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Distinguished visitors to the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1923. Artist: Harry Burton
Counting the geese: fragment of wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Rames and his wife in adoration before a table heaped with offerings, c1400 BC (1958). Artist: Unknown
Fayum portrait, Ancient Egyptian, Roman period, c200 AD (1956). Creator: Unknown.
St Peter's Square and Basilica and the Vatican, Rome, Italy.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'Cleopatra', c1880-1882.Artist: W Unger
St Peter's Square and Basilica and the Vatican, Rome, Italy.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
A woman grinding corn, c2650 BC (1936). Artist: Unknown
The wife of a Ptahmai, c1400 BC (1936). Artist: Unknown
A daughter of King Ikhnaton, 1936. Artist: Unknown
An Ancient Egyptian princess, c1370 BC (1936). Artist: Unknown
A daughter of King Ikhnaton, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Portrait of a lady, Al-Fayyum, Egypt, 2nd century (1936). Artist: Unknown
'The harem windows in the court of a wealthy Cairene's house, Cairo, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Head of the Ancient Egyptian Queen Makare Hatshepsut, (c early 20th century). Artist: Howard Carter
Group photograph in the Hall of Columns, Karnak, Egypt, 1862. Artist: Francis Bedford
Moses saved by Pharaoh's daughter, 1870s. Artist: Siegfried Detlev Bendixen
Opening of the inner chamber of Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 18th February 1923. Artist: Harry Burton
Visitors to the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1923.  Artist: Harry Burton
Lord Carnavon's first visit to the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton
Zodiac ceiling from the grand Temple at Denderah, Egypt, c1826. Artist: Jollois and Devilliers
Outside the tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton
Scene of mourning at the funerary temple of Tutankhamun, Egypt, 1325 BC (1933-1934). Artist: Unknown
'Cleopatra', ballet costume design, 1909. Artist: Leon Bakst
'Cleopatra testing poisons on those condemned to death', late 19th century.   Artist: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Pharaoh Horemheb with the goddess Isis and the god Horus, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Woman in a birthing chair, Ancient Egyptian limestone relief from Kawm Umbu. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian hunting wildfowl with a throwing stick, c1350 BC. Artist: Anon
Ancient Egyptian cosmos, c1025 BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, Egyptian queen and consort of Akhenaten, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nesitanebtashru ploughing and reaping, c1025 BC. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian tomb figure of a woman grinding corn using a saddle quern, c2500 BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptians hunting wildfowl with throwing sticks. Artist: Unknown
Golden throne of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, 18th dynasty, New Kingdom, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Woman brewing beer, Ancient Egyptian tomb model. Artist: Unknown
Wall painting from the tomb of Nefertari, Thebes, Ancient Egypt, 19th Dynasty, 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Funerary papyrus, Ancient Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, 1550-1293 BC. Artist: Unknown
Mummy and mummy case of a princess, Ancient Egyptian, 21st Dynasty, 1069-945 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos and Isis-Hathor, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos before Osiris, Temple of Sethos, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx, Giza, Egypt, period of Khafre, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx, Giza, Egypt, period of Khafre, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), Giza, Egypt, 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Closeup of head ofThe Sphinx, period of Khafre (Chephren), 4th Dynasty, 26th century BC. Artist: Unknown
A sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
A sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
A sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
Frontal view of sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Closeup of Sphinx's head, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Head of Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Head detail of Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Head detail of Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Head of Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th - 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown