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82pages, 4,863 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown"Advanced Search
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'Spirit of the Dead Watching', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Conversation Without Words', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Peasants with Flowers', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Ta Orana', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'At Home', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Tahitiennes Au Mango', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Te Tamari', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Tahitian Women', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Drawing', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Eating', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
'Sketch', 1936. Artist: Paul Gauguin.
Wellington Visiting the Relics of Napoleon, 19th century. Artist: Unknown.
'Jewels of a Lady of the Court in the Great Days of Ur', c1935. Artist: Joint Expedition to Ur.
'The King is Crowned', May 12 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Swearing Fealty', May 12 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Primate Kneels at the King's Knees', May 12 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Robed and Crowned', May 12 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Mother and Daughter', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Queen is Crowned', May 12 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'King George VI leaves the Abbey', May 12 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Official Coronation Group', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'Napoleon I', c1810, (1896). Artist: Unknown.
'Francis I., Emperor of Austria', c1804, (1896). Artist: M Haider.
'Her Majesty the Queen', 1937. Creator: Louis Dezart.
'The Orb', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Royal Sceptre with The Cross', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'Two Crowns, Two Sceptres', May 12 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Queen's Crown', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Queen's Coat of Arms', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Imperial Crown of State', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'The Sword of State', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Josephine - Empress of the French', c1808, (1896). Artist: Henry Wolf.
'The Regalia', May 12 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Sword of State', May 12 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'The Imperial Crown of India', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
Saint Domingo saving castaways', detail of the altarpiece 'St. Francis and the Franciscan orders'…
Clemency of King Louis XII in April 1498 on the occasion of his accession to the throne, engravin…
Satirical comic strip 'Los reyes sin corona' (Uncrowned Kings), Albert of Belgium, 1918. Drawing …
Archaeological park of San Agustín in Huila, Colombia. Table A, set of 3 figures, in the middle t…
 'The Holy Face', tempera on wood by John Gascó.
Banquet given by Pere Martell to James I in Tarragona in 1228, where he decided the conquest of t…
James II The Fair (1267-1327), King of Aragon and Catalonia presiding the Courts of Barcelona. Mi…
Dominican friar.  Miniature 'Libre dels Feyts del Rei en Jacme' (Manuscript of Poblet), manuscrip…
Jaume Marquilles gives his book to Counselors of Barcelona in the presence of King Alfons IV the …
Travellers received in Rome in solemn procession, fragment of the 'Altarpiece of St. Ursula', pan…
Martyrdom of St. Ursula and her companions in Cologne at the hands of the Huns and decapitation o…
Martyrdom of St. Ursula and her companions in Cologne at the hands of the Huns and beheading of t…
Military retinue against Almogavars, mural Painting in the old Royal Palace in Barcelona, known a…
An emissary of Pope Hadrian I asks for help to Charlemagne to defend Rome from the Lombards of Ki…
Louis VII, King of France, with Cistercian monks, embarking to the Holy Land in 1145, miniature i…
Charlemagne visiting Rome, miniature in the incunable 'Ogier le Danois', printed by A. Verard, Pa…
Treasury of Guarrazar (Toledo), votive crown found in 1853.
The conversion of Recaredo, the Visigoth King Recaredo I is converted to Christianity in the Thir…
Abdication of Alphonse III, King of Asturias (866-910) in favor of his sons Garcia, Ordoño and Fr…
Sicilian Vespers (1282).
Royal Camp of King James I, during the siege of the city of Mallorca in 1229, fragment in 'The Co…
Saint Mark healing the wound hand of the shoemaked named Aniano, table of the 'Altarpiece of Sain…
Fight and entry of the troops of James I by the painted door of Medina Myurka (1229), table in th…
Return to port of the fleet of King Ferdinand I of Naples, the Battle of Ischia (07/06/1464) agai…
Crown of princess Knumet, from Dahsur.