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The Adoration of the Magi, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Nativity, 1534. Creator: Perino del Vaga.
The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1600. Creator: Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli.
The Nativity with the Infant Saint John, c. 1495/1505. Creator: Piero di Cosimo.
The Exaltation of the True Cross, 1733. Creator: Sebastiano Ricci.
Madonna Adoring the Child, c. 1520. Creator: Marco Basaiti.
The Adoration of the Skulls, c. 1733/1734. Creator: Michel-Francois Dandre-Bardon.
The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1508/1519. Creator: Juan de Flandes, the Elder.
The Nativity, c. 1508/1519. Creator: Juan de Flandes, the Elder.
The Nativity, 1523. Creator: Lorenzo Lotto.
The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1450. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1530s. Creator: Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1505/1510. Creator: Giorgione.
Saint Jerome in the Wilderness, c. 1500/1505. Creator: Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano.
The Nativity, with God the Father Surrounded by Angels and Cherubim, c. 1470. Creator: Francesco di Giorgio Martini.
The Nativity, probably c. 1445. Creators: Filippo Lippi, Workshop of Fra Filippo Lippi.
Prayer, 1843-1847. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert Adamson.
The Raising of Lazarus, mid 1490s. Creator: Benozzo Gozzoli.
Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels, c. 1345. Creator: Bernardo Daddi.
Saint Paul and a Group of Worshippers, 1333. Creator: Bernardo Daddi.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c. 1764/1765. Creator: Anton Raphael Mengs.
The Sanctuary of Hercules, 1884. Creator: Arnold Böcklin.
Purse, probably French, fourth quarter 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Fan, European, 1855-65. Creator: Unknown.
Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1553-60 (?). Creator: Andrea Schiavone.
Doge Alvise Mocenigo and Family before the Madonna and Child, c. 1575. Creator: Jacopo Tintoretto.
The Worship of the Golden Calf, c. 1594. Creator: Jacopo Tintoretto.
The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1478/1482. Creator: Sandro Botticelli.
Dance to the Berdache - Saukie, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1440/1460. Creators: Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico.
The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, 1308-1311. Creator: Duccio di Buoninsegna.
The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1470/1475. Creator: Benvenuto di Giovanni.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1540. Creator: Bonifacio de' Pitati.
Virgin and Child with Saints and a Donor, 1505-1515. Creator: Boccaccio Boccaccino.
St Editha and the Nuns of St Mary, 1908. Creator: Thomas Matthews Rooke.
New Baptist Chapel, Leicester, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Designed Protestant church on Mount Zion, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Designed Protestant church on Mount Zion - present state of the building, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Cartoon (35) Religion - by J.C. Horsley...from the exhibition in Westminster Hall, 1845.  Creator: Unknown.
New Church, Argyle-Square, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Right Leaf of a Diptych, French, 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
Prince, from a group of Donor Figures including a King, Queen, and Prince, French, ca. 1350. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque of Blessing Saint, French, ca. 1210. Creator: Unknown.
Panel with St. Catherine of Alexandria, French, ca. 1500. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque with Christ with Adam and Eve in Limbo, Catalan, 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
King, from a group of Donor Figures including a King, Queen, and Prince, French, ca. 1350. Creator: Unknown.
Stained Glass Panel with a Lady and her Patron Saint, German, ca. 1505-08. Creator: Unknown.
Stained Glass Panel with a Knight and His Patron Saint, German, ca. 1505-08. Creator: Unknown.
Stained Glass Panel with a Bishop and his Patron Saint, German, ca. 1505-08. Creator: Unknown.
Stained Glass Panel with St. Bernard, German, ca. 1505-08. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque, Christ and Disciples at Gethsemane, German, ca. 1480. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Mary Magdalene, German, 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Manuscript Leaf with Dedication of a Book to the Virgin, German, ca. 1400. Creator: Unknown.
Manuscript Leaf with the Celebration of a Mass in an Initial S..., second half 15th century. Creator: Master of the Riccardiana Lactantius.
Palm Sunday, procession in the Sala Regia, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Easter Sunday - the Pope blessing the people from the portico of St Peter's, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Holy Family. Creator: Battista del Moro.
The Adoration of the Magi, 1714-24. Creator: Benoit Farjat.
A woman kneels to kiss the foot of Pope Pius VII, with a crowd behind her at left, 1814-50. Creators: Carlo Lasinio, Vincenzo de Bonis.
The Wise Men's Offering, 1788. Creator: Unknown.