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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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The Gaze of Ahriman, 1920.
Themistocles takes the bowl of poison, 1887.
The Death of Socrates, 1762.
Diana and Actaeon (Artémis surprise au bain par Actéon).
Les Dryades, Early 20th cen..
La République (Allegorical Figure of the French Republic), 1848.
The Feeling, 1909-1911.
The Day, 1899-1900.
Saint Sebastian, 1912.
Excerpt of German students in the War of Independence of 1813, 1908-1909.
Dietegen Covering the Retreat (The Retreat from Marignano) , 1906-1907.
The Ghost of Oyuki , Second Half of the 18th cen..
Illustration for the poem The Dead Souls by N. Gogol, 1894.
From the Series 66 Drawings, 1909.
Illustration for Mimes des courtisanes de Lucien by Pierre Louÿs.
Minerva between Geometry and Arithmetics , 1551.
The Gods of Olympus.
Prudence, 1551.
Living in a villa.
Paris, 1791.
Ricciardino Langosco's mother in search of her dead son, 1840-1844.
Action. (Opus VI, Plate 2 from Paraphrase on the Finding of a Glove), 1881.
Abduction. (Opus VI, Plate 9 from Paraphrase on the Finding of a Glove), 1881.
Rescue. (Opus VI, Plate 6 from Paraphrase on the Finding of a Glove), 1881.
Triumph. (Opus VI, Plate 6 from Paraphrase on the Finding of a Glove), 1881.
Philosopher (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Time and fame (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Plague (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Misery (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
And yet (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
War (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Ruler (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Temptation. (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Integer Vitae... (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Dead mother. (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Genius (Artist). From the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
To Beauty. (from the series On Death II), 1898-1910.
Satyr and peasant family.
Porta Virtutis (Gate of Virtue), ca 1585.
Venus and Amor, ca 1578.
Proserpina, c. 1565.
Allegory of the Night, c. 1560.
Allegory of Justice, 1582-1585.
La Fatica , 1582-1585.
Diana and Actaeon, ca 1580-1585.
Pygmalion and Galatea, ca 1530.
Venus Fastens the Girdle for Juno, c. 1811.
The Death of Cleopatra, ca 1878.
The Visit of Venus to Vulcan.
Diana bathing.
Music, 1911.
Impressions of Bombardment (Shrapnels and Grenades), 1926.
Halme, 1938.
View into the Fertile Country (Blick in das Fruchtland), 1932.
Flowering, 1934.
Boats in the flood (Boote in der Überflutung), 1937.
Diana, 1931.
Still life with sculptures (Stillleben mit Plastiken), 1923.
Feuille commémorative E (Gedenkblatt E), 1924.