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Copy of wall painting from private tomb 52 of Nakht, Thebes (I, 1, 99-102), 20th century.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 60 of Antefoker, Thebes (I, 1, 121-123), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 63 of Sebkhotpe, Thebes (I, 1, 125-128), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 82 of Amenemhet, Thebes (I, 1, 163-167), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 101 of Thenro, Thebes (I, 1, 214-215), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from private tomb 226 of Heqareshu , Thebes (I, 1, 327), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from a private tomb of Kaemankh, (III, 295), 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from a private tomb of Kaemankh, (III, 1, 132), Giza, geese, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Copy of wall painting from a private tomb 218 of Amennakhte, (I, 1, 317-320), Thebes, 20th century. Artist: Anna (Nina) Macpherson Davies.
Writing board with lines from 'The Hymn to the Nile Flood', XIXth Dynasty (c1292-c1190 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Steatite pair statue of the royal scribe and officer Huy and his wife Nay, XVIIIth Dynasty (c1540-c1 Artist: Unknown.
Shabti, XXIst Dynasty, (c1070-c945 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Shabti, XXIst Dynasty, (c1070-c945 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Statuette of Imhotep, eyes inlaid, Late Period (Egypt) (c715-343 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Statuette and stand, Late Period (Egypt), (c715-343 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Spouted faience vessel with inscription, XXIst Dynasty, (c1070-c945 BC). Artist: Unknown.
Wrestlers, Temple of Rameses III at Medianat Habu, Luxor, Egypt, 12th Century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Mortuary Temple of Rameses III at Medianat Habu, Luxor, Egypt, 12th Century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Ploughing from an Egyptian Stele, 18th Dynasty, 1332BC-1323 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Queen Hatshepsut and her co-regent Pharaoh Thutmosis III, 18th Dynasty.  c1503BC-1483 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Cat and Kittens Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Crocodile God of Fayum, Egypt, c1850BC. Artist: Unknown.
Painted Figure of Egyptian God Bes. Artist: Unknown.
Palette with bull goring man, circa late 4th millennium BC. Artist: Unknown.
Four Dogs Palette, Ancient Egyptian, late 4th millennium BC Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Scribe Old Kingdom, 2400BC-2000 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Painted Limestone figure, Egyptian, Old Kingdom, 2400BC-2000 BC Artist: Unknown.
Wooden box for the game of Senet,  Egyptian, c1300 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Shabti-Box, Anubis. Thoth, Osiris, New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, c1189 BC-1077BC. Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Faience Shabti-Figures from a Tomb Artist: Unknown.
Wooden Model of Man fanning Fire, Egyptian  Tomb Finding, c1900 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Wood Model of Woman Grinding Corn, Egyptian Tomb Finding, c1900 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Surveyor with coiled rope for measuring, 1400 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Taweret (or Theoris), Hippo Goddess.  Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Spirit of the Nile statuette with offering, Late Period, c664BC-323BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Statuette of supplicant kneeling. Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Statuette of King Seti I offering image of Maat, New Kingdom, c13th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Faience, Glass and Ivory Playing Pieces from Egyptian Tombs, circa 1500 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Painting of Captives on Feet of Mummy of a Pharaoh Artist: Unknown.
Pectoral behalf of the pharaoh and high priest of Amon Pinedjem, c990BC-969BC Artist: Unknown.
Gold necklaces and bracelets, Ancient Egyptian, 1st millennium BC Artist: Unknown.
Pectoral Plaque from the Tomb of Tutakhamun,  New Kingdom, c1332BC-1323 BC Artist: Unknown.
Bas relief with Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics, held in the Vatican Artist: Unknown.
Detail of Papyrus of Hent-Taul, Egypt, 21st Dynasty, c1069 BC - 945 BC Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Papyrus of Ani Ploughing, Theban Book of the Dead,  c1250 BC Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Papyrus Nespaquachouty c1050BC-1000 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Hieratic Book of the Dead of Padiamenet, early 22nd Dynasty, c945BC-900BC. Artist: Unknown.
Hieratic Script, Book of the Dead of Padiamenet, 10th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Ancient Egyptian Hieratic Script, c10th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Papyrus of Ani,  c1250 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Papyrus of Ani, c1250 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Manuscript showing afterlife, c11th century BC- c7th century BC Artist: Unknown.
Papyrus, Embalming, Anubis, Ancient Egyptian, c10th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian Wallpainting from the Tomb of Nebanmun at Thebes, c1400 BC. Chariot and Attendant Artist: Unknown.
Stele with Ra as Hawk, Sun symbol and Eyes, on Stele of Lady Taperet, c850BC-690 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze arched sistrum with Hathor head decoration, late Period, after 600BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Egyptian sistrum, dated after 850BC Artist: Unknown.
Padiuf’s False Canopic Jars, 22nd Dynasty, c1550BC-1069 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Anubis Canopic Jars, 22nd Dynasty, c1550BC-1069 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Thoth as Baboon, Canopic Jar, 22nd Dynasty, c1550BC-1069 BC. Artist: Unknown.