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The Triumphal Chariot of Maximilian I (The Great Triumphal Car) [plate 1 of 8], 1523 (Latin ed.). Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin Surrounded by Many Angels, 1518. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Coat of Arms of Lorenz Staiber, probably 1520/1521. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Triumphal Chariot of Maximilian I (The Great Triumphal Car) [plate 4 of 8], 1523 (Latin ed.). Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Triumphal Chariot of Maximilian I (The Great Triumphal Car) [plate 2 of 8], 1523 (Latin ed.). Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Triumphal Chariot of Maximilian I (The Great Triumphal Car), 1523 (Latin ed.). Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Venice Crowned Holding Cornucopiae and Scales, Galley and Arms [reverse], 1539. Creator: Andrea Spinelli.
Crowned Shield [reverse], 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Giovanni Francesco Tinti, Poet and Astrologer [obverse], 1581. Creator: Unknown.
The Crowning of the Virgin, second half 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Louis XIV, probably c. 1875/1900. Creator: Giovanni Verona.
Female Figure Placing a Wreath on an Ox's Horns [reverse], probably 1558. Creator: Alessandro Vittoria.
Justice and Faith [reverse], 1823. Creator: Mathias-Nicholas-Marie Vivier.
Charles IX, 1550-1574, King of France 1560 [obverse], 1572. Creator: Pierre Woeiriot.
Fame Crowning Painting and Sculpture [reverse], 1848. Creator: Charles Cushing Wright.
Fame Crowning Painting and Sculpture [reverse], 1848. Creator: Charles Cushing Wright.
Fame Crowning Painting and Sculpture [reverse], 1847. Creator: Charles Cushing Wright.
Fame Crowning Painting and Sculpture [reverse], 1849. Creator: Charles Cushing Wright.
Fame Crowning Painting and Sculpture [reverse], 1847. Creator: Charles Cushing Wright.
George, 1762-1830, Prince of Wales, King George V 1820 [obverse], 1814. Creator: Thomas Wyon.
Tapestry-covered Cushion, c. 1675/1725. Creator: Unknown.
Tapestry-covered Cushion, c. 1675/1725. Creator: Unknown.
Tapestry-covered Cushion, c. 1675/1725. Creator: Unknown.
Tapestry-covered Cushion, c. 1675/1725. Creator: Unknown.
The Man of Sorrows with Hands Bound, 1512. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Man of Sorrows with Arms Outstretched, c. 1500. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin and Child Crowned by Two Angels, 1518. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin and Child on a Crescent with a Starry Crown, 1508. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin and Child on a Crescent with a Sceptre and a Starry Crown, 1516. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1512. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The King Being Crowned between Peace and Justice [reverse], 1714. Creator: Nicolaus Seeländer.
King Charles II in Coronation Robes [obverse], 1661. Creator: Thomas Simon.
King Charles II Enthroned, being Crowned by Peace [reverse], 1661. Creator: Thomas Simon.
Ferdinand II, 1452-1516, King of Aragon 1479, and Isabella, 1451-1504, Queen of Castile and León 147 Creator: Unknown.
Parupus, an Unknown Poet [obverse], probably 1463/1477. Creator: Sperandio Savelli.
Salamander in Flames [reverse], probably 1515/1518. Creator: Giovanni Maria Pomedelli.
Louis XIII, 1601-1643, King of France 1610 [obverse], 1624. Creator: Pierre Regnier.
Allegorical Scene [reverse], c. 1661. Creator: Jan Roettiers.
Charles II, 1630-1685, King of England 1660 [obverse], 1662. Creator: Jan Roettiers.
Charles II, King of England: Proclamation of the Peace of Breda [obverse], 1667. Creator: Jan Roettiers.
Della Rovere Shield, Crossed Keys, and Tiara [reverse], 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Shield with the Medici Arms, Surmounted by the Papal Tiara and Crossed Keys [reverse], c. 1513/1515. Creator: Unknown.
Shield with the Medici Arms, Surmounted by the Papal Tiara and Crossed Keys [reverse], c. 1513/1515. Creator: Unknown.
Shield with the Arms of Della Rovere [reverse], 1507. Creator: Unknown.
Venus and Cupid Bestowing Two Crowns [reverse], 1699. Creator: Philipp Heinrich Müller.
Crowned Shield [reverse], 1523. Creator: Unknown.
Antoine, 1489-1544, Duke of Lorraine 1508 [obverse], 1523. Creator: Unknown.
Britannia Crowning the King [reverse], 1761. Creator: Johann Lorenz Natter.
Fame Crowning the Queen before an Altar [reverse], 1761. Creator: Johann Lorenz Natter.
Coronation of King George III [obverse], 1761. Creator: Johann Lorenz Natter.
Ferdinand (Ferrante) I of Aragon, 1423-1494, King of Naples 1458 [obverse], 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Francesco Potenziano, or Francesco da Potenza [obverse], c. 1575. Creator: Unknown.
Adrian VI (Adrian Dedal, 1459-1523), Pope 1522, 1522/1523. Creator: Unknown.
Salamander in Flames [reverse], 1537. Creator: Ludwig Neufahrer.
Augusto da Udine (Publio Augusto Graziani), Poet and Astrologer [obverse], c. 1519. Creator: Maffeo Olivieri.
Della Rovere Shield of Arms [reverse], 1667/1682. Creator: Girolamo Paladino.
Heraclius I, c. 575-641, Roman Emperor 610 [obverse], 1402/1413. Creator: Unknown.
Fountain Surmounted by a Nude Male Figure [reverse], c. 1446. Creator: Matteo di Andrea de Pasti.
Winged Human Eye [reverse], 1446/1450. Creator: Matteo di Andrea de Pasti.
Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, 1417-1468, Lord of Rimini and Fano [obverse], 1450. Creator: Unknown.