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Cantiga XXXIII: Esta é como Santa Maria levou en salvo o romeu que caera no mar, e o guyou per so…
Illuminated page from the Codex of Beatus of Tabara, 10th century.
Saint Anthony Abbot preaching to fish' oil by Carreño de Miranda.
Virgin of Mercy, oil.
Student music group' by Ricardo Balaca, oil, 1864.
Composition with a personage', by Maria Blanchard, oil 1916.
Until we see my Christ', oil.
Poster for a cabaret in which Jane d'Alma acted.
Poster for the show 'La Loie Fuller' of the Folies Bergere, 1895, by Georges Neunier.
Front of the altar of the chapel of St. Margaret, with scenes of the martyrdom of the saint, from…
Panatheneas Procession, detail of the Parthenon frieze.
 'Martyrdom of St. Peter' by Il Domenichino.
 'Danae', 1636, by Rembrandt.
Altarpiece of Love', which displays the different types of Love, detail of lower central panel: '…
 'Piety', Painting on wood, detail of the altarpiece of Saint Nicholas of Bari of 1406, designed …
 'Ascension of Jesus into heaven surrounded by the apostles and the Virgin Mary', detail of the p…
Annunciation, table of the Vallmoll altarpiece, by Jaume Huguet.
Descent from the Cross' detail of a man removing the nails of the foot of Christ with tongs, from…
King delivering battle titles, confirmation of the privileges, customs and memories of Pere Alber…
King Alphonse II (1152-1196), confirmation of the privileges, customs and memories of Pere Albert…
Crucifixion of St. Andrew', detail of the fire of the table 'Gurb Altarpiece' (1417 - 1418), by L…
Female portrait of a poet, mosaic found in Pompeii.
Hoplitodromo funeral stele in marble, depicting a nude man with helmet participating in a race.
Apollo Sauróctonos, work by Praxiteles preserved in the Vatican Museums .
Sphinx of Naxos resting on an Ionic capital, from Delphi.
Silver coin with the head of Alexander the Great with the horns of the Egyptian god Amho, belongs…
Criophorus, votive statue.
Doryphoros, 5th century b.C., Roman copy from 1st century found in Pompeii.
Allegory of the Nile, Roman statue.
Allegory of the Tiber river, Roman statue in the Campidoglio square of Rome.
Female statue from the Tomb of SEPA, chief of the southern army, held in polychromed limestone.
Sitting scribe in polychromed limestone, height 53 cm. belonging to the 5th Dynasty.
Fragment of a palette with images of a bull charging at an enemy, it comes from Abydos, made in s…
Figurine of a man for a tomb, made of polychromed wood, side view.
Knife of Gebel el-Arak, detail of the handle with a battle scene, made in ivory.
Stela of the snake king made in limestone, detail of the top, comes from Abydos, 2900 b.C..
Hieratic statue of a man, made in polychromed limestone.
Statue of the Master carpenter Anhk, made in granite, detail from the top.
Stela of the Senouret, chief of the royal treasury, with his image and hieroglyphic writing, made…
Stela of the deputy chancellor Meri, detail of the top with hieroglyphics describing the construc…
Door shaped stela representing Senouret and his wife in front of their offerings, made in polychr…
Door shaped stela representing Senouret and his wife in front of their offerings, made in polychr…
Hippo, blue glazed ceramic figurine, side view.
Bas-relief of the funerary sarcophagus of Ramesses III with the image of the ship of death, made …
Seated statue of Sesostris III depicted as a young man, made in diorite, detail of the top, comes…
Seated statue of Sesostris III depicted as a young man, made in diorite, comes from Medamout, 187…
Statue of a peasant woman carrying products of the land to a dead man, made in polychromed wood. …
Statue of an offerings bearer to the dead (water and ox leg), made in polychromed wood, detail of…
Negative relief on a pillar of Ramses II with the image of a bull, 1250 b.C..
Bas-relief of a funerary sarcophagus of Ramesses III with the image of goddess Isis, made in gran…
Imenyseneb Monument, chief of the expeditions of the Pharaoh with figures and magical shortcuts f…
Head of Amenhotep III, on pink granite, it comes from his temple at Thebes.
Hypogeum of Volumini, partial interior view, entrance stairs.
Interior view of the Polychromed Tumulus.
Engravings on a gravestone from the Giza Necropolis.
Cuicuilco circular pyramids built 600 years AD, then the year 400 AD were buried by the eruption …
Reign of the Catholic Kings. Infantry, 1503, infantryman of the Ordinance: crossbowman and pikema…
Fleet of King Charles III of Spain, in front of the City of Naples (6 Oct. 1759).
Chinese types, colored engraving from the book 'Le Theatre du monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', '1645, cr…