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Wooden figurines representing men from Assiut, Upper Egypt.
Wooden model representing a kitchen scene, from a funerary equipment (Asjut, 2000 B.C.).
Workers of a brewery.
Statue from the tomb of Pharaoh Nectaneso II.
Relief of the Mattei sarcophagus, from the Mattei Palace.
Etruscan Sarcophagus with the sculpture of a woman on the cover.
Funerary Urn.
Fresco from the Lucan tomb representing a warrior.
Fresco from the Lucan tomb representing a man holding the reins of a chariot.
Fresco from a Lucan tomb in Paestum depicting a man in a carriage drawn by two horses.
Exterior view of the Cardona Castle, it preserves remains of the 12th and 13th centuries building…
Federico Carlos Gravina (1756-1806), Spanish admiral, hero of Trafalgar.
Avicena (992-1037), Arab philosopher and physician.
Juan Everardo Nitard (1607-1681), Jesuit and confessor of Queen Mariana of Austria.
Santo Tomás Moro (1478-1535), Chancellor of England in the time of King Henry VIII.
Oil painting represents the coronation of Agustín de Iturbide (1783-1824), soldier, politician an…
San José de Calasanz (1556-1648), Spanish priest.
Pedro Rodriguez de Campomanes (1723-1803), Spanish politician, economist and historian Spanish.
Don Pelayo (718-737) tomb inside the Holy Cave, which began the Conquest of the year 722, giving …
Lucius Anneo Séneca (4 BC.C. - 65 d.C.), Hispanic Italian philosopher born in Córdoba, preceptor …
Hernán Cortés evening rush barracks Panfilo Narvaez, leaving it wounded and taken prisoner, the o…
Diego Velázquez chooses as army general Cortes and gives it to him' oil painting of series 'Conqu…
Felipe II witnessing an act of faith, preserved painting at the Central University of Barcelona b…
Philip III (1578-1621), King of Spain. (1598-1621).
Felipe IV. (1605-1665), King of Spain.
Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba (1508-1582), general of Carlos V and Felipe II.
Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba (1508-1582), general of Carlos V and Felipe II.
American Conquest, Hernán Cortés command to destroy the ships, top, and Cortés meets with ambassa…
Monument in Jerez de los Caballeros hometown of Vasco Nuñez de Balboa (1475-1517), Spanish conque…
Federico Moreno Torroba (1891 - 1982), Spanish composer, photo, 1981.
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934), Spanish physician and researcher, Nobel Prize in 1906, color …
Cover of 'Revista de Occidente'  No. 1. July 1932 magazine founded and directed by José Ortega y …
Gustavo Flaubert (1821-1880), Frencnh novelist born in Ruan.
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros (1436-1517), Spanish cardinal.
Samuel Butler (1612-1680), British poet engraving of the work 'Hudibras' (1663-1678).
Columbus before the Monastery of La Rabida' Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), Genoese navigator.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), pintor Italiano.
Cuicuilco circular pyramids built 600 years AD, then, about the year 400 AD were buried by the er…
Tenayuca Pyramid, Aztec construction, the below part of the wall has snake heads surrounding the …
Fortune-Teller' Pyramid, built in Uxmal (Yucatán) to the 6th century.
Sant Joan Pelós' and 'The Eagles', popular characters preceding the procession of the Corpus Chri…
The Eagles', popular characters that dance preceding the procession of Corpus Christi day, held i…
Procession of Corpus', altar boys and custody pass through the narrow streets of the town of Poll…
Homage to the Old Age', popular festivals organized by public bodies in the town of Manacor in Ma…
Homage to the Old Age', popular festivals organized by public bodies in the town of Manacor in Ma…
The Eagles', popular characters that dance preceding the procession of Corpus Christi day, held i…
Els Moratons', dancing characters involved as a group in the Corpus Christi procession of Pollenç…
Procession of Corpus Christi, procession in which are involved all kind of traditional groups: Xe…
Detail of a bronze Sculpture by sculptor Enric Monjo i Garriga, in front of the house where the a…
Detail of the 'Lion Fountain', hot spring in the center of the town of Caldes de Montbui.
Detail of the tower of Cala Bianca in Canet de Mar, building by architect Lluis Domenech i Montaner.
Press used to iron the paper in the Capellades Paper Museum.
Exterior detail of the façade of the 'Quadras House', work by Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867-1957).
Benedictine Monastery of Sant Miquel de Cuixà, exterior view of the tower.
Goddess Sekhmet represented with lioness head, made in diorite, detail of the top, from Thebes, A…
Seated statue of Ramses II, made in diorite, side view, it comes from Tanis.
Statue of the god Amon protecting Tutankhamen, made in black granite, 1350 b.C, detail of the top…
Statue of the god Amon protecting Tutankhamen, made in black granite, 1350 b.C., partially destro…
Front view of the seated statue of Ramses II, made in diorite, it comes from Tanis.
Relief of the god Amun hugging Ramses II, made in stoneware, fragment from Karnak.