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I'm reading the Letters of Abelard and Heloise. From the Bible moralisée, 13th century. Artist: Anonymous
Astronomy, 1754. Artist: Sukhodolsky, Boris Vasilyevich (active Mid of 18th cen.)
Catherine II laying the trophies of the Battle of Chesma on the tomb of Peter the Great, 1791. Artist: Hüne (Hühne), Andreas Caspar (1749-1813)
Consul Titus Manlius Torquatus Orders the Beheading of his Son, 1662-1664. Artist: Bol, Ferdinand (1616-1680)
The envoys of the Caliph Harun al-Rashid offering a clock to Charlemagne, 1660. Artist: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)
Dream Idyll (A Valkyrie), c. 1902. Artist: Hughes, Edward Robert (1851-1914)
Sir Galahad. The Quest for the Holy Grail. Artist: Hughes, Arthur (1832-1915)
Merlin presenting the future King Arthur, 1873. Artist: Lauffer, Emil Johann (1837-1909)
The Knights of the Round Table, ca 1475. Artist: Évrard d'Espinques (active 1440-1494)
Rudolph of Habsburg and the Priest, ca 1625. Artist: Wildens, Jan (1586-1653)
Apotheosis of the Slavs. Slavs for Humanity, 1926. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
Holy Mount Athos, 1926. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
Slavs in their Original Homeland, 1911. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
The Slavic Unity, 1910-1911. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
By one's own strength I, 1911. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
By one's own strength II, 1911. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
By one's own strength III, 1911. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia, 1914. Artist: Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860-1939)
The faithful wives of Weinsberg. Artist: Swanenburg, Isaac Claesz. van (1537-1614)
Paolo and Francesca. Artist: Doré, Gustave (1832-1883)
The Hell. Artist: Napoletano, Filippo (1598-1629)
Untitled. Artist: Filonov, Pavel Nikolayevich (1883-1941)
Illustration to the poem The Tambov Treasurer's Wife by M. Lermontov, 1862. Artist: Flavitski, Konstantin Dmitrievich (1830-1866)
Illustration to the poem The Dream by M. Lermontov, Mid of the 19th century. Artist: Gagarin, Grigori Grigorievich (1810-1893)
 Illustration to the poem The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov, 1913-1914. Artist: Zamiraylo, Viktor Dmitrievich (1868-1939)
Illustration to the poem The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov, 1890-1900. Artist: Vrubel, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910)
Flying Demon, 1890-1891. Artist: Vrubel, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910)
Tamara's Dance. Illustration to the poem The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov, 1890-1891. Artist: Vrubel, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910)
The Demon downcast, 1901. Artist: Vrubel, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910)
Tamara and Demon. Illustration to the poem The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov, c. 1880. Artist: Zichy, Mihály (1827-1906)
Tamara and Demon. Illustration to the poem The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov, c. 1880. Artist: Zichy, Mihály (1827-1906)
Tamara in the coffin. Illustration to the poem The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov, c. 1880. Artist: Zichy, Mihály (1827-1906)
Princess Mary. Illustration to the novel A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov, 1862. Artist: Vereshchagin, Vasili Vasilyevich (1842-1904)
High Society Ball, First quarter of 19th century. Artist: Baranov, Vasili Venediktovich (1792-1836)
Illustration to the poem The Angel of Death by M. Lermontov, 1898. Artist: Kandaurov, Anton Ivanovich (1863-1930/36)
Illustration to the poem The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov by M. Lermontov . Artist: Korovin, Pyotr Ivanovich (1857-1919)
Illustration to the poem The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov by M. Lermontov, 1880s. Artist: Vrubel, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910)
Joan of Arc in armour before Orléans, 1886-1890. Artist: Lenepveu, Jules Eugène (1819-1898)
Boris Godunov and his Family, 1927. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration to the national epic Kalevala. Creator: Karimo, Aarno (1886-1952).
Giantess Kriemhild, 1915. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
Idols, 1901. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
Krishna, 1946. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
The Doomed City, 1914. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
Offerings, 1910. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
Tulola, 1918. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
Two Women in Flowers (Emotion 1a), 1901-1906. Artist: Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918)
The Birth of Aphrodite, 1887. Artist: Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900)
The Attack, 1899. Artist: Isto, Edvard (1865-1905)
Book cover of The Stolen Sun by Kornei Chukovsky, 1927. Artist: Rudakov, Konstantin Ivanovich (1891-1949)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Snegurochka, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Snegurochka, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Marya Morevna, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Firebird as Tsarevna, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Snegurochka, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Vasilisa the Beautiful, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Vasilisa the Beautiful, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Vasilisa the Beautiful, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Marya Morevna, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)
Illustration for the Fairy tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird, and the Gray Wolf, c. 1925. Artist: Zvorykin, Boris Vasilievich (1872-after 1935)