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28pages, 1,647 results in yourKeywordsearch for"christmas"Advanced Search
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'Hornblower surrenders', 1920, (1928). Creator: Foulsham and Banfield.
'Facsimile page of MS for "The Country House", by John Galsworthy', 1907, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'Facsimile page of MS for "Indian Summer of a Forsyte", by John Galsworthy', 1918, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'Sir J. M. Barrie', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'James's Court, Edinburgh', 1928. Creator: WH Caffyn.
'W. H. Davies', 1928. Creator: Frank E Slater.
Princess Rosetta, 1928. Creator: Edmund Dulac.
'Ferrara: The Ducal Palace', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'Alfred Noyes', 1928. Creator: Frank E Slater.
'Rome and the Tiber. A Pageant Set on Seven Hills', 1928. Creator: Donald Maxwell.
'Somerset House', 1928. Creator: Joseph Pennell.
'Queen Caroline', 1820, (1928). Creators: Unknown, Thomas A Woolnoth.
'Solomon Sights the Mysterious Palace', 1928. Creator: John Henry Amshewitz.
'The Hon. Maurice Baring', 1928. Creator: Frank E Slater.
"He Pointed To A Rusty Iron Staple", 1928. Creator: Charles Edmund Brock.
'The Hidden Treasure', 1864, (1928).  Creator: Dalziel Brothers.
'From "Count Burkhardt".', 1862, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
"If Thou Wilt Listen To Advice...".', 1928.  Creator: M Watson-Williams.
'The Rape of the Lock', 1896, (1928). Creator: Aubrey Beardsley.
'Borwick Hall, from the North-West', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'A Mountebank of Old London', (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'The Duchess at Bisham Abbey', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
Prince William of Orange 'In His Thirteenth Year', c1662, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'A Navigating Expert at Work in His Study with Globe and Compass', c1591, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'Cordelia for Distinctive Book Jackets', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'Seizing the Reins in One Hand, and Stirring Up the Horse with his Umbrella', 1928. Creator: Athelstan Rusden.
'Little Princess', 1928. Creator: John Kettelwell.
'Abahnahzur', 1928. Creator: John Kettelwell.
'Head-Piece to "The Ghost Raid".', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'Humpty-Dumpty', 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'The Quay, North Shields', 1928. Creator: F Robson.
Man with guitar, c1950. Creator: Shirley Markham.
Christmas skaters, c1970. Creator: Shirley Markham.
Conductor and orchestra, Christmas card, 1952. Creator: Shirley Markham.
Devil and fairy, Christmas card, 1952. Creator: Shirley Markham.
'On the Route of the Lapland Express', 1935-36. Creator: Unknown.
Taxus baccata L. (Yew), c1903 -1915. Creator: Harold Drinkwater.
Viscum album L. (Mistletoe), c1800-1830. Creator: Pierre-Joseph Redoute.
Viscum album L (Mistletoe), c1870-1920. Creator: Harold Drinkwater.
Ilex aquifolium L. (Common Holly), c1870-1920. Creator: Harold Drinkwater.
Decorating for Christmas, pub. 1854. Creator: Alfred W Cooper (1850 - 1901).
Vertical bands or borders in dark colours on gold ground, pub. 1892. Creator: George Ashdown Audsley (1838-1925).
La Soule, en Basse - Normandie, pub February 28, 1852. Creator: French School (19th Century).
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1531.
The Illustrated Sporting News,  Christmas Number, 1900. Creator: Edward Penfield (1866 - 1835).
Nativity and Annunciation to the Shepherds, Between 1500 and 1550.
The Nativity of Christ (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1314.
The Nativity of Christ (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1268.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, ca 1609.
Nativity, c1546.
The Adoration of the Christ Child, c1519.
Il Natale dei rimasti (The Christmas of those who remain), 1903.
Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence, 1609.
'Up, Guards and at them!', 1899. Creator: Richard Caton Woodville II.
'Christmas of the Past, 1580', (1859). Creator: Unknown.
Royal Naval College group portrait, Isle of Wight, 1914. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
The Dining Hall at Sandringham, Norfolk, 1894. Creator: Unknown.
Covent Garden, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Hamleys, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Leicester Square, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.