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The Witches' Sabbath. Artist: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)
Witches at a black mass. Artist: Dandini, Ottaviano (ca 1706-1740)
Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Three Witches, 1759. Artist: Wootton, John (1686-1765)
The Witches Floating Above Macbeth and Banquo. Artist: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825)
Pretender, 1939. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
The Vampire II, 1895-1900. Artist: Munch, Edvard (1863-1944)
Title page of The Fairy tale of the Tsar Saltan by A. Pushkin, 1904. Artist: Bilibin, Ivan Yakovlevich (1876-1942)
Raphael talks to Adam and Eve. Illustration for John Milton's Paradise Lost, 1866. Artist: Doré, Gustave (1832-1883)
Paolo and Francesca. Artist: Doré, Gustave (1832-1883)
A soul pulled from his corpse by a demon. (From The Scale of Perfection by Walter Hilton), ca 1460. Artist: Anonymous
Thusnelda Crowning Hermann, 1785. Artist: Kauffmann, Angelika (1741-1807)
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1598. Artist: Brueghel, Jan, the Elder (1568-1625)
Heroic Roses, 1938. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
The shameless animal, 1920. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Lady and Fashion, 1938. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Mask Louse, 1931. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Red and White Domes, 1914. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Camel in a Rhythmic Landscape of Trees, 1920. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Allegory of the Sea. Artist: Stradanus (Straet, van der), Johannes (1523-1605)
Ars magna lucis et umbrae, 1671. Artist: Kircher, Athanasius (1602-1680)
Children and dog, 1920. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Poisonous Berries, 1920. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Farewell to the Nineteenth Century. Design for the decoration of the Cabaret venue Le Chat Noir in M Artist: Willette, Adolphe (1857-1926)
Feeding the Sacred Ibis in the Halls of Karnak, 1871. Artist: Poynter, Edward John (1836-1919)
Midsummer Night's Fairies. Artist: Naish, John George (1824-1905)
Hermia and Lysander. A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1870. Artist: Simmons, John (1823-1876)
A Midsummer Night's Dream, c. 1846. Artist: Montaigne, William John (c. 1820-1902)
Wings of the Morning. Artist: Hughes, Edward Robert (1851-1914)
Puck, 1841. Artist: Dadd, Richard (1819-1887)
Fairyland, 1887. Artist: Fitzgerald, John Anster (1832-1906)
The Fairy's Banquet, c. 1858. Artist: Fitzgerald, John Anster (1832-1906)
Wedding of Mishka the Clumsy Bear, End of 19th century. Artist: Anonymous
Illustration to Goethe's Faust, 1828. Artist: Delacroix, Eugène (1798-1863)
Illustration to Goethe's Faust, 1924-1925. Artist: Clarke, Harry (1889-1931)
The Sleeping Beauty, 1913-1922. Artist: Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
The Sleeping Beauty, 1913-1922. Artist: Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Weighing the Bible, 1660. Artist: Ram, Johannes de (1648-1693)
Illustration to the book Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory, 1893-1894. Artist: Beardsley, Aubrey (1872–1898)
The March of intellect, 1829. Artist: Heath, William (1795-1840)
Hamburg in the Year 2000. Poster for the Ernst Drucker Theatre, 1896. Artist: Friedländer, Adolph (1851-1904)
Flying Fireman. From the series Visions of the Year 2000, 1899. Artist: Côté, Jean-Marc (active End of 19th cen.)
At school. From the series Visions of the Year 2000, 1899. Artist: Côté, Jean-Marc (active End of 19th cen.)
Illustration to A Happy Pair by Frederick Weatherly, 1890. Artist: Potter, Helen Beatrix (1866-1943)
Peter Pan, 1906. Artist: Rackham, Arthur (1867-1939)
Anitra's Dance. Illustration for Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen. Artist: Rackham, Arthur (1867-1939)
Utopia by Thomas More, 1518. Artist: Holbein, Ambrosius (1494-ca. 1520)
Utopia by Thomas More, 1516. Artist: Anonymous
An Oath Of Temperance. The Temperance Society, 1860. Artist: Karneev, Akim Yegorovich (1833-1896)
Yaroslavna's Lament, 1880. Artist: Perov, Vasili Grigoryevich (1834-1882)
Lovers in Dalliance, 18th century. Artist: Anonymous
Chhinnamasta, c. 1800. Artist: Anonymous
King John absolved by Pandulph (After Henry Fuseli), 1798. Artist: Blake, William (1757-1827)
The Good and Evil Angels Struggling for Possession of a Child, 1795. Artist: Blake, William (1757-1827)
Glass Mosaics in the Wat Xieng Thong, Luang Prabang, Laos, 1950s. Artist: Anonymous master
Glass Mosaics in the Wat Xieng Thong, Luang Prabang, Laos, 1950s. Artist: Anonymous master
The Heroic Tenor As a Concert Singer, 1922. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Allegory on the reign of Emperor Leopold I, ca 1672. Artist: Hoet, Gerard (1648-1733)
The Death of Virginia, 1757-1759. Artist: Doyen, Gabriel François (1726-1806)
Allegorical Portrait of Parma Embracing Alessandro Farnese, 1556. Artist: Mazzola Bedoli, Girolamo (c. 1500-1569)
Apollo and Cyparissus, 1820. Artist: Dubufe, Claude Marie Paul (1790-1864)