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William Cullen Bryant, 1866. Creator: Thomas Nast.
An Eclogue, 1890. Creator: Kenyon Cox.
Telemachus and Calypso, c. 1809. Creator: Benjamin West.
Ostrakon with Lines from Homer’s Iliad, Coptic, 580-640. Creator: Unknown.
Ostrakon with Lines from Homer's Iliad, Coptic, 600. Creator: Unknown.
Patroclus, 1840. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Bust of Patroclus, August 9, 1843. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Bust of Patroclus, August 9, 1843. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Bust of Patroclus, August 9, 1842. Creator: William Henry Fox Talbot.
Circe, 1865. Creator: Julia Margaret Cameron.
Frontispiece for Heft IV of "Homer nach Antiken gezeichnet", Göttingen: Heinrich Diete..., ca. 1796. Creator: Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein.
Circe with the companions of Ulysses changed into animals, 1650-51. Creator: Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione.
Circe changing the companions of Ulysses into beasts, 1650-1651. Creator: Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione.
Arrival of Telemachus at the Island of Calypso. Creators: Antoine Jean Duclos, Jean-Baptiste Patas.
Portrait of a Young Man, ca. 1760-65. Creator: Pompeo Batoni.
Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717-1768), ca. 1777. Creator: Anton Raphael Mengs.
'Broome', (1689-1745), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'Achilles', 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'Ulysses and the Sirens', 1909, (c1950). Creator: Herbert James Draper.
Boetian black-figure skyphos depicting Odysseus at sea and with Circe, 4th century BC. Artist: Cabirion Group.
'Oxford University Press: Page from the Odyssey', 1909, (1914). Artist: Robert Proctor.
'Penelope with the Suitors', 1509, (1909). Artist: Bernardino Pinturicchio.
'Heinrich Schliemann', (1822-1890), German archaeologist, 1893. Artist: Unknown.
Vase-painting of the story of the Cyclops from the 'Odyssey'. Artist: Unknown
'The Shipwreck of Telemachus', 1777. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus explains the questions of Minos', 1776. Artist: W Walker
'The Departure of Telemachus from Egypt', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus gains Information of the commerce of Tyre', 1775. Artist: W Walker
'Telemachus, by Order of Astarbe, avoids the pursuits of Pygmalion', 1775. Artist: T Cook
'Telemachus, in the Desert of Oasis, is consoled by Termosiris a Priest of Apollo', 1774.Artist: Charles Grignion
Letter from Alexander Pope to Charles Montagu, 3rd December 1714.Artist: Alexander Pope
Letter from William Ewart Gladstone to Anthony Panizzi, 29th November 1856.Artist: William Ewart Gladstone
Achilles bandaging the wound of Patroclus, c1900. Artist: Unknown
Ulysses on Ogygia, 1864. Artist: Noel Paton
Achilles bandaging the wound of Patroclus, c1900. Artist: Unknown
'The Greeks outside Troy', c1900. Artist: Unknown
'Trojans Deceived', 1830. Artist: Unknown
'Telemachus and Mentor at the altar, preparing to be sacrificed to the Manes of Anchises', 1774. Artist: W Walker
Ship of Odysseus (Ulysses), King of Ithaca. Artist: Unknown
Battle scene from Homer's Iliad, c300 BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Odysseus, hero of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. Artist: Unknown
'How Ulysses met Nausicaa', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
The Loom of Penelope, from the Chuisi Vase, Etruscan, c400 BC (1930). Artist: Unknown
The suitors discover Penelope's cunning, c1833. Artist: Unknown
'The Sacrifice of Nestor', c1833. Artist: Unknown
'Penelope's dream', c1833. Artist: Unknown
Nausicaa playing a ball game, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Odysseus follows the chariot of Nausicaa, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Odysseus in the house of Circe, the enhantress, c1833. Artist: Unknown
'Telemachus and Mentor, after having suffered a shipwreck, arrive at the Island of Calypso', 1774. Artist: Charles Grignion
'Telemachus accompanied by Mentor, relates his Adventures to Calypso', 1774. Artist: J Collyer
'Minerva protecting Telemachus, and preserving him from the Shafts of Love', 1775.Artist: W Walker
'Calypso Takes Pity on Ulysses', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'Circe sends the Swine (The Companions of Ulysses) to the Styes', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'The Adventure with Scylla', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
Title page of Homer's Odyssey, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Zeus and Athena decide to send Hermes to Calypso, c1833. Artist: Unknown
'Athena sets foot on the island of Ithaca, c1833. Artist: Unknown
'Phemius sings for the suitors of Penelope', c1833. Artist: Unknown