Dynasty, c26th century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Pectoral showing the Pharaoh smiting his enemies, Egypt, 12th Dynasty, c19th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Rameses III receiving tribute, Mortuary Temple, Medinat Habu, Egypt, c12th centuryBC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting from a tomb of son of Rameses III, Valley of the Queens, Luxor, Egypt, c12th centuryBC Artist: Unknown
Detail from relief on granite sarcophagus of Anubis, Memphis, Egypt, Middle kingdom period. Artist: Unknown
Relief on granite sarcophagus of Anubis, Memphis, Egypt, Middle kingdom period. Artist: Unknown
Step Pyramid (behind palms) of King Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, 3rd Dynasty, c2600 BC. Artist: Imhotep
Jewish Legionaries on camels, Gizeh, Egypt, World War I, 1915-1918. Artist: Unknown
Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramids of Khafre, Mycerinus & three pyramids of his Queens, 4th Dynasty, Giza, c2600-c2500 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramids of Khafre and Mycerinus and three pyramids of his Queens, Giza, Egypt, c2600-c2500 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramids of Khafre on left and of Mycerinus on right, Giza, Egypt, c26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Mycerinus, Giza, Egypt, c26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramids of Khafre and Mycerinus, Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, c26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Pyramid of Mycerinus and one of the small pyramids of his queens, Giza, Egypt, c26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Great Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Court of Rameses III with statues of Osiris, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt, c12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut viewed from ground, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt, c1503-c1483 BC. Artist: Unknown
Obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt, c1503 - c1483 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpaintings and False Doors, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
False Doors and Wallpaintings, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting of Sethos I before Horus, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting (detail) of Sethos I before Horus, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpainting of Thoth (Ibis-headed god), Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egyptian, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of the Pharaoh before Thoth (Ibis-headed god), Temple of Sethos I, Egypt, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos before Anubis, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wallpaintings, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Temple of Sethos I (Seti I), Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Interior of the Horus Chapel, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown