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3pages, 139 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Homer"Advanced Search
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'Calypso Takes Pity on Ulysses', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'Circe sends the Swine (The Companions of Ulysses) to the Styes', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
'The Adventure with Scylla', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
Title page of Homer's Odyssey, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Zeus and Athena decide to send Hermes to Calypso, c1833. Artist: Unknown
'Athena sets foot on the island of Ithaca, c1833. Artist: Unknown
'Phemius sings for the suitors of Penelope', c1833. Artist: Unknown
Telemachus and Mentor arrive at Pylos, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Hermes orders the nymph Calypso to release Odysseus, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Leucothea, the sea deity, saves Odysseus in the storm, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Odysseus drinking with Polyfemos, the cyclops, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Odysseus in the underworld, c1833. Artist: Unknown
Scylla, the sea monster, c1833. Artist: Unknown
An extract from the original manuscript of Pope's translation of Homer, 18th century, (1840). Artist: Unknown
Ulysses and the sirens, Roman mosaic, 3rd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Ulysses and the sirens, 2nd century AD. Artist: Unknown
'The Education of Achilles: Chariot Racing', mid-late 17th century. Artist: Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne
'The Education of Achilles: The Riding Lesson', 17th century. Artist: Jean-Baptiste de Champaigne