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Djeddjehutefankh, complete mummy in inner coffin, Third Intermediate Period, (c1070 BC-715 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Lion statue, VIth Dynasty (c2325-c2175 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Pen case or scribal palette with reed pens, Middle Kingdom (c1975 BC-c1640 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Model showing baking, brewing and butchering activities, XIIth Dynasty (c1940 BC-c1755 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Pottery vase in the shape of a woman, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Tin-lead alloy flask with lid, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Hedgehog vase, red polished pottery with painted details, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1292 BC) Artist: Unknown.
Limestone statuette of a bearded man, Protodynastic Period (Egypt) (c3300-c3200 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Mace head, Naqada I (Egypt) (c3900 BC-c3600 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Faience figurine of a hedgehog, Middle Kingdom (c1975 BC-c1640 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Model of wrestlers, late XIIth dynasty - XIIIth dynasty (c1800 BC-1700 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Mace-head of Scorpion king, Dynasty 0, (3100 BC-3000 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Statuette of a child in a shroud, XIIth dynasty (c1940 BC-c1755 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Statue of King Khasekhem, IInd Dynasty (c2775 BC-c2650 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Faience cylinder and necklace, Middle Kingdom (c1975 BC-c1640 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Carved and painted limestone block with depiction of a chariot wheel, 1353 BC-1335 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Wheel-made, brown ware pot with red wash, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC - c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Fragment of wallpainting from the Tomb of the Dancers, XVIIth Dynasty (c1630-c1540 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Limestone stela depicting the worship of the divine cats of Re and Atum, XIXth Dynasty (c1292-c1190  Artist: Unknown.
Statue, XIXth Dynasty (c1292-c1190 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Faience chalice in the form of a lotus flower, XXIInd Dynasty (c945 - c715 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Group statuette of 3 figures, late XIIth dynasty - early XIIIth dynasty (c1800 BC-1700 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Moulded faience vase in the form of the goddess Taweret, XXVth Dynasty (c770 BC-c715 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Wooden headrest, First Intermediate Period (c2125 BC-c1975 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Basket, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Polished red ware vessel modelled as a nursing woman, XVIIIth Dynasty (c 1540 BC-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Lotus jar, Early Dynastic Period (c2950 BC-c2575 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Fragment of painted plaster pavement depicting wild geece taking flight, XVIIIth Dynasty. Artist: Unknown.
Quartzite head of Amun, XXVth Dynasty (c770 BC-c715 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Statuette of the goddess Taweret, Third Intermediate Period (Egypt) (c1070 - 715 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Hub and spokes of chariot wheel, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Pot, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Bunch of glass grapes on a hooked stem of bronze and wood, 1353 BC-1335 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Rim shard showing galloping horse, 1353 BC-1335 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Hand- and wheel-made jar with blue painted motifs, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1292 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Stela of Imeny, New Kingdom (c1540 BC-c1070 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Statuette of king in the white crown offering two wine bowls, XIXth Dynasty (c1292 BC-c1190 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Faience amulet of Bes nursing a Horus, XXVth Dynasty (c770 BC-c715 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Model brewery, XIIth Dynasty, (c1940 BC-c1755 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Model of the cat-goddess Bastet, Late Period (Egypt), (c715 BC-343 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Fragment of a royal wig sculpted in wood, XVIIIth - XIXth Dynasty (c1540 BC-c1190 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 51 of Userhet, Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 78 of Horemheb, Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 100 of Rekhmire, Thebes, 20th century. Artists: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies, Rekhmire.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 100 of Rekhmire, Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 181 of Nebamun and Ipuky, Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from the Queen's tomb 66 of Nefertari, Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, Deir el Bahri Great Temple, Chapel of Anubis, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting,  tomb of Mentuhotpe, Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 3 of Khnumhotpe III, Beni Hasan, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 3 of Khnumhotpe III, Beni Hasan, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, private tomb 296 of Nefersekhemru, Thebes, blind harper, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting, a house, Amarna, swag of geese, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Limestone ostraca with humorous sketches in red and black ink, XIXth Dynasty (c1292 BC-c1190 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Ostracon, inscribed in hieratic, XIXth Dynasty (c1292 BC - c1190 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 40 of Huy, Thebes (I,1, 75-78), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 69 of Menna, Thebes (I,1, 134-139), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of painting from private tomb 74 of Thenuny, Thebes (I, 1, 144-146), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from Mastaba of Itet, Medum (IV, 93-94) geese, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 38 of Djeserkeresonb, Thebes (I, 1, 69-70), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.