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'Fall of the Vaux-Hall Performer',1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'The Vaux and the Grapes', 1835. Creator: John Doyle.
'A game of Political Shuttlecock', 1831. Creator: John Doyle.
'So Much out of the Fire or The Man Wot's Lost His Throne', 1834. Creator: John Doyle.
'Dudley Street, Seven Dials', 1872.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'Glimpse of Lake Champlain, from Summit', 1874. Creator: W. J. Linton.
'The Terrace, Central Park, New York', 1874.  Creator: George R. Hall.
'The Spouting Cave', 1872.  Creator: W. J. Linton.
'Oberammergau, Germany, the Scene of the Passion Play', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
Knights' Hall in the Gothic Style, Leipzig, Germany, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'Cawdor Castle', 1898. Creator: Unknown.
Venus and Cupid, c. 1595. Creator: Jan Saenredam (Dutch, 1565-1607).
Wine Cup with Children at Play, 1465-87. Creator: Unknown.
Woman Preparing to Play Go. Creator: Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese, 1786-1865).
Women Enjoying the River at the Forest’s Edge, c. 1765. Creator: Hunhar II (Indian, active mid-1700s), style of.
Women enjoying the river at the forest’s edge, c. 1765. Creator: Hunhar II (Indian, active mid-1700s), style of.
Young Woman and Child at Play, 1780s. Creator: Clodion (French, 1738-1814), follower of.
Twelve Etchings from Nature: En Plein Soleil, 1858. Creator: James McNeill Whistler (American, 1834-1903).
The Guitarist, 1720s. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Pater (French, 1695-1736).
The Holy Family with Two Musician Angels, 1511. Creator: Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471-1528).
The Satyr Family, 1505. Creator: Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471-1528).
The Virgin and Child on a Grassy Bench, 1503. Creator: Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471-1528).
Three Goddesses, c. 1595. Creator: Jan Saenredam (Dutch, 1565-1607).
Spring Flowers, 1864. Creator: Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926).
Statuette of a Lion, 380-246 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Study for "The Hireling Shepherd", 1851. Creator: William Holman Hunt (British, 1827-1910).
Suikoju: Gigaku Mask, 710-794. Creator: Unknown.
Table Fountain, c. 1320-40. Creator: Unknown.
The Actor Ichikawa Raizo as Soga No Goro, mid-1770s. Creator: Katsukawa Shunsho (Japanese, 1726-1792).
Sarah Bernhardt in "Zaire" by Voltaire, 1874. Creator: Étienne Carjat (French, 1828-1906).
Scene Adapted from the play The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura), late 1790s. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro (Japanese, 1753?-1806).
Scene from a Noh Play, early 18th century. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of a Woman at a Harpsichord, c. 1788. Creator: François Dumont (French, 1751-1831).
Portrait of Edmond Cottinet (1824-1895), c. 1848-50. Creator: Gustave Le Gray (French, 1820-1884).
Portrait of the Ladies Amabel and Mary Jemima Yorke, c. 1761. Creator: Joshua Reynolds (British, 1723-1792).
Ravana Shaking Mount Kailasa, 700s. Creator: Unknown.
Orpheus Charming the Animals, c. 1505. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi (Italian, 1470/82-1527/34).
Otani Tokuji as the Servant Sodesuke, 1794. Creator: Toshusai Sharaku (Japanese).
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Fifth night: The hunter throws away the baby..., c. 1560. Creator: Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560-1600), attributed to.
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Fifth night: The parrot mother cautions..., c. 1560. Creator: Daswanth (Indian).
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Fifth night: The wounded monkey bites the hand…., c1560. Creator: Unknown.
Pallas Athena, c. 1595. Creator: Jan Saenredam (Dutch, 1565-1607).
Par-ci, par-lá: I should like to remark to M. Le Président that I have been made to play a part.... Creator: Paul Gavarni (French, 1804-1866).
Mother-and-Child Figure, 1800s-1900s. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Leroux in the Role of Alceste in Le Misanthrope, mid-1850s. Creator: Julien Vallou de Villeneuve (French, 1795-1866).
Mystic Lake, M.T., 1872. Creator: William Henry Jackson (American, 1843-1942).
Nagakubo (Station 28) from the series Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaido, 1835 or 1836. Creator: Utagawa Hiroshige (Japanese, 1797-1858).
One Hundred Children at Play, 1100s-1200s. Creator: Su Hanchen (Chinese, active c. 1101-1125), tradition of ; Wang Juzhen (Chinese), tradition of.
Maharaja Abhai Singh, Equestrian, Watching Girls Swinging at the Teej Festival, c. 1740. Creator: Unknown.
Matsumoto Koshiro IV as Gorobei, the Fish Seller from Sanya, 1794. Creator: Toshusai Sharaku (Japanese).
Juno, c. 1595. Creator: Jan Saenredam (Dutch, 1565-1607).
Krishna sporting with the gopis in the Jumna River, from a Bhagavata Purana, c. 1525-50. Creator: , probably by.
Leaf from a Gradual with Historiated Initial (G): Mary as Queen of Heaven, c. 1425-1450. Creator: Unknown.
Ink Cake with One Hundred Children at Play, 1368-1644. Creator: Unknown.
House of Cards. Creator: Pierre Filloeuil (French, 1696-aft 1734).
How Not to Play the Game, 1865. Creator: George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier (British, 1834-1896).
Ichikawa Danjuro VII as Kan Shojo in the Mt. Tenpai Scene (from the series Famous Kabuki Plays), 181 Creator: Gototei Kunisada (Japanese, 1786-1864).
Ichikawa Ebizo III as Yanone Goro in Nenriki arahitogami, 1758. Creator: Torii Kiyonobu II (Japanese, 1706-1763).
Hinazura of Chojiya from the series Beauties as the Seven Komachi, c. 1793-97. Creator: Utagawa Toyokuni (Japanese, 1769-1825).
Hindu God Krishna Being Dressed in Women's Clothes for Spring Festival Holi, c. 1790. Creator: Unknown.