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Leicester Square, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Regent St, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.
The Adoration of the Magi (After restoration), 1481-1482. Creator: Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).
'The Christmas Camp on the Plateau', December 1908, (1909). Artist: Ernest Shackleton.
Miscellaneous Brussels art nouveau details, Belgium, c2014-c2017. Artist: Alan John Ainsworth.
Christmas at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, 2007. Artist: Phil Ripley.
Selection of mixed nuts, 2009. Artist: Historic England Staff Photographer.
'Christmas Party', c1909. Artist: Unknown.
'A Christmas Souvenir', cover page to sheet music, c1860s. Artist: Unknown.
'The Christmas Pudding', c1860s. Artist: William Ridgway.
'Christmas Charity - Interior of an Hospital in the East', 1855.  Artist: George Meason.
'A Christmas Dinner on the Heights before Sebastopol.', 1855. Artist: John Alfred Vinter.
'Lindisfarne Gospels, 'Christi autem' page. British Museum', c700 AD, (1935).  Artist: Unknown.
Winter, 1915.
Christmas in America, 1919.
When we all believe, 1903.
'Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopedia', 1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Christmas Eve (1910) in the Pack', (1913). Artist: Herbert Ponting.
'The Second Western Party at Cape Geology on Christmas Day, 1911, (1913).  Artist: Frank Debenham.
The Adoration of the Shepherds with Filippo Strozzi (predella of the Lecceto Altarpiece), 1487-1488.
'Christmas Morning, Sandringham, 1936', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
The Epiphany', painting on table from the church of the Blood of Alcover, painted by Jaume Ferrer…
 'The Flight into Egypt', figure of a crib by Ramon Amadeu.
 'Birth of Christ', around 1558, tempera and oil on wood, side table of the 'Altarpiece of Santa …
 'The Nativity', mural of 1346 in St. Michael's chapel in the Monastery of Pedralbes, Barcelona.
Epiphany', detail of the main altar of the church of Santa Maria la Mayor. Altarpiece of Spanish …
Adoration of the Shepherds' by Giacomo Palma.
 'The Adoration of the Magi' by Rubens.
 'Adoration of the Shepherds', detail, by Francisco de Zurbarán.
Cover of the children's book 'Nadal' (Christmas), from the collection 'Bons costums Catalans'. Il…
 'Frontal of the Mother of God', tempera on wood, from Bellver de Cerdanya. The painting is divid…
 'The Annunciation', detail of the work 'The Frontal of the Mother of God', tempera on wood from …
 'Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem' detail of the paintings by Ferrer Bassa, frescoes preserved in the…
 'The Nativity', representing the Virgin and Child and the figures of Mary Salome and Joseph (thi…
 'Epiphany', table of the altarpiece of the Virgin, tempera on wood from the Old Cathedral of Lle…
The three kings, detail of the Avià front, from the Church of St. Mary of Avià in Berguedà. Paint…
Birth, detail of the Avià Front, from the Church of Saint Mary of Avià in Berguedà. Painting on w…
Central capital in the front door of the cloister of the Cathedral of Tarragona representing 'Epi…
Capital in the left part of the Cloister of the Cathedral of Tarragona representing the Magi lyin…
Detail of the 'Epiphany', table by Fernando Gallego.
Central table of the Condestable altarpiece. 'Epiphany ' (1464-1465), in the Chapel of Saint Agat…
Triptych with the theme of the Epiphany, Gothic work in polychromed wood and related to the Gil o…
 'Adoration of the Magi' by Alonso de Berruguete.
Front of the Iguácel altar, detail of the scene of the Epiphany. Panel painting from the church o…
Altarpiece of St. Martin in the church of St. Martin of Tours of Capella (Huesca), detail of the …
 'Visitation and Nativity', detail of the front of the Iguácel altar. Painting on panel from the …
 'Adoration of the Shepherds', table of the altarpiece of the Virgin of the Scale. Work documente…
 'Epiphany', table of the altarpiece of the Virgin of the Scale, documented work between 1437 and…
 'Birth of Jesus', detail of a table of the Roser altarpiece in the church of Sant Joan, in Olesa…
 'The Birth of Jesus', table of the Verdu altarpiece by Jaume Ferrer II.
 'Adoration of the Shepherds', table of the Verdu altarpiece by Jaume Ferrer II.
 'The Birth of Jesus', finishing of the altarpiece of Guimerà, tempera on wood, by Ramon de Mur.
Adoration of the Magi, embroidered on a cloth of gold and silk.
Die-cut nativity scene used as a Christmas card.
Greeting Card to receive the Christmas bonus, from the baker, 1930.
Greeting Card to receive the Christmas bonus, from the night wachtman, 1970.
 'The Adoration of the Kings' Oil by Yáñez de Almedina.
Birth of Jesus, Choirbook No. 5, miniature of the H capital letter of sheet 88v.
Figure of baby Jesus in the crib.
Transportation of fir trees by railway for Christmas celebrations in the region of Thuringia, eng…