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The Cheerful Democritus, 18th century. Artist: Coypel, Antoine (1661-1722)
The Flute Player. Artist: Vorsterman, Lucas, the Elder (1595-1675)
Recorder Player's Hands, um 1700. Artist: Picart, Bernard (1673–1733)
The quacksalver, 1620-1625. Artist: Rombouts, Theodor (1597-1637)
Repentance of Saint Peter, 1630. Artist: Ribera, José, de (1591-1652)
Artes Mechanicae. Frieze in the Casa Pellizzari, c. 1500. Artist: Giorgione (1476-1510)
The Finding of Moses, 1633. Artist: Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1638)
The Finding of Moses, 1639-1640. Artist: Lorrain, Claude (1600-1682)
Heraclitus, c. 1647-1648. Artist: Ter Borch, Gerard, the Younger (1617-1681)
The Quill-cutter, 1627. Artist: Lievens, Jan (1607-1674)
Flowers in a Glass Beaker, after 1608. Artist: Brueghel, Jan, the Elder (1568-1625)
Winter Landscape with Ice pleasures in front of a Capriccio of the city of Arnheim, 1652. Artist: Ruisdael, Salomon Jacobsz, van (1600/3-1670)
Winter Landscape with Ice pleasures, c. 1655. Artist: Neer, Aert, van der (1603-1677)
Ice pleasures in front of a bridge tower, 1655. Artist: Goyen, Jan Josefsz, van (1596-1656)
Still life with smoking utensils and crabs, 1657. Artist: Velde, Jan van de III (ca. 1620-1662)
Still life with smoking utensils and beer mug, 1664. Artist: Collier, Edwaert (1642-1708)
Young Man Singing. Artist: Baburen, Dirck (Theodor), van (1595-1624)
Judith Beheading Holofernes. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
The Flémalle Panels: Saint Veronica. Artist: Campin, Robert (ca. 1375-1444)
The Spectacles Seller. Artist: Cornelisz van Oostsanen, Jacob (ca. 1470-1533)
Four Figures on a Step. Artist: Murillo, Bartolomé Estebàn (1617-1682)
Mucius Scaevola Confronting King Porsenna. Artist: Cavallino, Bernardo (1616-1656)
Peasant Interior with an Old Flute Player. Artist: Le Nain, Louis (1593-1648)
Christ and the Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well. Artist: Guercino (1591-1666)
The Knight's Dream. Artist: Pereda y Salgado, Antonio, de (1611-1678)
Mary Magdalene Taken up to Heaven. Artist: Ribera, José, de (1591-1652)
Susanna and the Elders. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
The Fat Kitchen. Artist: Steen, Jan Havicksz (1626-1679)
Meeting in a Tavern (Musician and Drinkers). Artist: Valentin de Boullogne (1591-1632)
The Apple Peeler. Artist: Ter Borch, Gerard, the Younger (1617-1681)
The Adoration of the Christ Child. Artist: Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece (active 1475-1510)
Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes. Artist: Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1638)
The Judgement of Paris. Artist: Feuerbach, Anselm (1829-1880)
Still-Life with Nautilus Cup. Artist: Aelst, Willem, van (1625- after 1683)
The Immaculate Conception. Artist: Anonymous
Satyr and peasant family. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
David with the Head of Goliath. Artist: Gentileschi, Orazio (1563-1638)
The Assumption of the Virgin. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
A spring festival (On the road to the Temple of Ceres). Artist: Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence (1836-1912)
The coronation of King Ferdinand II as Holy Roman Emperor. Artist: Kieser, Eberhard (1583-1631)
Self-Portrait as a Lute Player. Artist: Gentileschi, Artemisia (1598-1653)
Bacchus as a child. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
Scholar sharpening a quill pen. Artist: Dou, Gerard (Gerrit) (1613-1675)
A Scholar Seated at a Desk (Scholar at his Study). Artist: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669)
Anna du Pire as Granida. Artist: Helst, Bartholomeus van der (1613-1670)
Still life with musical instruments and books (Vanitas). Artist: Vermeulen, Jan (active 1638-1674)
A Musical Party. Artist: Hals, Dirck (1591-1656)
The village singers. Artist: Ostade, Adriaen Jansz, van (1610-1685)
The Guitar Player. Artist: Vermeer, Jan (Johannes) (1632-1675)
Vanitas. Still Life with Books, Manuscripts and a Skull. Artist: Collier, Edward (active 1662-1708)
Games and Vegetables. Artist: Utrecht, Adriaen van (1599-1652)
Chinese Vase with Flowers, Shells and Insects. Artist: Ast, Balthasar, van der (1593/4-1657)
The Saints Sebastian, Irene and her Maid. Artist: Baburen, Dirck (Theodor), van (1595-1624)
The good Centurion. Artist: Baegert, Derick (ca 1440-after 1502)
The Holy Family with John the Baptist. Artist: Bartolommeo, Fra (1472-1517)
The Crucifixion. Artist: David, Gerard (ca. 1460-1523)
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. Artist: Fetti, Domenico (1588/90-1623)
Still life with Nautilus Cup. Artist: Kalf, Willem (1619-1693)
Still life with Nautilus Cup. Artist: Kalf, Willem (1619-1693)
Bouquet of poppy anemones, roses, double campernelle, a hyacinth, a tulip and auricula tied with a b Artist: Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste (1636-1699)