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Camacho's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Camacho), 1929-1930. Creator: Sert, José María (1874-1945).
The Rape of Europa, ca 1604. Creator: Cesari, Giuseppe (1568-1640).
Orpheus among the animals, ca 1595. Creator: Vrancx, Sebastiaen (1574-1647).
The Rape of Ganymede, 1700. Creator: Gabbiani, Anton Domenico (1652-1726).
Justice and Temperance, First Half of 16th cen.. Creator: Veronese (de' Pitati), Bonifacio (1487-1553).
Apollo and Daphne, ca 1541. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
Apollo and Diana Punishing Niobe by Killing her Children, ca 1541. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The Story of Griselda, c. 1440. Creator: Apollonio di Giovanni di Tommaso (ca. 1415-1465).
Amaryllis and Mirtillo, 1631-1632. Creator: Dyck, Sir Anthony van (1599-1641).
The Justice, 1542. Creator: Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574).
The Faith, 1542. Creator: Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574).
The crazy Kate, 1806-1807. Creator: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825).
Rivals, First Half of 17th cen.. Creator: Moeyaert, Claes Cornelisz. (1592-1655).
Venus, Between 1527 and 1531. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
Stage design for the Tragedy Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel, ca 1934. Creator: Müller, Traugott (1895-1944).
Stage design for the Tragedy Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel, ca 1934. Creator: Müller, Traugott (1895-1944).
Stage design for the Tragedy Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel, ca 1934. Creator: Müller, Traugott (1895-1944).
April, 1892. Creator: Denis, Maurice (1870-1943).
The Adoration II, 1894. Creator: Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918).
Laus Veneris, 1873-1878. Creator: Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898).
Venus in the Grotto III, 1916. Creator: Moser, Koloman (1868-1918).
Hercules and Omphale. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
Birdsong, 1893. Creator: Ferenczy, Károly (1862-1917).
Esmeralda at Madame de Gondelaurier. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, 1831. Creator: Boulanger, Louis Candide (1806-1867).
The Death of Lucretia. Creator: Zanchi, Antonio (1631-1722).
Mazeppa and the Wolves, 1826. Creator: Vernet, Horace (1789-1863).
The Apotheosis of Napoleon I, 1853. Creator: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867).
Patroclus, 1780. Creator: David, Jacques Louis (1748-1825).
The quarrel between Agamemnon and Achilles, ca. 1695. Creator: Gaulli (Il Baciccio), Giovanni Battista (1639-1709).
Byblis changed into a fountain, 1793. Creator: Valenciennes, Pierre-Henri de (1750-1819).
Roman Elegy, 1791. Creator: Sablet, Jacques (1749-1803).
Athaliah and Jehoash, 1741. Creator: Coypel, Charles-Antoine (1694-1752).
Sappho throwing herself into the sea, 1791. Creator: Taillasson, Jean-Joseph (1745-1809).
Venus and Minerva , 1794. Creator: Pécheux, Laurent (1729-1821).
Battle of Minerva Against Mars, 1771. Creator: Suvée, Joseph-Benoît (1743-1807).
Odysseus. Study for the Triumph of Homer, c. 1850. Creator: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867).
Death of Meleager, 1727. Creator: Boucher, François (1703-1770).
The Rape of Orithyia, 1782. Creator: Vincent, François André (1746-1816).
The Death of Virginie, 1759. Creator: Doyen, Gabriel François (1726-1806).
Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi, c. 1793. Creator: Suvée, Joseph-Benoît (1743-1807).
Sappho, 1849. Creator: Chassériau, Théodore (1819-1856).
Dante and Virgil in hell. The Barque of Dante, 1822. Creator: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863).
The adulthood of Louis XIII. (The Marie de' Medici Cycle), 1622-1625. Creator: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640).
Hercules on the pyre, 1620-1621. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
The Rape of Helen, ca 1626-1629. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
The fight between Heracles and Achelous, 1620-1621. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Hercules Slaying the Hydra of Lerna, 1620-1621. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
The Union of Drawing and Color, ca 1620-1625. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Maharaja Ranjit Singh, 1841. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
The Dream of Ossian, 1813. Creator: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867).
Allegory of Chastity, ca 1475. Creator: Memling, Hans (1433/40-1494).
Fables de La Fontaine, 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
L'Ours et l'amateur de jardins (The Bear and the Gardener), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
La souris métamorphosée en fille (The Mouse Turned into a Maid), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
Le cheval et le loup (The Horse and the Wolf), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
Le Dragon à plusieurs têtes et le dragon à plusieurs queues, 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
Le Meunier son fils et l'Ane (The miller, his son and the donkey), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
Le Singe et le Leopard (The Monkey and the Leopard), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
Songe d'un habitant du Mogol (The Mogul's Dream), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).
Phe?bus et Bore?e (Phoebus and Boreas), 1837-1839. Creator: Imam Bakhsh Lahori (active 1830s-1840s).