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1478pages, 88,654 results in yourPartnersearch for"The Print Collector"Advanced Search
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Fetes of the Viceroy of Egypt at Cairo: the Ball, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Fetes of the Viceroy of Egypt at Cairo: the dromedary-race, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Fire at Greystoke Castle, Cumberland, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Fire at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Fireworks at the Crystal Palace, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Flint implements found in Ireland, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Flooded out in Lincolnshire, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Forest scene on the Illawarra Mountains, New South Wales, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Forlorn condition of Temple-Bar, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Front page of the "Illustrated London News", 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of the late King of the Belgians: the body lying in state...Royal Palace at Brussels, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of the late King of the Belgians: the burial service in the Chapel at Laeken..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of the late King of the Belgians: the funeral car...Place du Congrés at Brussels, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of the late Lord Brougham at Cannes, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral procession of the late Hon. Thomas d’Arcy M’Gee, at Montreal, Canada, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral Procession of the late King of Bavaria at Nice: the cortége leaving the Villa Lions, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral Procession of the late King of Bavaria at Nice: the cortége...Promenade des Anglais, 1868. Creator: C. R..
Funeral procession of the Prince Royal of Belgium leaving the Palace of Laeken, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
General Grant, the new President of the United States, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
General Sir Henry Storks, K.C.B., the new Comptroller-In-Chief of the Army, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
General view of the new docks a Millwall, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
George Mason, A.R.A., 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Gold repoussé medallion, by A. Vechte, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Grand ball in the Exchange..., Liverpool, to Prince and Princess Christian and Prince Arthur, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Grand Mass in the Chapel of the Tuileries, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Grand River Railway-Bridge, Mauritius, destroyed by the late hurricane, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Grass of the Desert, a scene of travel in South Africa, from a sketch by Mr. Thomas Baines..., 1865. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Group from the Meyrick Collection of Armour, in the South Kensington Museum, 1869. Creator: C. R..
Group of images inside the crater of Otuiti, Easter Island, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Group of yearlings at Mr. Blenkiron's sale, Middle Park, Eltham, Kent, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Gunton Hall, Norfolk, the seat of Lord Suffield, visited by the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
H.M S. Bulldog in conflict with the flotilla and forts at Cape Haytien, on the coast of Hayti, 1865. Creator: Smyth.
H.M.S. Cadmus ashore on Salcombe Bar, Devon, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
H.M.S. Vigilant on the seven-fathom patch in the Red Sea, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
H.M.S. Wyvern, double-turreted iron-clad steam-ram, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Head-quarters of officers and sailors at Morant Bay, Jamaica, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Herd of quaggas on the plains of the Vaal River, South Africa, 1868. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Home for Destitute Boys, Bisley, Surrey, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Inauguration of the new head-quarters of the 1st Middlesex Volunteer Engineers, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Index plan of the general view of Edinburgh, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Inspection of the Essex Rifles (Militia) at Colchester, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Inspection of Troops at Aldershott by the Queen: cavalry trotting past, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of an Abyssinian church at Chaffa, near Senafe, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of an Abyssinian house, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of Guildhall, as restored, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of St. Stephen's, Vienna, by S. Read, 1868. Creator: William James Palmer.
Interior of the Church of St. Cross, Winchester, lately restored, 1865. Creator: L. H. Michael.
Interior of the new Gymnasium in Myrtle-Street, Liverpool, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
International Exhibition of Fruit at the Horticultural Society's Gardens, South Kensington..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Junction of the St. John's Wood and Metropolitan Railways at Baker-Street, 1868. Creator: Unknown.
Katchiba, King of the Obbo Country, going a journey, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Kennington Turnpike-Gate, lately removed, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Kensington Old Church, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
King Leopold II. entering the Church of St. Gudule, at Brussels..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
King Leopold II. taking the oath before the Belgian Senate and Chamber of Deputies..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.
King Thackembau, of the Feejee Islands, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Kingston, Jamaica, with Newcastle in the distance, 1865. Creator: Unknown.
Königsberg and Dantzic: old house, Königsberg, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Königsberg and Dantzic: the Castle, Königsberg, 1869. Creator: Unknown.
Königsberg and Dantzic: tower, Königsberg, 1869. Creator: Unknown.