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103pages, 6,160 results in yourMediumsearch for"bronze"Advanced Search
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Head of Cat, Probably Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Jackal Headed Figurine Protecting Osiris, Probably Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of Standing Cat Headed Goddess with Sistrum, Probably Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Staff Finial with Lioness Headed Cobra, Probably Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Cobra Headed Deity Spearing an Enemy, Probably Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Cow Headed Handle (image 1 of 2), Probably Ptolemaic period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Cow Headed Handle (image 2 of 2), Probably Ptolemaic period (332-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Theater Mask Figurine, Probably Roman Period (100-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Bust Figurine, Probably Roman Period (30 BCE-300 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Reclining Dog (?), Probably Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Lion Water Spout, Probably Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Standing Naked Man Holding a Baby, Ptolemaic Period-early Roman Period 200 BCE-100 C). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Standing Naked Man Holding a Baby, Ptolemaic Period-early Roman Period 200 BCE-100 CE. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Temple Pediment, Ptolemaic Period-Roman Period (200 BCE-300 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Double Barbed Model Arrow Tip, Ptolemaic Period-Roman Period (323 BCE -300 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Figure of a Bent Human Index Finger, Ptolemaic Period-Roman Period (332 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Falcon Standing on a Crocodile, Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Recumbent Sphinx Figurine on a Stepped Platform, Ptolemaic Period (323-30 BCE) or modern. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the Horned Viper Hieroglyph, Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE) or earlier. Creator: Unknown.
Lizard Figurine, Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BCE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Reclining Lion or Cat with Prey, Roman Period (100-395 CE) or modern. Creator: Unknown.
Feline Head Figurine, Roman Period (100-400 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Ring Depicting a Roman Soldier, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Bust of a Young Goddess (?), Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Theater Mask (?), Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Human-Headed Lion Figurine, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE). Creator: Unknown.
Feline Head Figurine, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Dancing Figurine, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Decorative Element with Fleur de Lis and Lion's Head, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Human Hand and Dagger Fragment, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Fibula with Architectural Design, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of the God Bes, Third Intermediate Period (1081-711 B.C.). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Inscribed by a High Priest of Amen, 21st Dynasty (1055-931 BCE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Christ Mocked (image 1 of 2), between c.1600 and c.1625. Creator: Unknown.
Jupiter, c.1625. Creator: Unknown.
Crucified Christ, c.1720. Creator: Unknown.
The Dead Abel (image 1 of 2), c.1840. Creator: Unknown.
The Dead Abel (image 2 of 2), c.1840. Creator: Unknown.
Skull and Crossbones with Serpent and Apple (image 1 of 2), c.1850?. Creator: Unknown.
Dolphin, 300 B.C.-A.D. 100. Creator: Unknown.
Horse, 3rd-2nd century B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Handle, 5th century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Male Nude Figure, 7th century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Male Figure, 7th-6th century B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Rim Ornament, c.500 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Two Winged Lions, c.500 B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Pair of Horses, Geometric Period (last quarter of 8th century B.C.. Creator: Unknown.
Herakles (?), 3rd century BC. Creator: Unknown.
Mercury, Hellenistic period (325-150 B.C.). Creator: Unknown.
Winged Cupid Figurine on a Pyramidial Base, Roman Period (30 BCE-395 CE) or later. Creator: Unknown.
Aphrodite, 1st-3rd century A.D.. Creator: Unknown.
Janiform Herm with Young Male and Female Fauns (image 1 of 13), 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D.. Creator: Unknown.
Janiform Herm with Young Male and Female Fauns (image 5 of 13), 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D.. Creator: Unknown.
Janiform Herm with Young Male and Female Fauns (image 8 of 13), 1st century B.C.-1st century A.D.. Creator: Unknown.
Recumbent Hare, 11th century. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque, 12th-13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Lion-Shaped Support, 12th-13th century. Creator: Unknown.
Boss with Feline (Possibly a Leopard) within a Roundel, 6th-8th century. Creator: Unknown.
Mandarin Duck, Late 18th-early 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
Dragon Head (image 1 of 2), 12th century. Creator: Unknown.