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Views in Egypt (plates), 1801. Creators: Luigi Mayer, Thomas Milton, Thomas Bensley, Robert Bowyer.
Views in Egypt (text), 1801. Creators: Luigi Mayer, Thomas Milton, Thomas Bensley, Robert Bowyer.
The Arch of Septimus Severus, 1820. Creator: Luigi Rossini.
Christ Blessing Three Young Men, initial M from a Gradual, 1320/30. Creator: Maestro Daddesco.
Resurrection of the Dead, 1600/10. Creator: Marcantonio Bassetti.
Christ Entering Jerusalem, 1600/10. Creator: Marcantonio Bassetti.
Putto with Club of Hercules, 1575/78. Creators: Marco Marchetti, Bartolomeo Schedoni, Raffaello Motta.
Mercury and Mars, n.d. Creators: Marco Marcola, Charles le Brun.
Caricatures of Two Men and a Woman, n.d. Creators: Marco Ricci, Bernardo Bellotto, Pier Leone Ghezzi.
A Capriccio with Horses Watering in a River Outside a Walled Town, c.1720. Creator: Marco Ricci.
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, n.d. Creator: Marco San Martino.
Ceremony in Church, n.d. Creators: Marie-Felice Subleyras-Tibaldi, Francisco de Zurbaran.
Ascension of Female Saint, n.d. Creator: Martino Altomonte.
Miracle of the Deer of Saint Bassiano, from a Choir Book, 1500/10. Creator: Francesco Binasco.
Holy Family Crowned by an Angel, 1530/35. Creator: Master F. P..
Saint James the Greater, n.d. Creator: Master F. P..
Parnassus Profaned, after 1520. Creator: Master HFE.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c.1520. Creator: Master HFE.
Saint Jerome and the Lion, c.1509. Creator: Giovanni Battista Palumba.
Saint Sebastian, 1506/07. Creator: Master I.B. with the Bird.
The Nativity, 1500/10. Creator: Master I.I.C.A..
St. Ambrose and the Emperor Theodosius, n.d. Creator: Master IRs.
The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint Anne, 1512/13. Creator: Master NA. DAT with the Mousetrap.
Cleopatra Lying at the Foot of a Tree, with a Term, 1515. Creator: Master of 1515.
Allegory: Combat of Animals in the Presence of Man with Shield, 1515/20. Creator: Master of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.
Beheading of St. John the Baptist, n.d. Creator: Master of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.
Faith, plate 40 from Genii and Virtues, 1470/80. Creator: Master of the S-Series Tarocchi.
The Two Armies at the Battle of Ravenna, 1512, c.1512, printed 1530. Creator: Master with the Mousetrap.
Battering Rams from De re militari (Concerning Military Matters)..., 1472, portfolio assembled 1929. Creators: Matteo di Andrea de Pasti, Johannes Nicolai de Verona, Robert Valturio, Wilhelm Ludwig Schreiber.
Study of Two Angels, 1661/1666. Creator: Mattia Preti.
Architectural Fantasy (recto); Architectural Details (verso), n.d. Creator: Mauro Antonio Tesi.
Shipwreck, n.d. Creator: Filippo Napoletano.
Joseph and his Brothers at the Well, Initial V from an Antiphonary, 1310/15. Creator: Neri da Rimini.
Hercules at the Crossroads, n.d. Creator: Niccolo Berrettoni.
Study for the Duel between Heraclius and Khosrau (r); Sketches of Seated Figure (v), 1582. Creator: Niccolo Circignani.
Group of Figures (recto) Fragment of a Female Head (verso), 1560/1611. Creator: Il Trometta.
Portrait of Girolamo Ruscelli, 1566. Creator: Nicolo Nelli.
Panel of Ornament with a Birdcage, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
The Nativity and the Adoration of the Shepherds, c.1512. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Saint Sebastian, 1500/10. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornamental Panel: Victoria Augusta, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Ornament Panel with Mars, God of Battles, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Fate of the Evil Tongue, c.1507. Creator: Nicoletto da Modena.
Saint Jerome in the Wilderness, 1525-30. Creator: Nicolo Boldrini.
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1535/45. Creator: Nicolo Boldrini.
Laöcoon, 1540/45. Creator: Nicolo Boldrini.
The Milkmaid, n.d. Creator: Nicolo Boldrini.
Four Saints in a Historiated Initial "P" from a Choirbook or Antiphonal, 1460/80. Creator: Bartolomeo Rigossi.
Two Marys Discover the Empty Tomb in a Historiated Initial "M", 1475/99. Creator: Unknown.
Papal Prophecies, 1450/99 (modern binding). Creator: Unknown.
Plaster Cast of Left Hand, n.d. Creator: Onorio Marinari.
The Holy Family, 1568. Creator: Orazio de Sanctis.
Cupid Overcoming Pan, n.d. Creator: Orazio Samacchini.
Study of a Kneeling Saint, 1570/75. Creator: Orazio Samacchini.
Naumachia in the Courtyard of Palazzo Pitti, 1592. Creator: Orazio Scarabelli.
Fire in the Borgo (recto); Slight Sketch of the Fire in the Borgo (verso), 1726/1750. Creator: Ottaviano Dandini.
Giovanni Baglione, 1625. Creator: Ottavio Mario Leoni.
Marcellus Provenzalis, 1623. Creator: Ottavio Mario Leoni.
Antonius Tempesta, 1623. Creator: Ottavio Mario Leoni.
Saints Mark and Marcellian Led to Their Execution, while Comforted by Saint Sebastian, n.d. Creator: Paolo Veronese.