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Reclining Male Nude, Foreshortened, 1562. Creator: Jacopo Tintoretto.
The Last Judgment, n.d. Creator: Jacopo Tintoretto.
Calendar, 1476. Creator: Regiomontanus.
Oliver Goldsmith, n.d. Creator: Joseph Marchi.
Cupid Punishing a Satyr, n.d. Creator: Jusepe de Ribera.
A Group of Figures, c.1649. Creator: Jusepe de Ribera.
Ceiling Design with Mars Driving His Chariot, 1565/69. Creator: Lattanzio Gambara.
Study for the Annunciation, n.d. Creator: Lazzaro Baldi.
Seated Female Figure (Saint Scholastica?) Holding a Dove, n.d. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Tobias and Sarah Praying on Their Wedding Night, n.d. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Study for Saint James Saving an Innocent from the Flames, 1600. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Design for a Ceiling Decoration, 1590/1614. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Crew Abandoning Ship (recto) Sketches of Corinthian Columns (verso), c.1600. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Design for Corner of a Ceiling Decoration, 1590/1614. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Queen Intervening to Spare the Life of a Bishop Saint, c.1634. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Zeus and Psyche, n.d. Creators: Lazzaro Tavarone, Andrea Lilio.
Road to Cavalry, c.1585. Creator: Leandro Bassano.
Apollo Driving the Chariot of the Sun, 1544/45. Creator: Lelio Orsi.
Study for the Trial of Saint Dominic's and Albigensian Books by Fire, 1614/16. Creator: Leonello Spada.
Design for a Spandrel: A Roman Martyr and Two Putti-Saint Jude the Apostle, 1573/75. Creator: Livio Agresti da Forlì.
Approval of the Rules of the Franciscan Order by Pope Innocent III in 1209, n.d. Creator: Livio Agresti da Forlì.
Saint Catherine Disputing with the Philosophers, 1562/63. Creator: Livio Agresti da Forlì.
Two Women Chasing a Man, 17th century. Creators: Lodovico Carracci, Domenico Fiasella.
Standing Monk Holding Host and Palen, n.d. Creators: Lodovico Carracci, Simone Cantarini, Bartolomeo Cesi.
Putto, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Spangen, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Virgin Annunciate, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Two Monks, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
The Conversion of Saint Paul, 1587/89. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Battle of Amazons, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Feast of Ceres, n.d. Creator: Lodovico Lipparini.
Christ Stripped of His Garments, n.d. Creators: Lorenzo Garbieri, Jesus Christ.
Lucretia, n.d. Creator: Lorenzo Pasinelli.
Upturned Head of Saint Dominic, n.d. Creator: Lorenzo Sabatini.
Saint Anne and Saint Joachim Offering the Virgin Mary as a Child to the Eternal Father, c.1770. Creator: Lorenzo Tiepolo.
The Miracle of St. Anthony of Padua, c.1737-72. Creator: Lorenzo Tiepolo.
Rinaldo Leaving Armida, 1751-53. Creator: Lorenzo Tiepolo.
Saint Thecla Praying for the End of the Plague in the City of Este, after 1759. Creator: Lorenzo Tiepolo.
Resurrected Christ, c.1559. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Standing Male Nude (Saint Jerome?) with Book, 1550/59. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Mars and Cupid, c.1550. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Visitation, c.1555. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Allegorical Subject (Angel above Two Sibyls), 1560/65. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Saint John the Baptist Preaching, c.1584. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Venus Mourning the Death of Adonis, ca. 1562-63. Creator: Luca Cambiaso.
Study for Juno (or Diana) with a Peacock, 1584/85. Creators: Luca Cambiaso, Lazzaro Tavarone, Bernardo Castello.
Portrait Bust of a Woman with a Large Collar, from Perfect School to Learn How..., n.d. Creator: Luca Ciamberlano.
Last Supper, c.1685. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Allegorical Figures Holding the Papal Insignia, study after the Allegory of Divine..., c.1650. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Rape of Europa, 1652-1705. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Saint John the Baptist Preaching (recto); Male Nude with Raised Arms and Sketches..., n.d. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Evangelist Looking Upward, n.d. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Saint Anne Received in Heaven by Christ and the Virgin, c.1653. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Deposition, 1540/46. Creator: Luca Penni.
Virgin and Child with the Infant John the Baptist, 1540/56. Creator: Luca Penni.
Study for Cosimo I Reorganizing the Tuscan Troops, 1589. Creator: Ludovico Buti.
Head of a Bearded Man, Looking Up to Right: Study for Saint Catherine of Alexandria..., c.1603. Creator: Ludovico Cardi.
Study of a Youth for the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche, 1611/13. Creator: Ludovico Cardi.
Scene with Soldiers, c.1589. Creator: Ludovico Cardi.
Study for a Thesis Conclusion Presented to the Duke of Mantua, 1616/19. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.