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Julie and Saint-Preux on Lake Geneva, 1824. Creator: Le Prince (baron de Crespy), Charles Édouard (1784-1851).
Clouds (Lauterbrunnen Valley), 1901. Creator: Giron, Charles (1850-1914).
Diana on her chariot, 1821. Creator: Blondel, Merry-Joseph (1781-1853).
Unicorn. From: La Tenture de saint Étienne. Scène 8: Le corps du martyr exposé aux bêtes, c. 1500. Creator: Coter, Colijn de, after (ca. 1440/45-ca. 1522/32).
Saint Helena before the Pope in Rome, ca 1510-1520. Creator: Orley, Bernaert, van (1488-1541).
Silence, 1890. Creator: Khnopff, Fernand (1858-1921).
Capitoline Venus (Roman copy from a Greek Original), 2th century BC. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Classical sculpture  .
With the snake, 1924. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Briseis aund Achilles. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
Jupiter and Semele. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The Rape of Europa. Krater, ca 370-360 BC. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Attican Art  .
Io and Argus, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Leda and the Swan, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
The Rape of Europa, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Hermaphrodite, 1st century. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Classical sculpture  .
Capitoline Venus (Roman copy from a Greek Original), Mid 2nd cen. AD. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Classical sculpture  .
Bust of Antoninus Pius, Mid 2nd cen. AD. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Classical sculpture  .
Farnese Hercules, Mid 2nd cen. AD. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome, Classical sculpture  .
Narcissus, 1st H. 1st cen. AD. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Paris, 1808-1812. Creator: Canova, Antonio (1757-1822).
The Justice, 1441. Creator: Niccolò di Agnolo del Fantino (active ca 1441).
Justice (Judith), 1760. Creator: Zanetti, Anton Maria (1706-1778).
Apollo and Hyacinth, Second half of the16th cen.. Creator: Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571).
Leda and the Swan, ca 1530. Creator: Bandinelli, Baccio (1493-1560).
The Death of Cleopatra, c. 1640. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Atalanta and Hippomenes, 1618-1619. Creator: Reni, Guido (1575-1642).
Venus Pouring a Balm on the Wound of Aeneas, c. 1805-1810. Creator: Blondel, Merry-Joseph (1781-1853).
Danae, Mid of 16th cen.. Creator: Schiavone, Andrea (1522-1563).
Lady and the Unicorn, 1534-1540. Creator: Longhi, Luca (1507-1580).
Give me a suit of armour and I become bold enough to bell the cat, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Whatever I do is in vain. I piss at the moon., 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
My neighbour?s success annoys me. I don?t want the sun to shine on the water., 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
He who would waste his effort casts roses before swine, 1558. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Amaryllis and Mirtillo, 1631-1632. Creator: Dyck, Sir Anthony van (1599-1641).
Le Tenebre (dal ciclo Il poema della Vita Umana), 1907. Creator: Sartorio, Giulio Aristide (1860-1932).
La Bellezza che scaccia il Tempo. Creator: Sirani, Elisabetta (1638-1665).
Abstract figure to the left, 1923. Creator: Schlemmer, Oskar (1888-1943).
Abenteuer-Schiff (The Adventure Ship), 1927. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Allegoria della Felicità (Allegory of Happiness), 1565. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
Zur Gruppe geschlungen (Enlacés en un groupe), 1930. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Muse of the comedy with lyre, masks and sword, First quarter of 6th cen.. Creator: West European Applied Art.
Charity, 1535. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
The Feast of the Gods, 1600s. Creator: Poelenburgh, Cornelis, van (1594/95-1667).
Richard III. Creator: Abildgaard, Nicolai Abraham (1743-1809).
Landlord and his Harem, 1830-1840s. Creator: Hampeln, Carl, von (1794-after 1880).
Lady and the Unicorn, 1534-1540. Creator: Longhi, Luca (1507-1580).
Mummers, 1908. Creator: Sapunov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1880-1912).
Hercules and Omphale. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
The Story of Griselda, c. 1440. Creator: Apollonio di Giovanni di Tommaso (ca. 1415-1465).
Parole in libertà, 1932. Creator: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944).
The Rape of Europa. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705).
Saturn devouring his son. Creator: Lama, Giulia (1681-1747).
Venus, Between 1527 and 1531. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
Bow-carving Cupid, Between 1534 und 1540. Creator: Parmigianino (1503-1540).
The Zindan (Prison), 1930s. Creator: Bure, Leon (Lev) Leonardovich (1887-1943).
On the knees, 1920s. Creator: Galperin, Lev Solomonovich (1886-1938).
Justice and Temperance, First Half of 16th cen.. Creator: Veronese (de' Pitati), Bonifacio (1487-1553).
The Justice, 1542. Creator: Vasari, Giorgio (1511-1574).
Apollo and Daphne, ca 1541. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
Apollo and Diana Punishing Niobe by Killing her Children, ca 1541. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).