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Closing the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, February 1923  Artist: Harry Burton
Archaeologists working  at the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton
Removing a tray of chariot parts from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Artist: Harry Burton
Sifting the dust from the floor of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt, 1922. Creator: Harry Burton.
Closing the Tomb of Tutankhamun, Valley of the Kings  Artist: Harry Burton
Artist's recreation of a large Egyptian temple, 1799. Artist: Pierre Nicolas Ransonette
Artist's recreation of a large Egyptian temple, 1799. Artist: Pierre Nicolas Ransonette
The Colossi of Memnon, Thebes, Egypt, 1860. Artist: Francis Frith
'Murals from the Tombs of the Kings at Thebes, discovered by G Belzoni', 1820-1822. Artist: Charles Joseph Hullmandel
Alabaster vases, Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Painted clothes chest, which lies at the foot of Tutankhamen's statue, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Wooden statue of Tutankhamun, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Position of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of Kings, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
The mummy of Tutankhamun crossing the Nile for the last time, Egypt, 1325 BC (1933-1934). Artist: Unknown
The final interior decoration and sealing of Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 1325 BC (1933-1934). Artist: Unknown
Pharaoh Thutmose IV and his queen, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Hole made by robbers to gain admission to Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
The first glimpse of Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
A ransacked Egyptian tomb, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
One of the twin supports of a ceremonial couch found in Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 1933-1934 Artist: Unknown
Golden shrine in the antechamber of Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
The Colossi of Memnon, Thebes, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Propylon of the third Ptolemy at Karnak, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Hall of Columns in the Great Temple of Karnak, Egypt, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
'Murals from the Tombs of the Kings at Thebes, discovered by G Belzoni', 1820-1822. Artist: Charles Joseph Hullmandel
Perspective view of the portico interior, Esna (Latopolis), Egypt, 1822. Artist: Sellier
Illustrations of frescoes from Byban el Molouk, Thebes, Egypt, 1822. Artist: Jomard
Ancient Egyptian astronomical table, c1822. Creator: Leroy.
Ilustrations of a manuscript with hieroglyphics, from a tomb at Thebes, Egypt, 1822. Artist: Willemin
Ancient Egyptian furniture, 1822. Artist: Pomel
'Hieroglyphics from the Tombs of the Kings at Thebes, discovered by G Belzoni', 1820-1822. Artist: Charles Joseph Hullmandel
'The Great Chamber in the Second pyramid of Ghizeh, discovered by Giovanni Belzoni, 1820-1822'. Artist: Agostino Aglio
Pompey's Pillar, Alexandria, Egypt, 1802. Artist: Thomas Milton
'The Pyramids of El-Geezeh from the South West', Egypt, 1858. Artist: Francis Frith
The Colossi of Memnon, Thebes, Egypt, 1862. Artist: Francis Bedford
The 'Vocal Memnon', Thebes, Egypt, 1862. Artist: Francis Bedford
The capitals of the portico, Temple of Khnum, Esna, Egypt, 1862. Artist: Francis Bedford
Seated colossus of Rameses II, Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt, c1860-1890. Artist: Frank Mason Good
Facade of the Temple of Abu Simbel from the north, Egypt, c1860-1890. Artist: Frank Mason Good
The Temple of Trajan, looking south-west, Philae, Egypt, c1860-1890. Artist: Frank Mason Good
Central avenue of the Great Hall of Columns, Karnak, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Excavated temple of Gyrshe, Nubia, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Hall of Columns, Karnak, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Pompey's Pillar, Alexandria, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
The Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Sanctury of the Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Temple of Edfu, ancient Apollinopolis, Upper Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
The Hypaethral Temple at Philae, called the Bed of Pharaoh, Egypt, 1849. Artist: David Roberts
View from under the portico of the Temple at Denderah, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Temple of Sobek and Horuss at Kom Ombo, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Top of the First Pyramid of Gizah', Egypt, 1802. Artist: Thomas Milton
'An Ancient Sarcophagus of Basaltes, called the Lovers Fountain', 1802. Artist: Thomas Milton
'Subterranean Chamber near the Pyramids at Giza', 1802. Artist: Thomas Milton
'Descending gallery in tomb of Sethos I, Thebes, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'Looking north to the temple of Sethos I, Thebes, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'The hunting of the wild bull, carved on a tempkle wall at Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'Scenes of battle and the chase carved on a wall at Medinet Habu, Thebes, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'Walled city of El Kab, seen from a door of a tomb in the cliffs, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'The pylon and court of the temple of Horus at Edfu, Egypt', 1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
'The wonderfully preserved temple at Edfu, Egypt', 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood