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Statuette of the Goddess Mut, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (abt 1069-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the Theban Triad, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period.. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Menkheperre (Thutmose III)/Sphinx with Crown and Beard, Egypt, New Kingdom?... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (scarab beetle, nfr-sign, red crown), Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Second... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Red Crown, nfr- and nb-Signs: Trigramme of Amun), Egypt, New Kingdom... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Red Crown, nfr- and nb-Signs: Trigramme of Amun), Egypt, New Kingdom... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Red Crown, nfr- and nb-Signs: Trigramme of Amun), Egypt, New Kingdom... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Falcon with Red Crown and Cobra (?), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (?)... Creator: Unknown.
Head From a Shabti (Funerary Figurine) of Queen Tiye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign... Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of Osiris, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Sketch of a King, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19-20 (about 1295-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Allegorical Figure of Columbia, Stoke on Trent, c. 1800. Creator: Minton.
Reliquary, France, late 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Glass Cooler, Paris, 1809/19. Creator: Martin-Guillaume Biennais.
Covered Vase, England, 1884. Creator: Crown Derby.
Allegorical Figure of Europe, Derby, 1770/80. Creator: Derby Porcelain Manufactory England.
Adoration of the Magi, c. 1519. Creator: Jan van Scorel.
Apollo Granting Phaeton Permission to Drive the Chariot of the Sun, 1690/95. Creator: Johann Michael Rottmayr.
Retable of Saints Athanasius, Blaise, and Agatha, 1440/45. Creator: Master of Riglos.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1420/25. Creator: Master of the Worcester Carrying of the Cross.
Reliquary Bust of Saint Margaret of Antioch, 1465/70. Creators: Nikolaus Gerhaert, Workshop of Niclaus Gerhaert von Leyden.
Christ Carrying the Cross, about 1515/1517. Creator: Sebastiano del Piombo.
Saint Francis before the Pope (The Approva of the Franciscan Rule), 1390/1400. Creator: Spinello Aretino.
Antiochus Yearning for Stratonice, c. 1740. Creator: Stefano Pozzi.
The Institution of the Rosary, c. 1590. Creator: Unknown.
Wine Glass, France, Mid 19th century. Creator: Baccarat Glasshouse.
Preview before the auction of the properties of the Romanov Tsar family, Moscow, 1927, 1927. Creator: Anonymous.
The Mall, Westminster, Greater London Authority, 1953. Creator: JR Uppington.
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, 1957-1965. Creator: GL Blake.
Applique Quilt - "King David's Crown", c. 1938. Creator: Elbert S. Mowery.
Commemorative Figure, 1935/1942. Creator: Henry Murphy.
Guilford Painted Chest, c. 1936. Creator: Martin Partyka.
Amulet of the God Anubis wearing Atef Crown, Egypt, Late Period (about 664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of Mut with Khonsu, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period (about 1070-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Crown of Upper Egypt, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Crown of Lower Egypt, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Feathers of Amon, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the God Horus as a Falcon with Double Crown, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664... Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the God Pataikos wearing Atef Crown, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period... Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Double Crown, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Bottle with Stopper, Spain, c. 1771. Creator: Unknown.
Pendant with the Christ Child, Spain, c. 1650. Creator: Unknown.
Crown, Probably for a Statue of the Christ Child, Spain, c. 1600-c. 1650. Creator: Unknown.
Pendant Cross, Spain, 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Chess Piece: Queen, Burslem, Late 18th century. Creator: Wedgwood.
Goblet, Potsdam, c. 1720. Creator: Unknown.
Allegorical Figure Representing Asia, Meissen, 1746. Creator: Meissen Porcelain.
St. Louis of France, France, Late 17th to early 18th century. Creator: Verres de Nevers.
King, France, 18th century. Creator: Verres de Nevers.
Actor, France, Early 18th century. Creator: Verres de Nevers.
Incendiary Coil ("Crown of Fire"), Austria, 16th/18th century. Creator: Unknown.
Wine Glass, England, c. 1760/80. Creator: Unknown.
Plate, Delft, c. 1700. Creator: Delftware.
Vase, Vienna, c. 1730. Creator: Du Paquier Porcelain Manufactory.
Beaker, Bohemia, 1698. Creator: Bohemia Glass.
Beaker, Bohemia, Early 18th century. Creator: Bohemia Glass.
The Ecstasy of Saint Francis, 1601. Creator: Giovanni Baglione.
The Plague in the Reign of David, 1675/1700. Creator: Guy-Louis Vernansal.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1500/15. Creator: Hans Maler.
The Crucifixion, c. 1487. Creator: Carlo Crivelli.