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Saint Paul preaching in Athens, 1679. Creator: Cornelis Bloemaert.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1569. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1569. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1569., 1569. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Adoration of the Trinity, 1566. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
Adoration of the Magi, 1500-10. Creator: Cristofano di Michele Martini.
St. Bernard Adoring the Christ Child, October 5, 1524. Creator: Dirck Vellert.
Descrizione del Sacro Monte della Vernia (Description of the Sacred Mount Alverno), 1612. Creator: Domenico Falcini.
The Chapel of the Enfants-Trouvés in Paris: Les Rois mages Gaspard et Melchior adorant l'E..., 1752. Creator: Etienne Fessard.
The Chapel of the Enfants-Trouvés in Paris: L'Adoration des bergers, 1752. Creator: Etienne Fessard.
Les Secondes Oeuvres, et Subtiles Inventions De Lingerie du Seigneur Federic de Vinciolo V..., 1603. Creator: Federico de Vinciolo.
The Pesaro Madonna, 1682.. Creator: Valentin Lefebvre.
The Virgin with Saints Jerome and Francis, 1660-80. Creator: Girolamo Rossi.
The Adoration of the Magi, set before and architectural colonnade, ca. 1640. Creator: Pietro Testa.
Statue of Niobe and her Worshippers, with Apollo and Diana and other Figures, 1543-47. Creator: Unknown.
Mass of St. Gregory. Creator: Simon Wynhoutsz Frisius.
L'amour européen, 1751-97. Creator: Pierre François Basan.
Saint Teresa of Avila's Vision of the Dove, ca. 1650. Creator: Pierre Louis van Schuppen.
Weihnachtstraum. Ein Festspiel, 1867. Creator: Felix A. Joerdens.
Enmei Jizo. Creator: Torii Kiyonaga.
Idol Worship, Easter Island, from the Holidays series (N80) for Duke brand cigarettes, 1890., 1890. Creator: George S. Harris & Sons.
Virgin and Child with Saint Liborius and Carlo Borromeo, 1693-95., 1693-95. Creator: Nicolas Dorigny.
Elijah challenging the prophet to a sacrifice, ca. 1729., ca. 1729. Creator: Paul-Ponce-Antoine Robert.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Eight Women Sacrificing to Priapus, 16th century., 16th century. Creator: Attributed to Cornelis Bos.
The Adoration of the Shepherds; verso: Sketches, ca. 1532-37. Creator: Maerten van Heemskerck.
Christ and the Children, 17th century. Creator: Anon.
The Transfiguration, after Raphael, 1511-51. Creator: Biagio Pupini.
Design for Old Testament Window, ca. 1870. Creator: Attributed to Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
A Standing Angel and two Cherubs, ca. 1566. Creator: Ascribed to Federico Zuccaro.
Virgin and Child Attended by Angels, 1457/58-1504. Creator: Attributed to Filippino Lippi.
Interior of the Church of St. Jacques, Louvain, 1807-54. Creator: Jenaro Perez Villaamil.
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1575-1600. Creator: Anon.
Study for Mary Magdalene, 1870s. Creator: Unknown.
A Fire-Worshipper Received at the Board of Abraham the Patriarch, Folio from a Bustan..., 17th cent. Creator: Unknown.
The Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1517. Creator: Correggio.
The Adoration of the Shepherds, . Creator: Francois Boucher.
Raja Balwant Singh’s Vision of Krishna and Radha, ca. 1745-50. Creator: Nainsukh.
Broad Bottoms in Holland Worshiping Their New King, July 23, 1806., July 23, 1806. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson.
The Adoration of the Magi, from the series The Life of the Virgin, ca. 1502., ca. 1502. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Adoration of the Magi,.n.d., n.d.. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.
Sultan Ahmed III Crowned in the Mosque at Eyups (Aubry de La Mottraye's "Travels throug..., 1723-24. Creator: William Hogarth.
The Industrious 'Prentice Performing the Duty of a Christian: Industry and I..., September 30, 1747. Creator: William Hogarth.
The Times, Plate 1, September 7, 1762. Creator: William Hogarth.
The Industrious 'Prentice Performing the Duty of a Christian (Industry and I..., September 30, 1747. Creator: William Hogarth.
Adoration of the Kings, after Augustin Braun, 1646. Creator: Wenceslaus Hollar.
The Vine, or Plumpy Bacchus, 1880. Creator: Samuel Palmer.
Solomon's Idolatry [I Kings, 11:1-8], ca. 1517. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Solomon Worshiping an Idol, ca. 1514. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
The Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1435-1491. Creator: Martin Schongauer.
The sacrifice to Priapus who is in the form of a statue in the centre, Bacchus and a sa..., 1530-60. Creator: Master of the Die.
The Adoration of the Magi. Creator: Attributed to Monogrammist 9 (Italian).
St. Francis of Assisi. Creator: Nicolas Bazin.
Faith (Fides) from The Virtues, ca. 1559-60. Creator: Philip Galle.
Solomon's Idolatry, 1514. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
David Praying, ca. 1507. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Saint John Summoned to Heaven, from the Apocalypse.n.d. Creator: Jean Duvet.
Pelerinage a Saint Nicolas.n.d. Creator: Unknown.
L'adoration des bergers. Creator: Jean Morin.
Plate 73 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra..., after 1814-15 (published 1863). Creator: Francisco Goya.
The Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1585. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius.