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Pyramids at Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, 26th century BC (1801). Artist: Unknown
Hypostyle hall, temple of Amun-Re, Karnak, Egypt, 1878. Artist: P Sebah
Exterior of the Hypostyle hall, temple of Amun-Re, Karnak, Egypt, 1878. Artist: Unknown
Entrance to a tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Thebes, Egypt, 1855. Artist: Unknown
Portico of the sandstone Temple of Edfu dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus, Egypt, 1838. Artist: Louis Haghe
Sandstone Temple of Edfu, dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus, Egypt, 1838. Artist: Louis Haghe
Interior of the sandstone Temple of Edfu, dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus, Egypt, 1838. Artist: Mitan
Statues of Rameses II outside the entrance to the main temple at Abu Simbel, Egypt, 13th Century BC. Artist: Unknown
Statues of Rameses II outside the entrance to the main temple at Abu Simbel, Egypt, 13th Century BC. Artist: Frederick Catherwood
Sennutem ploughing with cattle, Ancient Egyptian tomb painting, New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC). Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from the tomb of the scribe Menna, Thebes, Ancient Egyptian, 18th dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from the tomb of Methethi, Saqqara, Ancient Egypt, Old Kingdom, c2371-2350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Thoth, ibis-headed god of the Moon, Ancient Egyptian, 5th-6th Dynasty (c2498-2181 BC). Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from the tomb of Ti, Saqqara, Ancient Egypt, Early 5th Dynasty, c2498-2450 BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian jewellery. Artist: Unknown
Potter turning vessels on a wheel, Ancient Egyptian, Old Kingdom, 5th Dynasty (2565-2420 BC). Artist: Unknown
Brewer, Ancient Egyptian model. Artist: Unknown
Model of a baker kneading dough and forming loaves, Ancient Egyptian. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from tomb of Sennefer, Abydos, Ancient Egypt, 18th Dynasty, c1450 BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian sculptors working on statues, c1842-1845. Artist: Unknown
Seated scribe, Ancient Egyptian, 5th Dynasty, 2498-2345 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model of a seated scribe, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, 1550-1293 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model of a seated scribe, Ancient Egyptian, 5th Dynasty, 2498-2345 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model of a seated scribe, Ancient Egyptian, 5th Dynasty, 2498-2345 BC. Artist: Unknown
History of Paper: 2, c1900. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from the tomb of Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1375 BC. Artist: Unknown
Votive stele dedicated by his brother to a man from Ermant, near Thebes, Ancient Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Stone carved hieroglyphs from Thebes, Ancient Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Cartouche for Rameses II, Ancient Egyptian, 19th Dynasty, c1279-1212 BC. Artist: Unknown
Giant limestone statues of Rameses II, Temple of Rameses, Abu Simbel, Egypt, 1836. Artist: David Roberts
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead on papyrus showing written hieroglyphs. Artist: Unknown
Ibis-headed god Thoth, secretary to the gods and patron of scribes, Ancient Egyptian. Artist: Unknown
Painted and inlaid coffer from the Treasure of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun on a reed boat spearing fish, Ancient Egyptian, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model of a boat, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Ivory headrest supported by a figure, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Pectoral showing the god Horus, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Sarcophagus of Amenhotep II, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, 1400 BC. Artist: Unknown
Tomb of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Tomb of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Central alley of the great temple at Karnak, Egypt, 1878. Artist: Unknown
The god Horus weighing the heart of the dead in a balance, Ancient Egyptian, 28th Dynasty, c400 BC. Artist: Unknown
Model boat, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Herding cattle; Ancient Egyptian tomb model. Artist: Unknown
Sarcophagus, Middle Kingdom, Ancient Egyptian, c2040-1786 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian cosmos. Artist: Unknown
Members of the cast of Amasis, c1906.Artist: Rotary Photo
Camel tour in front of one of the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
Camel tour, Giza, Egypt, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
Woman on a camel tour, Egypt, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
'The Procession of the Sacred Bull Apis', late 19th or early 20th century.  Artist: Frederick Arthur Bridgman
'The Death of Cleopatra', 1875.  Artist: Hans Makart
'Posing at the Pyramids', 1908.  Artist: Lance Thackeray
'Tow Rows in the Temple', 1908.  Artist: Lance Thackeray
'Fed Up!', 1908.  Artist: Lance Thackeray
Scene of mourning at the funerary temple of Tutankhamun, Egypt, 1325 BC (1933-1934). Artist: Unknown
'Egypt', 1912. Artist: Georges Barbier
Visitors to the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton
Visitors to the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1923. Artist: Harry Burton
Visitors to the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1923. Artist: Harry Burton