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Félix de Azara (1746-1821), writer, explorer of Paraguay and the Rio de la Plata during the 20 ye…
Rubén Darío (1867-1916, Nicaraguan poet, engraving in 1892.
Averroes (Abü al-Walid Muhammad ibn Rusd, called) (1126-1198), Arab-Andalusian philosopher, lawye…
St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552), Spanish Jesuit, Apostle of the Indies and Japan.
Emilio Salgari (1863-1911), Italian writer.
Leopoldo García-Alas known as Clarin (1852-1901), Spanish writer.
René Descartes (1596-1650), French philosopher and mathematician.
Ricardo Palma (1833-1919), Peruvian writer, photography, 1896.
Benito Perez Galdos (1843-1920), Spanish writer.
Leopold I (1640-1705), Emperor, Archduke of Austria and King of Hungary.
Manjarres Letamendi Jose (1828-1897), scholar, musician and Spanish doctor.
Joan Sala i Serrallonga (1594-1634), bandit and chief gang,  romantic engraving  of 19th century …
José Sánchez Guerra, Spanish politician.
Pedro Salinas (1892-1951), Spanish writer.
Monument with marble statue dedicated in his hometown of Juan Sebastián Elcano (1486-1526), ??bor…
Workbench of D. Pio Baroja (1872-1956), Spanish novelist, preserved as he left before his death a…
Poster for the University theater company' 'La Barraca', 'directed by Federico Garcia Lorca'.
Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1869-1968), Spanish philologist and historian.
Ramón Gómez de la Serna (1888-1963), Spanish writer.
Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958), Spanish poet, Nobel Prize for Literature 1956, copy of a oil pait…
Montserrat Caballé (1933 -), Spanish soprano singer.
Battle of the Puig' 1237 Ceramic tile panel with Jaime I 'El conquistador'' (1208-1276), King of …
Gabriel Celaya (1911-1991), Spanish poet and writer, photo 1987.
Enrique Tierno Galván (1918-1986), professor and Spanish politician, photo 1983.
Juan Carlos Onetti (1909-1994), Uruguayan writer, photo 1982.
Guillermo Diaz Plaja (1909-1984), Spanish writer, photo 1985.
Gerardo Diego (1896-1987), Spanish poet, photo 1984.
Agres Gonxa Bojaxhiu, Mother Teresa, called 'Teresa' ((1910-1997), Nobel Peace Prize 1979, photo …
Rafael Caldera (1916-2009), Venezuelan politician, President of the Republic in 1986, photo 1980.
The family of Felipe V, oil painting, appear with the king, his second wife Elizabeth Farnese and…
Jose Moñino Earl of Floridablanca (1728-1808), Spanish statesman.
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Ramirez (1744-1811), Spanish writer and politician.
Tomas de Iriarte (1750-1791), Spanish writer.
Pedro Rodriguez de Campomanes (1723-1803), politician, economist and historian Spanish.
Maria Amalia of Saxony (1724-1760), Queen of Spain, wife of Carlos III.
Isabel de Farnesio (1692-1766), second wife of Felipe V.
Felipe II (1527-1598), King of Spain.
Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512), Italian geographer and navigator.
Alejandro Borgia, Alejandro VI (1431-1503). Pope  (1492-1503). Oil painting on guadamacil.
Narciso Monturiol (1819-1885), Catalan inventor.
Álvaro Cunqueiro (1911-1981), Spanish writer, photo 1976.
Josep Carner (1884-1970), Spanish writer and poet, reproduction photograph.
Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda (1814-1873), Cuban writer.
The Countess of Chinchon,' oil by Francisco de Goya.
The Duchess of Osuna', oil by Francisco de Goya.
Heraclitus of Ephesus, Greek philosopher.
Appearance of Christ to Saint Ignatius of Loyola'.
Jardiel Poncela in his universe', oil from 1992, Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1901-1952), Spanish wri…
Joanna the Mad detained in Tordesillas' Joanna of Castile known as Joanna the Mad (1479-1555), Qu…
Leon XIII, Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci (1810-1903), pope from 1878-1903, engraving in the 'Ilustrac…
Leon XIII, Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci (1810-1903), pope from 1878-1903, engraving in the 'Ilustrac…
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) American politician and president of USA, oil by A. G. Conaut.
Ramón Llull (1235-1315), Spanish theologian and philosopher.
Francisco Lobatón (1951-), Spanish journalist.
Louis I (1707-1724), King of Spain, son of Philip V.
Visit to El Escorial by painter Murillo' by Bartolome Murillo (1617-1682).
Saint Mark', detail of a Romanesque altarpiece of the 16th century.
Maria de las Mercedes Orleans (1860-1878), wife of Alphonse XII.
Antonio Maura (1853-1935), Spanish politician and five times president of the government.
Juan Meléndez Valdés (1754-1817), Spanish poet, jurist and politician. Oil by Goya.