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The Apotheosis of French Heroes Who Died for the Country During the War for Liberty, Early 19th cent Artist: Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824)
Vanity or Young woman at her toilet, c. 1626. Artist: Renieri (Régnier), Niccolo (c. 1590-1667)
Leda and the Swan, 1598-1599. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Jupiter and Antiope, 1612. Artist: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617)
Diana and Callisto, 1745-1747. Artist: Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Marie (1714-1789)
Jupiter and Antiope, 1745-1747. Artist: Pierre, Jean-Baptiste Marie (1714-1789)
Leda and the Swan. Artist: Moreau, Gustave (1826-1898)
Charity, ca 1555. Artist: Sellaer, Vincent (1490-1564)
Leda and the Swan, Mid of 16th century. Artist: Pencz, Georg (1500/02-1550)
The Siege of Troy, 17th century. Artist: Anonymous
Abstract Trio, 1923. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Episode Before an Arab Town, 1923. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Bolotnik. Artist: Belukha, Yevgeny Dmitrievich (1889-1943)
Ivan Susanin receives a vision of Mikhail Fyodorovich, 1906. Artist: Nesterov, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1862-1942)
Illustration to the novel Hadji Murad by Leo Tolstoy, 1924. Artist: Lanceray (Lansere), Evgeny Evgenyevich (1875-1946)
Birth Amulet, 18th century. Artist: Anonymous
Arbor Cabalistica (Kabbalistic Tree), ca 1625. Artist: Anonymous
Use of Sarum, 1526. Artist: Anonymous
The Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis), Early 18th century. Artist: Anonymous
Le Grimoire du Pape Honorius, 1760. Artist: Anonymous
Discourse on Geomancy, ca 1685. Artist: Anonymous
Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae..., 1775. Artist: Anonymous
Saul and the Witch of Endor, 1526. Artist: Cornelisz van Oostsanen, Jacob (ca. 1470-1533)
Saul and the Witch of Endor. Detail: Grimoire, 1526. Artist: Cornelisz van Oostsanen, Jacob (ca. 1470-1533)
Helios, 1st century. Artist: Classical Antiquities
The Walls of Babylon (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
The Temple of Diana at Ephesus (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
The Statue of Jupiter at Olympia (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
The Colossus of Rhodes (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
The Pyramids of Egypt (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
The Lighthouse at Alexandria (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (from the series The Eighth Wonders of the World), 1572. Artist: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612)
Summer - Africa (Triptych), 1917-1918. Artist: Sert, José María (1874-1945)
The Godess Neith. Artist: Clairin, Georges (1843-1919)
Folk song (Kansanlaulu), 1894. Artist: Simberg, Hugo (1873-1917)
March of the Pori Regiment (Porilaisten Marssi), 1892. Artist: Edelfelt, Albert Gustaf Aristides (1854-1905)
Dante's Dream on the Day of the Death of Beatrice (Io sono in pace), 1875. Artist: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)
Miranda. The Tempest, 1916. Artist: Waterhouse, John William (1849-1917)
Pandora, 1885. Artist: Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Illustration for La Belle Dame sans Merci by John Keats, 1865. Artist: Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Sidewall. Woodnotes, 1886. Artist: Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
The Norseman. From: Columbia's Courtship: A Picture History of the United States, 1893. Artist: Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Christopher Columbus. From: Columbia's Courtship: A Picture History of the United States, 1893. Artist: Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Justice, Mid of 16th century. Artist: Davent, Léon (active ca 1540-1560)
The History of Trade, 1898. Artist: Karasin, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1842-1908)
The three continents with Jerusalem in the center of the World, 1581. Artist: Bünting, Heinrich (1545-1606)
Miniature from Matâli' al-sa'âdet by Seyyid Mohammed ibn Emir Hasan (left part), 1582. Artist: Anonymous
Miniature from Matâli' al-sa'âdet by Seyyid Mohammed ibn Emir Hasan (left part), 1582. Artist: Anonymous
Hungry Mouth. Artist: Kulbin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1868-1917)
The Princess Who Never Smiled (Nesmeyana), 1896. Artist: Vasnetsov, Viktor Mikhaylovich (1848-1926)
Vignette, 1906. Artist: Feofilaktov, Nikolai Petrovich (1878-1941)
Slavic Count with a Female Captive. Artist: Golovin, Alexander Yakovlevich (1863-1930)
Targets in the fog, 1917. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Diana and Her Companions, ca 1654. Artist: Vermeer, Jan (Johannes) (1632-1675)
The Bavarian Don Giovanni, 1919. Artist: Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Allegory of the Treaty of Jassy, 1792. Artist: Stephanoff (Fileter Stefanof), Stepan (active 1770s-1810s)
Double book pages from For the Voice by Vladimir Mayakovsky, 1922-1923. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
Illustration for The Mares' milk by David Burlyuk and others, 1914. Artist: Burliuk, Vladimir Davidovich (1886-1917)
Letters of Abelard and Heloise, 1782. Artist: Anonymous
Letters of Abelard and Heloise, 1743. Artist: Anonymous