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José Moscardó (1878-1956), Spanish military, lithography.
Mariano Roca de Togores, Marquis of Molins (1812-1899), coloured engraving in the 'Ilustración Es…
Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron of Montesquieu (1689-1755), French philosopher and thinker.
Rosa Montero (1951-), Spanish writer and journalist, photo from 1987.
José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808), Spanish-Colombian naturalist, engraving.
Benito Mussolini (1883-1949), Italian politician and dictator, reproduction of  a photo.
Ramon Maria Narvaez (1800-1868), Spanish politician and military.
Ramon Maria Narvaez (1800-1868), Spanish politician and military.
The anger of Napoleon' Napoleon Bonaparte (1759-1821), satirical engraving.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), French emperor, satirical engraving.
Robert Neville (1856-1924), French general, engraving in 'La Ilustración' 1917.
Cándido Nocedal (1821-1885), Spanish politician, lithography by J. Denou.
Salustiano Olózaga (1805-1873), Spanish politician.
Manuel Pavia (1827-1895), Spanish military, engraving in the 'Ilustración Española y Americana'.
Isidoro Maiquez (1768-1820), Spanish actor.
Nicholas II (1868-1918), Russian Czar, in the uniform of Lancers, 1901. Engraving in 'La Ilustrac…
James Monroe (1758-1831), American politician, fifth president of the United States.
Francesc Maciá (1859-1933), Catalan politician and president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, det…
Sultan Selim III, Emperor of the Ottomans (1761-1808), son of Mustafa II, etching, 1870.
Locomotive engine shed in Le Mans station, 1906.
The Gold Rush (1848), gold mine in California, near Sutters Mill, engraving, 1870.
Plan of the citadel of Turin in 1664.
Drawing of the tower and the moat of the citadel of Turin, 1664.
Market of the merchants, Miniature in the 'Codice Justiniano Institutiones Feodorum et Alia', ill…
Roldan promising loyalty to Charlemagne, miniature in a page of the manuscript of the 14th centur…
Constantinople, colored engraving from the book 'Le Theatre du monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', 1645, cr…
Assembly 'Pau i Treva' held in Tortosa on April 28, 1225 and presided over by King Jaime I 'The C…
Tribute from the citizens of Barcelona to Count King or 'oath of vasallage' miniature in the 'Lli…
Decree of the Synod of Agde, parchment document, dated 907.
Sale to Radulf, son of Count Guifré I el Pelós (Wilfred I the Hairy), of a vineyard located in th…
Execution of the will of the Count of Barcelona Wilfred II (+ 26 - April-911), parchment document…
Privilege granted by Pope John XIII If pastors ovium 'Archbishop Ató from Vic', the document gran…
Privilege granted by Pope John XIII Dilectioni et Fraternitati 'to the bishops of Gauls', papyrus…
Privilege granted by Pope John XIII 'Agnovimus Qualiter' to the Count of Barcelona, ??Borrell II,…
Letter of Cesario, abbot of Santa Cecília de Montserrat, notifying the Pope of Rome, John XIII, t…
Donation of the castles Les Espases and Esparreguera to the seu of Vic, parchment document dated …
Es Fabioler' character of the festival of San Juan in Ciutadella, plays a key role in 'El Jaleo',…
Es Caixer Fadri, colored engraving, character of the feasts of St. John in Ciutadella, plays a ke…
El Caixer Senyor', colored engraving, character of the feasts of St. John in Ciutadella, plays a …
S'Homo des be' colored engraving, character of the feasts of St. John in Ciutadella, plays a key …
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain. (1784 - 1833), crossing the river Fluvià between French and Spanish…
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago (Petilla of Aragon, Navarra, 1852-Madrid, 1934). Professor of Medicine an…
Musical score from the popular song 'El Comte Arnau,' harmonized by Enric Morera (Barcelona, 1865…
First ballot that allowed women to vote, polling station in a school in Madrid, legislative elect…
Spain. Civil War (1936-1939). Military of the National Army. Eduardo Sáenz de Buruaga (1893-1964).
Poster published in the journal for the Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929-30, Seville. Drawing by…
Invitation made in silk for the exhibition of 19th century fans organized by Joan Amades. Barcelo…
Ancient History. Persia. Soldiers of the Persian army. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Persia. Persian doctors and magi. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Persia. The Persian king and his entourage on a leopards hunting. German engravi…
Ancient History. Persia. War chariot with sickles in their wheels. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Persia. Abandonment of a corpse to the beasts. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. War trophies. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Scene of a banquet and gymnastic games. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Wedding party. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Greek bedroom. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Greek warriors arming themselves for war. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Oracle of Delphi. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Maritime trading. German engraving, 1865.
Ancient History. Greece. Farming and harvesting. German engraving, 1865.