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The Miracle of the Slave (The Miracle of Saint Mark), 1541. Creator: Sansovino, Jacopo (1486-1570).
Briseis aund Achilles. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The Forge of Vulcan, 1576-1577. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
Jupiter and Semele. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The Judgement of Paris (Detail). Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The Faith, 1542. Creator: Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574).
Muse With a Lute, Second half of the16th cen.. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
Resting Venus with cupid, ca 1624. Creator: Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665).
Capitoline Venus (Roman copy from a Greek Original), 2th century BC. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Classical sculpture  .
Chronos , 1582-1585. Creator: Butteri, Giovanni Maria (c. 1540-1606).
Apollo and Hyacinth, Second half of the16th cen.. Creator: Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571).
Clouds (Lauterbrunnen Valley), 1901. Creator: Giron, Charles (1850-1914).
The Adoration II, 1894. Creator: Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918).
Funerale Bianco (White Funeral), 1901. Creator: Berta, Edoardo (1867-1931).
Cover design "Metamorfoze" by Louis Couperus, 1897. Creator: Toorop, Jan (1858-1928).
Cover design "Psyche" by Louis Couperus, 1898. Creator: Toorop, Jan (1858-1928).
Title page from: Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Painters...,  1568. Creator: Anonymous.
A Satire of Tulip Mania, c. 1640. Creator: Brueghel, Jan, the Younger (1601-1678).
Venus in the Grotto III, 1916. Creator: Moser, Koloman (1868-1918).
Self-Portrait, drawing with mermaid in the rock grotto, 1914. Creator: Moser, Koloman (1868-1918).
Le monstre de la guerre. Creator: Bakst, Léon (1866-1924).
Witches, from The Invisible World by Cotton Mather , 1689. Creator: Anonymous.
Wilhelm Tell, 1781. Creator: Chodowiecki, Daniel Nikolaus (1726-1801).
Rinaldo and Armida. Creator: Borroni, Giovanni Angelo (1684-1772).
From the Great Discoveries, Through the Gloomy Ages..., 1906. Creator: Sartorio, Giulio Aristide (1860-1932).
From the Great Discoveries, Through the Gloomy Ages..., 1906. Creator: Sartorio, Giulio Aristide (1860-1932).
Le masque au rideau noir, 1892. Creator: Khnopff, Fernand (1858-1921).
Clématis, c. 1914. Creator: Khnopff, Fernand (1858-1921).
Gold of the Rhine (Das Rheingold), 1875. Creator: Pixis, Theodor (1831-1907).
Leda, 1890. Creator: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925).
Allegory of Justice, c. 1870. Creator: Anonymous.
The Muse Terpsichore. Creator: Fanfani, Enrico (1810-1910).
La Nuit, 1910-1911. Creator: Redon, Odilon (1840-1916).
Salammbô, 1885. Creator: Sinibaldi, Jean-Paul (1857-1909).
The Quran. Creator: Delanoy, Hippolyte-Pierre (1849-1899).
Cybele and Amphitrite, 1859. Creator: Baudry, Paul Jacques Aimé (1828-1886).
Cybele and Amphitrite, 1859. Creator: Baudry, Paul Jacques Aimé (1828-1886).
Illustration for novella The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince), 1942. Creator: Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (1900-1944).
Sanuki no in kenzoku o shite Tametomo wo sukuu zu, 1851. Creator: Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1797-1861).
Pavilion of Numbers, 1918. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Stage design for the Tragedy Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel, ca 1934. Creator: Müller, Traugott (1895-1944).
Stage design for the Tragedy Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel, ca 1934. Creator: Müller, Traugott (1895-1944).
Stage design for the Tragedy Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel, ca 1934. Creator: Müller, Traugott (1895-1944).
Die Nibelungen. Kriemhild's Farewell, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. Hagen's Shield Request, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. Etzel and Kriemhild, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. How They Threw Down the Dead Out Of The Hall, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. Hagen of Troneck kills Iring, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. How the Queen Gave Orders to Burn Down the Hall, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. How Rudiger?s corps is presented to Krimhild, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. How Sir Dietrich's Men Were All Slain, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Die Nibelungen. How Gunther and Hagen and Kriemhild Were Slain, 1840-1841. Creator: Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859).
Margarete Schön als Kriemhild in the Film "Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge" by Fritz Lang, 1924. Creator: Anonymous.
The Nibelungenlied. Gunther and Brunhild, 1860. Creator: Gonzenbach, Carl Arnold (1806-1885).
The Nibelungenlied. Siegfried and Kriemhild, 1860. Creator: Gonzenbach, Carl Arnold (1806-1885).
Boreas Abducting Orithyia, c. 1615. Creator: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640).
The crazy Kate, 1806-1807. Creator: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825).
Unicorn. From: La Tenture de saint Étienne. Scène 8: Le corps du martyr exposé aux bêtes, c. 1500. Creator: Coter, Colijn de, after (ca. 1440/45-ca. 1522/32).
April, 1892. Creator: Denis, Maurice (1870-1943).
Apollon vainqueur du serpent Python, c. 1853. Creator: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863).