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Custodia, chair and crown of King Martí l'Humà in the Barcelona Cathedral.
Jester, miniature in a Breviary.
Interview in Alcañiz of King James I the Conqueror (1213 - 1276) with Hugo de Forcalquer and Blas…
Ermengol IV d'Urgell (- 1092) selling his vassal, Arnau Mir de Tost (- 1071), Llordà Castle, Mini…
Arabs of the city of Majorca defending themselves from the assault and siege of the troops of Kin…
Scenes of banking in a scroll extracted from a manual of the file of protocols, illuminated manus…
Entry of the troops of James I in Valencia, wall Painting, 14th century.
Cover with different scenes. Miniature in 'Codex Justinian Institutiones Feudorum et Alia', c.1300.
The woman clothed with the sun, crowned with twelve stars and the seven-headed dragon, miniature …
King delivering battle titles, confirmation of the privileges, customs and memories of Pere Alber…
King Alphonse II (1152-1196), confirmation of the privileges, customs and memories of Pere Albert…
Vidal Canellas offering his text to King James I, Miniature in 'Vidal Mayor', an illuminated manu…
King as judge and two lawyers with their clients, Miniature in 'Vidal Mayor', illuminated manuscr…
Defeat and retreat of the French troops of Philip II of Burgundy 'the Daring' in the Coll de Pani…
King James I the Conqueror presiding the Courts of Lleida in March 1242. Miniature in the 'Consti…
Knight with coat of arms and other heraldic elements, detail of a miniature in the 'Llibre dels U…
The conquest of Majorca, mural painting, from the late 13th century.
The King Ferran and his court, Miniature in the 'Llibre dels Usatges i Constitucions de Catalunya…
King Alphonse II (1152-1196), confirmation of Privileges of sales to the merchants of the city of…
Sicilian Eve (1282), oil Painting from 19th century by Francesco Hayez.
The Countess de Bearn pays servitude to King Alphonse I the Chaste (1162 - 1196), agreeing not to…
Poor and pilgrims standing behind a well laid table, hosted by Pia Almoina, fragment of the Wall …
Pius VII crowns Napoleon as emperor in Notre Dame in 1804.
Representation of a scribe or historian, miniature in the 'Llibre dels Usatges i Constitucions de…
Alphonse III The Benign (1327 - 1336) chairing the Courts held in Montblanc, in 1330, detail, min…
James II the Just (1291 - 1327) in the act of approving the constitutions agreed in the Courts of…
King James I the Conqueror (1213 - 1276) chairing a session of the Parliament. Miniature in the '…
 'The Collector (Pere Albert) featuring the codex to the prince', Miniature in the 'Usatges de Ba…
Crowned Skull, about the plague.
Saint Mark heals the wounded hand of the shoemaker Aniano, table of the 'Altarpiece of Saint Mark…
Decreto de Nueva Planta (Decree of New Plant), last page with the signature of king Phillip V; it…
Charlemagne leading his troops in a battle against the Saracens in Spain. (780). Miniature in the…
La Giralda, the minaret of the old mosque and now the bell tower of the cathedral, built in the A…
Decreto de Nueva Planta (Decree of New Plant), first page, special political-administrative regim…
Moor and Christian playing chess, table in the 'Altar of St. Nicholas, Saint Clara and Saint Anth…
Distribution of the kingdom of the Franks among the four sons of King Clovis I (465-511): Clodomi…
Empress Vedova Richent goes to Compiegne and offers to Ludovico the scepter and the crown of his …
Death of Charlemagne (814) miniature, 14th century.
Roger de Llúria (1250-1305), Catalan military of Italian origin.
Elisenda of Montcada (1292-1364), consort queen of the crown of Aragon, fourth wife of James II.
Royal Proclamation of King Charles III, 1780, privileges of the Crown to the vassals engaged in t…
Miniature 'royal privileges Index' (XIII century), Folio 66 v, with Fernando III, EL Santo (1199-…
Carlos Isidro de Borbon (1788-1855), brother of King Fernando VII and Carlist pretender to the cr…
Ramon Muntaner (1265-1336), Catalan writer and military, between 1325 and 1332 wrote his 'Chronic…
Assembly 'Pau i Treva' held in Tortosa on April 28, 1225 and presided over by King Jaime I 'The C…
Tribute from the citizens of Barcelona to Count King or 'oath of vasallage' miniature in the 'Lli…
Catalan troops in the campaign of Greece.
Cover of the Latin edition printed by Jean Petit in Paris in 1505, 'Libre d'Amic e d'Amat' (Song …
Cover of 'La Dispute d'un Asne contre frere Anselme Turmeda', printed edition in Pamplona (Navarr…
Interview in Alcaniz of the King James I the Conqueror (1213 - 1276) with Hugo Forcalquer and Bla…
Jaume Marquilles gives his book to the Counselors of Barcelona in the presence of King Alfons IV …
Bernat I Tallaferro from Besalú (? 970 - 1020), Count of Besalu, donates his son Guillem I the ca…
Sacramental Witness of Count Bernat I of Besalú the Tallaferro (? 970 - 1020), miniature in 'Libe…
Donation made by Bernat Ató IV and his wife Cecelia, viscounts of Béziers, as a dowry to their da…
Ramon Muntaner (1265 - 1336), Catalan writer and military, between 1325 and 1332 wrote his 'Chron…
Cover of the edition printed in 1499 'Regiment de la Cosa Pública' (Regime of Public Affairs) wit…
Cover of 'Llibre de les dones' (Book of the women) where the Franciscan Eiximenis is depicted wri…
Engraving of a tree in the work 'Arbor Scientiae' (Science Tree) copy printed in Barcelona in 150…
The gentleman Paris, engraving of the incunable 'Paris and Viana', edition printed in Barcelona i…
View of a castle, engraving in 'Coplas de Mallorca' (Songs of Majorca), 1398.