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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Light Broadering I, 1929.
Mountains in Winter (Gebirge im Winter), 1925.
Begrüssung (Greeting), 1922.
Varsalah, 1916.
Unfulfilled (Unerfülltes) , 1930.
Room Architectures (On Cold-Warm), 1915.
Blumen in der Vase (Flowers in the Vase) , 1929.
Fateful Hour at Quarter to Twelve (Schicksalstunde um Dreiviertel Zwölf), 1922.
Komische Alte (Comic old woman), 1923.
Glashäuser Viertel, 1927.
Parkbild bei Regen (Park in the Rain), 1920.
Architecture, transparent-structural, 1921.
Zerstörtes Dorf (Destroyed village), 1920.
Ruhendes, 1930.
Minerva surrounded by Mercury, Diana, Apollo and Vulcan.
The Apparition of the Tiburtine Sibyl to Caesar Augustus.
Illustration for the poem Le Corbeau (The Raven) by Edgar Allan Poe, 1875.
Lesbia and her Sparrow, 1860.
The Toilet of Venus, Early 1780s.
The Offering, Early 1780s.
La Danse macabre (The Dance of Death).
Atalanta and Hippomenes, 1727.
Allegory of Justice.
Orpheus among the animals, 1660s.
The tree of Life.
Le jeu (The Game), 1892.
Diana's Rest.
The Shepherd and the Sea, 1895.
Nemea, 1894.
The return to Cythera, ca 1896.
Herbstweben, 1899.
A faun playing the flute, c. 1905.
A faun playing the flute.
The Witch.
Satyress (A female faun).
Leda and the Swan.
The torrent.
The guardian angel, 1897.
Illustration for novella The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince), 1942.
Demon, 1904.
Das Abenteuerschiff (The Adventure Ship), 1927.
The Charity, 16th century.
The Bocca della Verità (The Mouth of Truth), ca 1525-1528.
Mascarades et Amusettes, 1933.
Study for Antiochus and Stratonice, ca 1835-1840.
La barca dei comici:: the Carlo Goldoni's journey from Rimini to Chioggia, ca 1855.
Allegory of Wisdom.
Illustration for the journal Zolotoe Runo (The Golden Fleece), 1900s.
The Judgement of Paris.
Nereids, c. 1925.
Fulfillment, 1912.
Fleeing nymphs.
Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Fyodorovna at hunting near Stuttgart, 1911.
Illustration for the children's book Kuznets Metallurgical Combine: A Socialist Giant, 1932.
Title page for the story The Queen of spades by A. Pushkin, 1834.
Illustration for the story The Office (from A Sportsman's Sketches) by Ivan Turgenev, 1880s.
Nine allegorical compositions on the uncertainty of life, Second Half of the 18th cen..
Olenin. Illustration for the novel The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy, 1917.