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Examining the Atlantic Telegraph Cable, after raising it, on board the Great Eastern, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Great Eastern Railway Terminus and Hotel at Harwich, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Foreign cattle on board the Batavier, London and Rotterdam steamer, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Landing foreign cattle at the British and Foreign Wharf, near the London Docks, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, painted by Sir Joshua the British Institution, 1865. Creator: W Thomas.
"Le Petit Minet", by W. L. Thomas...exhibition of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours, 1865. Creator: William Luson Thomas.
The Matterhorn, from a sketch by Mr. Edward Whymper, 1865. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Meeting of Welsh Bards at Lynn Geiriwnydd, in the Vale of Conway, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Sailing-barge on the Thames: rounding the Nore Light-ship, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The late Sir W. J. Hooker, Director of the Royal Gardens at Kew, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Floral, Musical, and Athletic Festival at Springfield Park, Lancaster, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Sculling match for £250 between Kelley, Chambers, and Cooper...Eau Brink Cut, King’s Lynn, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Display of fireworks, Inner Harbour, Cherbourg, in honour of the British Channel Squadron, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Town Cup of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Commodore's Cup of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The British Channel Squadron in Portland Roads, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The British Channel Squadron entering Cherbourg Harbour, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Review of French troops on the Place Napoleon at Cherbourg, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Pulborough Church, visited by the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the North-East London Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures at the Agricultural Hall, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Meeting of the Sussex Archaeological Society at Amberley Castle, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: illumination of the French ironclad Magenta, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: the British Admiral's flagship..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: officers returning from the banquet..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Cherbourg: the ball at the Hotel de Ville, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Salzburg, the place of meeting of the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Cutting the First Turf of the Great Southern Railway at Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Dr. Jacobson, the new Bishop of Chester, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Paris fashions for September, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition: the first buoy...where the cable was grappled, Aug. 3, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition: the second buoy...where the cable was grappled, Aug. 8, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition: the paying-out machinery of the Great Eastern, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition: chart of the movements of the Great Eastern..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition: preparing for the final attempt to grapple the lost cable, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition: the Great Eastern off Brighton on her return home, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The New Zealand Chief, William Thompson, negotiating with Brigadier-General Carey, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Surrender of the New Zealand Chief, William Thompson, to Brigadier-General Carey, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Chinese pirates attacked by the British gun-boat Opossum, near Hong-Kong, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:...the Solferino saluting the English flag, 1865. Creator: Smyth.
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth:...ball [for] the officers of the French fleet, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: reception of the French Minister of Marine..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: flight of rockets and illumination..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: meeting of the Reine Hortense and the Osborne, 1865. Creator: Smyth.
The International Naval Festival at Portsmouth: the French Minister receiving Admiral Seymour, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Inspection of foreign cattle at the Metropolitan Cattle Market, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Season at Baden-Baden: the Trink-Halle, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Season at Baden-Baden: the Place de la Conversation, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The late Judge Haliburton, author of "Sam Slick", 1865.  Creator: Unknown.
Entertainment to four thousand school children at Dudley, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Heathfield House, near Birmingham, the residence of James Watt, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Handsworth Church, Birmingham, the burial-place of James Watt, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Old Crown House, Birmingham, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of Alexandra Park at Oldham, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Old Ship Inn, Birmingham, Prince Rupert's head-quarters, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Franz Liszt conducting the performance of his new oratorio at Pesth, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The Chateau of Arenenberg, Switzerland, formerly the residence of Napoleon III., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Meeting of the British Association at Birmingham: Professor the Townhall, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Birmingham Central Free Library, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Meeting of the British Association at Birmingham - photography by aid of the Magnesium Light, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
The late General Sir George Brown, G.C.B., 1865. Creator: Unknown.