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Two Mothers with Children (Die Kinderaue), ca. 1512. Creator: Hans Baldung.
Frederick de Vries, 1597. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Children, Obey Me, Do Not Play With Those Weapons, April 1834. Creators: Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, Auguste Desperret.
Leapfrog, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Bagpipes, mid to late 18th century. Creator: Jacques Gabriel Huquier.
Old woman on a swing (Vieja columpiándose).n.d. Creator: Francisco Goya.
Plate 50 from 'Los Caprichos': The Chinchillas (Los Chinchillas.), 1799. Creator: Francisco Goya.
Woman Playing with a Cat, 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Meleager and Atalanta, 1643. Creator: Francois Chauveau.
Chinoiserie scene with figures in a landscape, 18th century. Creator: Gabriel Huquier.
Triumph of Love: four horses draw a carriage with Cupid standing upon a smoking platfo..., ca. 1539. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Les Enfants physiciens. Creator: Gilles Demarteau.
The Madonna of Loreto, by 1575. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
Madonna of Loreto, the Virgin lifts a veil above the Child, who lies on a bed and pillow..., 1575. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
The Triumph of Love from The Triumphs of Petrarch, ca. 1548-49. Creator: Unknown.
The Triumph of Divinity or Eternity from The Triumphs of Petrarch, ca. 1548-49. Creator: Unknown.
Fortune Using Man as a Plaything from Six Sayings about Fortune, ca. 1560. Creator: Dirck Volkertsen Coornhert.
Child Swimming, ca. 1741. Creators: Dominique Sornique, Pierre Alexandre Aveline.
Vision, 18th century. Creator: Gabriel Huquier.
Frieze with children, 1531. Creator: Christoph Bockstorffer.
Six putti playing with the arms of Mars, four holding onto a large lance, one on the left ..., 1769. Creator: Bossi.
Two Boys Playing with a Dog, mid-16th century. Creator: Barthel Beham.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Pan Teaching the Young Olympus to Play the Flute, ca. 1540-80. Creator: Unknown.
Pizzaro a New Play or the Drury-Lane Masquerade, June 11, 1799. Creator: Unknown.
Adelphi, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Hecyra, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Heauton Timouroumenos, from The Comedies of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Heauton Timouroumenos, from The Comedies of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Heauton Timouroumenos, from The Comedies of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Eunuches, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Andria,from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Andria, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Eunuchus, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Eunuchus, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Eunuchus, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Illustration from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint.n.d. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Interior of a Barn with Mother and Two Children, Right in Front a Pig (copy), 17th century. Creator: Jacob Louys.
Little Girl Playing with a Baby in its Mother's Arms, 1610-85. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade.
The Doll, 1610-85. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade.
Tric Trac Players, 1610-85. Creator: Unknown.
Tric Trac Players, 1610-85. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade.
Actors at the Hotel de Bourgogne, ca. 1633-34. Creator: Abraham Bosse.
Childhood, 1636. Creator: Abraham Bosse.
Carnival and Lent, 1600. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
The bagpipe player, 1638-1640. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
Resting female nude and a piano player, 1799-1800. Creator: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825).
The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (Detail). Creator: Bosch, Hieronymus, (School)  .
Angel Playing Harp, ca 1559. Creator: Benson, Willem (1521-1574).
Puppies Playing beside a Palm Tree and Garden Rock, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Children playing in the palace garden, late 13th-15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Memorial Brooch, ca. 1795. Creator: Anstiss Stone.
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth, Saint John, and a Dove, ca. 1608-9. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens.
Infant Bacchanal, 1780s. Creator: Piat Joseph Sauvage.
Snuffbox with scenes of putti at play, 1770-71. Creators: Pierre François Drais, Jacques-Joseph Degault.
Bear and Crabs. Creator: Shibata Zeshin.
Fawn at Play. Creator: Unknown.
Chinese Children at Play. Creator: Unknown.
King Lear, Act I, Scene I, 1898. Creator: Edwin Austin Abbey.
Red School House (Country Scene), 1858. Creator: George Henry Durrie.
Mother and Child at Play, 18th century. Creator: Isoda Koryusai.