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Frontispiece illustration from the book 'Don Quixote of La Mancha', London, William Whitwook, 168…
Scene of Sancho tossed in a blanket in the inn, 'Don Quixote of La Mancha', Paris booksellers com…
Illustration in the work 'Don Quixote of La Mancha', Madrid, Joaquin Ibarra, 1780, edited by the …
Illustration in the work 'Don Quixote of La Mancha', revised edition by the Royal Spanish Academy…
Title page of 'Species plantarum', by Charles Linnaeus, 1762.
Cover 'Traité de Mécanique Céleste', by Pierre Simon Laplace, published in Paris.
Cover of the play 'Satires' by Decimus Junius Juvenal, edition of 1523.
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 13: 'Amarga pr…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 14: 'Duro es e…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 15: 'I no hay …
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 16: 'Se aprove…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 17: 'No se con…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 18: 'Enterrar …
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 19: 'Ya no hay…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 20: 'Curarlos,…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 21: 'Será lo m…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 22: 'Tanto y m…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 23: 'Lo mismo …
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 24: 'Aún podrá…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 25: 'También e…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 26: 'No se pue…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 28: 'Populacho…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 29: 'Lo merecí…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 30: 'Estragos …
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 31: 'Fuerte co…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 32: 'Por qué?'…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 33: 'Que hai q…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 34: 'Por una n…
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 36: 'Tampoco' …
The Disasters of War, a series of etchings by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), plate 37: 'Esto es p…
 'Garotte' execution by homicide of Aniceto Peinador in Barcelona, oil by Ramón Casas.
 'Choir of nuns', 1901-1902, oil Painting by Ramon Casas.
 'Dance group', 1901, oil by Ramon Casas.
Caramelles' (typical Catalan songs) 1901, oil by Ramón Casas.
 'View of Barcelona' 1894, oil Painting by Ramon Casas.
 'The room before the box', 1901-1902, oil by Ramon Casas.
 'Theater Novedades', 1901-1902, oil by Ramon Casas.
 'The Charge' 1902, oil Painting by Ramon Casas.
 'Procession in Santa Maria del Mar', 1907, oil on canvas by Ramon Casas.
 'King's Night in the Puerta del Sol', Oil by José Castelaro y Perea.
 'Café-concert', Oil, 1901 by Ramon Casas.
 'Still Life and Vase', Oil, 1880 by Paul Cezanne.
 'Still Life', oil Painting by Paul Cezanne.
 'Party in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid', oil on canvas, h 1623, by Juan de la Corte.
 'In the dressing room' oil, 1895, oil by Manuel Cusi i Ferret.
 'Hernán Cortés and the Indian Marina (or Malinche)'. Durán Codex, page 202. Engraving.
 'Runaway horses', oil, 1906, by Ulpiano Checa.
 'Huns charging at the enemy', copy of a painting by Ulpiano Checa.
 'Gate of the Botanical Garden of Madrid', 1870 by Francisco Domingo Marqués.
 'Spinner', oil on canvas, 1866, by Valeriano Dominguez Becquer.
 'The fountain of the chapel of Sonsoles' Valeriano Dominguez Becquer Oil.
 'The massacres of Chios', Oil, 1824 by Eugene Delacroix.
Detail of the Sculptures of the tympanum in the door of the Sarmental, Burgos Cathedral, Christ d…
 'Suerte de Varas' (Bullfighting stage), colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero.
 'Suerte de Varas' (Bullfighting stage), colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero.
 'Suerte de Matar' (Bullfighting stage), colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero.
Picador riding and dragging the bull, colored engraving by Antonio Carnicero.
The Riva degli Schiavoni in Venetia, Venice view, at left the Palace of the Duce and Zecca, at ri…
Piety Altarpiece, detail of Descent, in the church of Santos Juanes in Nava del Rey.
Piety Altarpiece, detail of the holy evangelists in the Church of Santos Juanes in Nava del Rey.