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Plaque: Rooster. Creator: Unknown.
Staff Terminal with the God Ichneumon, Probably Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Fitting (Shi) in the Form of a Mask, between 317 and 581. Creator: Unknown.
Standing Kouros Figurine, 6th century BCE or modern. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Human Worshipping, Probably Late Period (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the Goddess Bastet as a Cat, 21st-26th Dynasty (1081-525 B.C.). Creator: Unknown.
Group Figurine of Osiris Facing a Squatting Goddess (image 1 of 2), 26th-31st Dynasty (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Group Figurine of Osiris Facing a Squatting Goddess (image 2 of 2), 26th-31st Dynasty (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Standard of a Ram Headed God, 26th Dynasty-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Seated Figurine of Goddess Wadjet, 26th Dynasty (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the Goddess Wadjet, between c.664 and c.525 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Harpocrates Figurine Wearing a Sidelock, 30th Dynasty-Ptolemaic Period (380-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Theater Mask Figurine, Greco-Roman Period (200 B.C.-A.D. 395 ). Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of a Goddess, Greco-Roman Period (200 BCE-200 CE) or modern. Creator: Unknown.
Satyr Head, Greco-Roman Period (300 BCE-200 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Hellenizing Figure of Horus the Child, Greco-Roman Period (300 BCE-200 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Mythical Hippocamp Figurine, Greco-Roman Period (332 BCE-395 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Face of a Deity, Greco-Roman Period (400 BCE-300 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Inlaid Bronze Cobra Element (image 2 of 2), Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of Horus, Lord of the Two Lands, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Lion Headed Deity Holding Knife, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period 664-30 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the Pregnant Hippo Goddess Taweret, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Syncretic Dwarf-Cobra-Hawk God, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Dog Headed Bird Figurine Protecting a Female Lioness Deity, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period... Creator: Unknown.
Dog Headed Bird Figurine Protecting a Female Lioness Deity, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period, 664-30 BCE Creator: Unknown.
Fish Figurine Wearing a Horned Sun Disk, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Horus Falcon Figurine, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Braided Divine Beard for Attachment to a Larger Figure, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Seated Isis with Uraeus Modius Holding Child on her Lap, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Bronze Ringed Element with Crowned Uraeus Figure, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Upright Seated Cat Figurine, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Cicada Figurine (image 1 of 2), Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Isis Wearing a Barque Headress Suckling Her Son Horus, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period... Creator: Unknown.
Double Figurine of Hawk and Lion Deities, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (711-30 BCE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Standing Ptah Figurine, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (probably between 380-100 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a God Grasping His Phallus, Late Period-Roman Period (664 BCE-200 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Standing Osiris Figure with Crook and Flail, Late Period-Roman Period (711 BCE-150 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Crocodile Figurine, Late Period-Roman Period (711 BCE-150 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Duck Head Amulet, Late Period-Roman Period (711 BCE-300 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Figure of Horus as a Falcon, Late Period (711-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Kneeling Figure of the Priest Pa-Di-Bastet, Late Period (711-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Eye from a Coffin, 21st-26th Dynasty (1081-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Nubian Female Figure, Egypt, Late Period, 25th Dynasty (711 - 600 BCE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the God Bes, 711-657 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Ibis Processional Standard (image 2 of 2), 664-525 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Statuette of the Goddess Neith, 711-323 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Head of a Cat, 712-332 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the Goddess Bastet as a Cat, 712-332 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Statuette of the God Khonsu the Child, 712-332 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Composite Ibis Figure (image 2 of 2), 712-332 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Staff Base, 712-332 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Seated Figure of the God Imhotep Holding a Scroll, 712-332 B.C. or later. Creator: Unknown.
Bronze Coffin with Two Lizards, 664 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Figure of Horus as a Falcon, 711 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of Seated Lion with Turned Head, Late Roman Period-early Islamic Period (400-800 CE)... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque with Throne and Birth Name of a 13th Dynasty King, 13th Dynasty (1700-1665 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Standing Osiris Statue, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (1504-711 BCE) or modern. Creator: Unknown.
Pantheistic Winged Deity with Bes Face, Probably Late Period-early Ptolemaic Period (664-200 B.C.). Creator: Unknown.
Standing Bes Figurine with Hathor Headdress, Probably Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (380-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Winged Baboon Figurine, Probably Ptolemaic Period-Roman Period (323 BCE-200 CE) or modern. Creator: Unknown.