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Tula, religious civic center of the Toltec culture founded around 900 BC. JC, under the name Toll…
Tula, religious civic center of the Toltec culture founded around 900 BC. JC, under the name Toll…
Tula, religious civic center of the Toltec culture founded around 900 BC. JC, under the name Toll…
Scene of a battle defending Constantinople, miniature of the incunabula 'Ogier le Danois', printe…
Jorge Manrique (1440-1479), Spanish poet.
Detail of sarcophagus relief of the church of Santa Cruz. Ecija (Seville) with the sacrifice of I…
Raimundo Abadal and Calderó (Vic, 1862-Rupià, Baix Empordà, 1945), legal doctor, Senator for Barc…
Melquiades Alvarez and Gonzalez (Gijón, 1869-Madrid, 1936) lawyer, politician, Member of Parliame…
Marcelo Azcarraga and Palmero (Manila 1832-Madrid, 1915), Spanish soldier and politician, preside…
Gumersindo de Azcarate and Menendez Mora (León, 1840-Madrid, 1917), Spanish jurist, philosopher, …
Matías Barrio and Mier (Verdeña, Palencia, 1844 - 1909), Doctor in Law and Philosophy, jurist and…
Teodoro Baró and Sureda (Figueres, Alt Emporda, 1842 - Malgrat, 1916), politician, journalist and…
Eusebio Bertrand and Serra (Barcelona, ??1877-1945), cotton textile industrial, and political fam…
José Moreno Carbonero (Málaga, 1860-Madrid, 1942), Spanish painter, in 1868 he entered the School…
Los Caprichos, series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 5: 'Tal para cual' (Two…
Los Caprichos, series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 6: 'Nadie se conoce' (N…
Willy Brandt (1913-1992), German politician, President of the Socialist International and West Ge…
Plaque on the grave of Eva Duarte de Peron 'Evita' (1952-1982), wife of the President of Argentin…
Juan Carlos I (Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias) (1938 -), King o…
Juan Carlos I (Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias) (1938 -), King o…
Pantheon in Montjuic cemetery of Mossen Jacinto Verdaguer (1845-1902), Catalan poet and clergyman.
Tomb of Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444), Italian humanist. Work by Bernardo Rossellino.
Leonor of Aragon (1420-1479), Queen of Navarre.
Maria Luisa Gabriela of Savoy (1688-1714), wife of Philip V.
Miranda in Ratchet' Francisco Miranda Rodriguez (1750-1816), Venezuelan hero.
Simon Bolivar 'El Libertador' (1783-1830), soldier and hero of the American Revolution.
Simon Bolivar 'El Libertador' (1783-1830), soldier and hero of the American Revolution.
Simon Bolivar 'El Libertador' (1783-1830), soldier and hero of the American Revolution.
Simon Bolivar 'El Libertador' (1783-1830), soldier and hero of the American Revolution.
Simon Bolivar 'El Libertador' (1783-1830), soldier and hero of the American Revolution, portrait …
Antonio José de Sucre (1795-1830), political and hero of American independence.
José Antonio Páez (1790-1873), Venezuelan military and politician.
José Antonio Páez (1790-1873), Venezuelan military and politician.
Charles II 'the Bewitched' (1661 -1700), king of Spain from 1665, last Habsburg ruler.
Jorge Manuel Theotocopulos (1578-1631), Spanish Painter and architect, natural son of El Greco.
Philip II (1527-1598), King of Spain.
Diego de Corral y Arellano (1570 - 1632), Spanish judge and jurist. 'Don Diego de Corral y Arella…
Portrait of Ferdinand II of Aragon the Catholic King (1452-1516), detail from the Painting 'Virgi…
Portrait of Isabel the Catholic, picture detail 'Virgin of the Catholic Kings' 1490.
Piri Reis (1470-1554), cartographer and commander of the Ottoman fleet of Gelibolu (Gallipoli).
Frederick Engels (1820-1895), German socialist theorist, photography, 1890.
Haggadah of Poblet, illuminated manuscript of the Haggadah of Pesah that is part of the Talmud, c…
Title page of 'Libro de Calixto y Melibea y la puta vieja Celestina' (Book of Calixto and Melibea…
Title page of 'Libro de Calixto y Melibea y la puta vieja Celestina' (Book of Calixto and Melibea…
Anonymous Mexican painting, with a scene of 'Don Quijote de la Mancha', Sancho Panza tossed in a …
Title page of the poetry magazine 'Litoral' no. 2, drawing by Benjamín Palencia, founded in Malag…
Cover of 'Luces de Bohemia' by Valle Inclan.
Cover of 'Dictionarium', 1536 by Antonio Nebrija.
Cover of the book 'Amadis de Gaula', 1533, book of chivalry, explains the love of Amadis and Oriana.
Cover of 'The Decades; Decade II', 1739 edition by Antonio Herrera.
Dulcinea del Toboso, original lithograph of an edition of 'Don Quixote of La Mancha'.
Cover of 'Sonetti. Canzoni e triomphi' by Petrarch. Venice edition, 1540.
Illustration by Apeles Mestres of the scene 'Windmills' for the edition of Don Quixote, amended b…
Illustration by Ricardo Balaca, scene of  the mills episode in 'Don Quixote of La Mancha', editio…
Title page of Don Quixote de la Mancha, English edition adapted by Judge Parry and illustrated by…
Illustration in the frontispiece of the 1923 Edinburgh edition of 'Don Quixote of La Mancha', bas…
Don Quixote de la Mancha', scene of Sancho tossed in a blanket in the inn, edition of Warsaw, 1786.
Scene in 'Don Quixote of La Mancha' where Sancho finds his grey horse, French edition, Paris, 182…
Illustration, Don Quixote is knighted, comparative edition by F. Brotonne of 'Don Quixote of La M…
Cover of the first edition of the book 'Don Quijote de La Mancha', Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1605.