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The Annunciation.
The Meeting of King Ferdinand of Hungary and Cardinal Infante Ferdinand before the Battle of Noerdli
Dance society.
Democritus and Protagoras.
The Finding of Moses.
The Exposition of Moses.
The Infant Moses trampling Pharaoh's Crown.
Rinaldo's Farewell to Armida.
The Vision of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Christ Crowned with Thorns.
Susanna and the Elders.
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple.
An anamorphic Trompe l'Oeil with a Vanitas still life.
Five flying putti.
The Temptation of Saint Anthony.
Abraham on the Road to Canaan.
The Holy Family.
Mercury and Argus.
Orpheus and Eurydice.
The Flight into Egypt, 1609.
All is Vanity, c. 1900.
Portrait of the King Charles XII of Sweden (1682-1718).
Portrait of the King Charles XII of Sweden (1682-1718).
Moses Striking Water from the Rock, 16th century.
Finding of Romulus and Remus, 1612. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Portrait of Gerard Andriesz Bicker, ca 1642. Artist: Helst, Bartholomeus van der (1613-1670)
Henry IV and Marie de Médicis. Artist: Bakalowicz, Wladyslaw (1831-1904)
Jacob Blessing Ephraim and Manasseh, 1656. Artist: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669)
Christ Conversing with Martha and Mary, ca 1652. Artist: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669)
Landscape with Peasants Resting, Tobias and the Angel, 1650. Artist: Bloemaert, Abraham (1566-1651)
Self-portrait with Family, c. 1645. Artist: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)
Portrait of Rembrandt's Mother. Artist: Dou, Gerard (Gerrit) (1613-1675)
Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Julian and Minias, 1449-1450. Artist: Andrea del Castagno (c. 1418-1457)
The veil of Saint Veronica, Early16th century. Artist: Anonymous
Judith and her maid Abra with the Head of Holofernes, c. 1647-1648. Artist: Gentileschi, Artemisia (1598-1653)
Still Life with Musical Instruments, c. 1650. Artist: Baschenis, Evaristo (1617-1677)
The Lute player, c. 1645. Artist: Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644)
Recorder Duo (from Musica getutscht by Sebastianus Virdung), 1511. Artist: Virdung, Sebastian (1465-?)
Illustration from Musica getutscht by Sebastianus Virdung, 1511. Artist: Virdung, Sebastian (1465-?)
Cupid Among Musical Instruments, Mid of 17th century. Artist: Anonymous
Still Life with a Pipe, a King of Diamonds, a Knife and a Pitcher, Mid of 17th century. Artist: Anonymous
Still life with a glass of beer, a pipe, tobacco and other requisites of smoking, 1658. Artist: Velde, Jan Jansz. van de III (1620-1662)
King Henry IV of France, 1610. Artist: Pourbus, Frans, the Younger (1569-1622)
The Tasting Tobacco. Artist: Herp, Willem van, the Elder (c. 1614-1677)
Portrait of Philip William, Prince of Orange (1554-1618). Artist: Pourbus, Frans, the Younger (1569-1622)
Portrait of Anne of Austria (1601-1666), ca 1659. Artist: Beaubrun, Henri (1603-1677)
Mandolin, cup and bowl, porcelain, apples, 1706. Artist: Monari (Munari), Cristoforo (1667-1720)
Still Life with Blue and Porcelain and Toast. Artist: Monari (Munari), Cristoforo (1667-1720)
The story of Esther and Ahasuerus, 1639. Artist: Guercino (1591-1666)
Vanity or Young woman at her toilet, c. 1626. Artist: Renieri (Régnier), Niccolo (c. 1590-1667)
Vanitas Still Life, 1632. Artist: Collier, Edwaert (1642-1708)
Vanitas Still Life. Artist: Collier, Edwaert (1642-1708)
Vanitas Still Life, 1662. Artist: Collier, Edwaert (1642-1708)
Vanitas Still Life. Artist: Collier, Edwaert (1642-1708)
Vanitas Still Life. Artist: Collier, Edwaert (1642-1708)
The Feast of Belshazzar. Artist: Francken, Frans, the Younger (1581-1642)
Still Life of Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase. Artist: Bosschaert, Ambrosius, the Elder (1573-1621)
Landscape with Abraham and Isaac, Mid of 17th century. Artist: Grimmer, Jacob (ca 1525-1590)
Philosopher and the Young Child. Artist: Woutersz., called Stap, Jan (1599-1663)
Winter (Amusement on the Ice), 1625. Artist: Venne, Adriaen Pietersz. van de (1589-1662)