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Osiris Canopic Jar, 22nd Dynasty, c1550BC-1069 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, 1931. Artist: Unknown.
'Cairo ...', c1920. Artist: ENA.
'Cairo ...', c1920. Artist: ENA.
'The Sphinx by Moonlight', c1905, (1912). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
'The Birth Colonnade in the Temple of Hatshepsut', c1905, (1912). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
'The Tombs of the Khalifs', c1905, (1912). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
'Doorway in the Temple of Isis', c1905, (1912). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
Piazza del Popolo and the Pincian Hill, Rome, Italy, 1927. Artist: Eugen Poppel.
List of the kings of Egypt from the temple of Ramesses II, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1250 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail from the Book of the Dead of Ani; sheet 4. Artist: Unknown
Depiction of a man and his wife making offerings to Osiris. Artist: Unknown
Wooden model of a man ploughing with oxen, from Egypt, Middle Kingdom, c2040-1750 BC. Artist: Unknown
The Great Harris Papyrus, from Thebes, Egypt, reign of Ramesses IV, c1200 BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Amenemhat III, 19th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Amenemheb, Governor of Thebes, with his wife and mother, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Amenemheb, Governor of Thebes, with his wife and mother, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Wooden sarcophagus of Pa-Kush, priest of Amun? Artist: Unknown
Wooden sarcophagus of Pa-Kush, priest of Amun? Artist: Unknown
Wooden sarcophagus of Pa-Kush, priest of Amun? Artist: Unknown
Wooden sarcophagus of Pa-Kush, priest of Amun? Artist: Unknown
Portrait of a youth in a gold wreath, Fayum mummy portrait, Romano-Egyptian, early 2nd century. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian relief of Amon making an offering to Osiris. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian faience statuette of Sobek. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting of Osiris Khenti-Amentiu, from a tomb at Thebes. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian depiction of a funeral and entrance into the underworld, Papyrus of Ani. Artist: Unknown
Mummified bull, from Thebes, Egypt, Roman Period, after 30 BC. Artist: Unknown
A man and his wife making offerings to Osiris, from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Artist: Unknown
Limestone stela with a seated figure of Akhenaten, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, c1340 BC. Artist: Unknown
An image on an Egyptian papyrus of draughts-playing, Ani's Book of the Dead (sheet 7). Artist: Unknown
The Great Harris Papyrus, from Thebes, Egypt, reign of Ramesses IV, c1200 BC. Artist: Unknown
Weighing of the heart of the deceased against the feather of truth from the Egyptian Book of the Dea Artist: Unknown
Hieratic Egyptian script from the Book of the Dead. Artist: Unknown
Image of the Egyptian deity Ammit. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian image of farming in the Elysian Fields. Artist: Unknown
Cattle brought for inspection: wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun (no 5), Egypt, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Counting the geese: fragment of wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wooden model showing bakers at work, Egyptian, 12th Dynasty, c1900 BC. Artist: Unknown
Fragment of wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Fowling in the marshes: wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian painted limestone shabti. Artist: Unknown
Jackal-headed wooden canopic jar for the storage of organs, Egyptian, 25th Dynasty, c700 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian small falcon-headed wooden coffin. Artist: Unknown
Mask of a woman, from Egypt, Roman Period, c100-c120. Artist: Unknown
Limestone model of an ancient Egyptian house. Artist: Unknown
The Rosetta Stone, Egyptian, Ptolemaic Period, 196 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian statuette of Senenmut. Artist: Unknown
The Rosetta Stone, Egyptian, Ptolemaic Period, 196 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian elief stele of a man adoring Anubis. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian painted wooden mummy board, 11th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian relief showing a dead woman and Hathor. Artist: Unknown
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, from Thebes, Egypt, c1550 BC. Artist: Unknown
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, from Thebes, Egypt, c1550 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian papyrus with a depiction of the 'weighing of the heart'. Artist: Unknown
'Caesar meeting Cleopatra', 1747.  Artist: Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Portrait of a middle-aged man in a blue cloak, Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait, late 1st century. Artist: Unknown
Stone stele with a relief, Ancient Egyptian, 156 BC. Artist: Unknown
Wooden ushabti figurine of Mutry, Ancient Egyptian, 16th or 15th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, c1890.  Artist: Newton & Co
Colonnade of the Temple of Isis, Philae, Egypt, c1890.  Artist: Trade Mark