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Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, 1304 BC. Artist: Unknown
Columns of portico, Temple of Sethos I, Egyptian, 19th Dynasty, c1304 BC. Artist: Unknown
Remains of a Nilometer, an ancient device for measuring the annual inundation of the Nile, c1885. Artist: Unknown
Immanuel Kant, German philosopher, 1812. Artist: Unknown
'Obelisks at Alexandria called Cleopatra's Needles', 1802. Artist: Unknown
'The Great Sphinx and Pyramids at Giza', 1838-1839. Artist: David Roberts
The colossal statue of Rameses II, 1852. Artist: Maxime du Camp
'Pompey's Column, Alexandria 1798', 1798. Artist: Vivant Denon
Set design for a Ballets Russes production of Cleopatra, 1909. Artist: Leon Bakst
'Egyptian Chess Players', 1865. Artist: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
The temple of Isis and Osiris from The Magic Flute, 1816. Artist: Karl Friedrich Schinkel
The temple of Isis and Osiris, The Magic Flute, 1816.  Artist: Karl Friedrich Schinkel
Fire and Water, The Magic Flute, 1816.  Artist: Karl Friedrich Schinkel