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82pages, 4,863 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown"Advanced Search
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Virgin and Child Crowned by Angels, 1490/95. Creator: Colyn de Coter.
Pietà, c. 1686. Creator: Filippo Parodi.
Christ on the Cross, 1575/1625. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Cross, c.1650. Creator: Unknown.
Christ on the Living Cross, 1420/30. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels Holding a Crown, 1505/15. Creator: Ansano Ciampanti.
The Crucifixion, 1494. Creator: Unknown.
Madonna of Humility, 1375/1400. Creator: Unknown.
Pietà, 1475/1500. Creator: Unknown.
Theodosius Repulsed from the Church by Saint Ambrose, 1700/10. Creator: Alessandro Magnasco.
Jeanne d'Arc, 1875/1900. Creator: Antonin Mercié.
The Crown Prince of Prussia, 1860-69. Creator: John Jabez Edwin Mayall.
The Crown Princess of Prussia, 1861. Creator: John Jabez Edwin Mayall.
Menelek, 1896/1902. Creator: Fred Holland Day.
Study of Head of Christ, 1898. Creator: Fred Holland Day.
Hand Needlework, c. 1938. Creator: Frank J Mace.
Trivet, c. 1942. Creator: Violet Hartenstein.
Penitent Christ, 1937. Creator: Eldora P. Lorenzini.
Figurehead, c. 1939. Creator: Helen E. Gilman.
Jupiter in a Chariot Drawn by Two Peacocks..., 1533. Creator: Unknown.
The Dead Christ supported by an angel, 1582. Creator: Giuseppe Scolari.
Maximilian I Hearing Mass, ca. 1515. Creator: Hans Weiditz.
The Pope, from The Dance of Death, ca. 1526, published 1538. Creator: Hans Lützelburger.
Carpenters, ca.1500. Creator: Hans Burgkmair, the Elder.
Recueil d'Ornemens à l'usage des jeunes artistes, 1777. Creator: Mademoiselle Liothier.
Last Judgment; after Michelangelo's fresco in the Sistine Chapel, ca. 1545. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
Ecclesiastics in a landscape writing, others in the heavenly realm above, c1650. Creator: Giovanni Cesare Testa.
Saint Louis giving alms to the poor, 1735. Creator: Giovanni Francesco Braccioli.
John Milton, 1760. Creator: Giovanni Battista Cipriani.
John Milton, 1760. Creator: Giovanni Battista Cipriani.
Contest between Apollo and Marsyas, ca. 1754. Creator: Girolamo da Carpi.
Allegory of Painting (The Death of Leonardo da Vinci), ca. 1780-99. Creator: Giuseppe Cades.
William Shakespeare, 1719. Creator: George Vertue.
Ecce Homo, with Pontius Pilate behind him at left, the Virgin fainting at lower left, and ..., 1850. Creator: George Thomas Doo.
Portrait of Maria Luisa d'Orleans (1662-1689), wife of Charles II of Spain, ca. 1689. Creators: Giovanni Battista Bonacina, Cesare Fiori.
The Holy Family with angels at right and overhead, 1652. Creator: Giovanni Battista Beinaschi.
Untitled (Portrait of Two Standing Women Holding an American Flag), 1856. Creator: Unknown.
The Coronation of the Virgin, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Resurrection, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
The martyrdom of Saint Vitalis of Milan, who is being buried alive, 1776. Creators: Giovanni Battista Cecchi, Ranieri Allegranti.
The Eleven Ages of Woman, mid 17th century. Creator: Gerhard Altzenbach.
The Eleven Ages of Man, mid 17th century. Creator: Gerhard Altzenbach.
Ecce Homo with three angels, 1634-86. Creator: Gilles Rousselet.
The Entombment, ca. 1622. Creator: Giovanni Temini.
Christ crucified on the cross, a skull at the base, ca. 1770-1803. Creator: Giovanni Volpato.
The Competition of Apollo and Marsyas and the Judgment of Midas, 1562. Creator: Giulio Sanuto.
Statue of Apollo, 1734. Creator: Giovanni Battista Jacoboni.
Historic Spanish Record of the Conquest, South Side of Inscription Rock..., 1873. Creator: Tim O'Sullivan.
The Crown Inn, Borxbourne, 1880s. Creator: Peter Henry Emerson.
The Madame B Album, 1870s. Creator: Marie Blanche Hennelle Fournier.
The Madame B Album, 1870s. Creator: Marie Blanche Hennelle Fournier.
The Madame B Album, 1870s. Creator: Marie Blanche Hennelle Fournier.
A section of a Shahnama (Part III), Mughal dynasty, late 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Ramayana (Tales of Rama; The Freer Ramayana), Volume 1, Mughal dynasty, 1597-1605. Creators: Syama Sundara, Ghulam 'Ali, Kala Pahara, Kamal.
Straw hat worn during the 1966 March Against Fear, 1966. Creator: Unknown.
Trophy awarded to the Texas Southern University Debate Team, 1967. Creator: A.C. Rehberger Company.
Straw cowboy hat with feathered hat band worn by Arthur Lee, ca. 2000. Creator: Unknown.
Straw sombrero hat associated with Civil Rights campaign, Camden, Alabama, 1971-1972. Creator: Unknown.
Photograph of an unidentified man holding a saber, ca. 1920. Creator: Unknown.
The Pitt Fall, January 1789. Creator: Frederick George Byron.