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Loki at Ægir's Banquet. From Valhalla: Gods of the Teutons, c. 1905.
Loki and Sigyn. From Valhalla: Gods of the Teutons, c. 1905.
Thor and the Midgard Serpent. From Valhalla: Gods of the Teutons, c. 1905.
Odin and Fenrir, Freyr and Surt. From Valhalla: Gods of the Teutons, c. 1905.
The Death of Baldr (Left site). From Valhalla: Gods of the Teutons, c. 1905.
The Death of Baldr (Right site). From Valhalla: Gods of the Teutons, c. 1905.
Pope Joan. From De mulieribus claris (Concerning Famous Women) by Giovanni Boccaccio, ca 1538-1539.
Illustration from De humani corporis fabrica by Andreas Vesalius, ca 1543.
Title page from De humani corporis fabrica by Andreas Vesalius, ca 1543.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), 1564.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), ca 1529.
Cover of the book Ivan Ivanych the Samovar by Daniil Kharms, 1929.
Rêverie, 1893.
Orpheus in the Underworld, 1897.
The Dawn of Labor (L'Aurore du travail), ca 1891.
The Disappointed Souls (Les mes déçues), 1892.
Pope Joan (from the Schedel's Chronicle of the World), 1493.
Le Rêve (The dream), 1883.
Starry Sky, 1917.
Starry Sky, 1909.
Lennuk, 1910.
Creation of the World III, 1905-1906.
Nec mergitur, 1904-1905.
Linda Carrying a Rock, 1917.
The constancy of High Priest Eleazar (La Constance d?Eléazar), 1792.
The War (La guerre) , 1894.
La Danse des bacchantes (The Dance of Bacchantes), 1849.
The Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Ani. The Hall of Judgment, ca 1250 BC.
Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) , 1902.
The blind Homer playing the Lira da Braccio, c. 1622.
The broken Peace (La Pièce démontée), 1868.
The Eighteen Scholars.
Mercury, c. 1880.
Beethoven, 1863.
Aphrodite, ca 1893.
The Siren (La Sirène), 1896.
The Siren, 1873.
The Birth of Venus, 1862.
La vague violette, 1895.
Fée des eaux.
The mermaid, 1897.
Femme hippocampe (Seahorse woman), 1898.
Le lyrisme de la forêt (Lyricism of the Forest), 1910.
Pêche bucolique.
Bacchante (Nymph crowned with vine leaves), um 1900-1904.
Nymphs at the source in an Arcadian landscape , ca 1904.
Christmas in America, 1919.
Frontispiece to Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, 1831.
April (The anemones), 1891.
Flowers, 1906-1907.
The Mansion of the Plates (Sara yashiki), from the series One Hundred Ghost Stories (Hyaku monogatar
Von der Liste gestrichen (Taken off the list), 1933.
The creator, 1934.
Untitled (Two fishes, a hook, a worm), 1901.
The Hero with the Wing, 1905.
Lady Demon, 1935.
Love song by the new moon, 1939.
Candide, chapitre 16. Tandis que deux singes les suivaient en leur mordant les fesses, 1911.
A picture from the boudoir, 1922.
Urchs from the Heroic Age, 1939.