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King Henry IV of France. Artist: Pourbus, Frans, the Younger (1569-1622)
The Education of the Princess. (The Marie de' Medici Cycle). Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Venus Pouring a Balm on the Wound of Aeneas. Artist: Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (1610-1662)
Le Concert Champêtre (Woodland Music-makers). Artist: Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille (1796-1875)
The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple. Artist: Solimena, Francesco (1657-1747)
Equestrian portrait of Louis XIV at the Siege of Namur. Artist: Mignard, Pierre (1612-1695)
Louise Marie de Bourbon (1674-1681), duchesse d'Orléans. Artist: Mignard, Pierre (1612-1695)
King Henry IV of France. Artist: Pourbus, Frans, the Younger (1569-1622)
Portrait of Marie de Médici (1575-1642). Artist: Pulzone, Scipione (1550-1598)
Perseus Freeing Andromeda. Artist: Wtewael, Joachim (1566-1638)
Portrait of Marie de Médici (1575-1642). Artist: Pourbus, Frans, the Younger (1569-1622)
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Artist: Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
The Death of the Virgin. Artist: Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506)
The circumcision of Christ. Artist: Barocci, Federigo (1528-1612)
Orpheus and Eurydice in the Hell. Artist: Fris, Pieter (1627-1706)
Archimedes. Artist: Ribera, José, de (1591-1652)
David with the Head of Goliath. Artist: Caravaggio, Michelangelo (1571-1610)
Redemption Tryptich: Expulsion from the Paradise. Artist: Stockt, Vrancke van der (1420-1495)
Concert. Artist: Falcone, Aniello (1600/7-1665)
Allegory of Louis XIV, Protector of Arts and Sciences. Artist: Garnier, Jean (1632-1705)
The Tooth Puller. Artist: Honthorst, Gerrit, van (1590-1656)
A Woman Preparing Bread and Butter for a Boy, c. 1660. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
The Musicians' Brawl, c. 1625-1630. Artist: La Tour, Georges, de (1583-1652)
Still Life with Game, Vegetables, Fruit and Cockatoo, 1650. Artist: Utrecht, Adriaen van (1599-1652)
Sea landscape with robbers. Artist: Rosa, Salvatore (1615-1673)
River view, 1631. Artist: Ruisdael, Salomon Jacobsz, van (1600/3-1670)
Madonna surrounded by flowers, 1662. Artist: Ykens, Frans (1601-1693)
The Judgement of Paris, ca 1528. Artist: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553)
Christ Crowned with Thorns, 1772. Artist: Tiepolo, Giandomenico (1727-1804)
The Descent from the Cross, 1772. Artist: Tiepolo, Giandomenico (1727-1804)
The Baptism of Christ, 1597-1600. Artist: El Greco, Dominico (1541-1614)
The Entombment of Christ, 1572. Artist: Titian (1488-1576)
The Battle of the Milvian Bridge, 1517-1524. Artist: Penni, Gianfrancesco (1496-1528)
Isaac blessing Jacob, 1638. Artist: Flinck, Govaert (1615-1660)
The Denial of Saint Peter, 1660. Artist: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669)
Cittern Player, ca 1637-1640. Artist: Everdingen, Caesar Boëtius van (1616-1678)
Marsyas ill-treated by the muses, 1630-1640. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
Cimon and Pero, c.1630. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Old man beguiled by courtesans, ca 1537. Artist: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553)
Adam and Eve Driven From Paradise, 1896-1902. Artist: Tissot, James Jacques Joseph (1836-1902)
The Liberation of Saint Peter, c. 1635. Artist: Strozzi, Bernardo (1581-1644)
The Descent from the Cross with Saints Mary Magdalene, Augustine, Jerome and Angels, c. 1618. Artist: Procaccini, Giulio Cesare (1574-1625)
Girl with a flute, c.1630. Artist: Bijlert (Bylert), Jan, van (1598-1671)
Mucius Scaevola in the presence of Lars Porsenna, 1640s. Artist: Stomer, Matthias (ca.1600-after 1650)
Peasant Dance, 1630-1635. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Rest on the Flight into Egypt, with Saints, c. 1635. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Diana and Callisto, 1638-1640. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Mercury and Argus, 1636-1638. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Andromeda freed by Perseus, 1641-1642. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Man with a Lute, Between 1621 and 1630. Artist: Dyck, Sir Anthony van (1599-1641)
Landscape with Tobias and the Angel, 1663. Artist: Lorrain, Claude (1600-1682)
The Music Lesson. Artist: Ter Borch, Gerard, (Circle of)
The Procuress, 1656. Artist: Vermeer, Jan (Johannes) (1632-1675)
The centurion Longinus among the crosses of Christ and the two thieves, 1539. Artist: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553)
The Adoration of the Christ Child. Artist: Hoogstraten, Samuel Dirksz, van (1627-1678)
Archimedes, Between 1601 and 1641. Artist: Lagneau, Nicolas (ca 1590-1666)
The Adoration of the Magi, 1624. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Portrait of Marie de Médici (1575-1642), 1622. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
The Immaculate Conception, ca. 1628-1629. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Monkeys in the Kitchen, 1640s. Artist: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)