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Alabaster Sphinx, Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Alabaster Sphinx (seen from front), Memphis, Egypt, 18th or 19th Dynasty, c14th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Imn-Hat seated with his wife & son in front of an offering, Thebes, c2050-c1786 BC. Artist: Unknown
The Egyptian Room, British Museum, Holborn, London, c1840. Artist: William Radclyffe
'Entrance to the Cave of Beni Hassan', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Mural from the Tombs of the Nobles, Thebes, Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Bust of Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). Artist: Unknown
Three sisters, detail from an Ancient Egyptian mural. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian cosmos, 11th-10th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Bust of Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) Artist: Unknown
Nefertari and Isis, Ancient Egyptian wall painting from a Theban tomb, 13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Mummy portrait of an Egyptian woman, c1st-3rd century. Artist: Unknown
A Fayum portrait of Aline, also known as Ténos, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
Statue of an Ancient Egyptian official and his wife, 13th-12th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Fragmentary Head of a Queen, reign of Akhenaten, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian canopic jar with a lid in the shape of a royal woman's head, c1344-1336 BC. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian headdress and earrings, 18th Dynasty, 16th-13th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Outer coffin of Henettawy, c1040-991 BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Memi and Sabu, 26th-25th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Head of the Ancient Egyptian Queen Tiye, c1388-1340 BC. Artist: Unknown
Granite sphinx of Hatshepsut, reign of Hatshepsut, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
The throne of Tutankhamun, (detail), Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Coin of Ptolemy I and Berenice I, Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of the decoration of a sarcophagus of The Lady of Madja, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
'Shabti or Ushabti', a funerary figurine, Egypt, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
'Toui, Priestess of Min', New Kingdom, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
A seigneurial couple in ceremonial clothes, New Kingdom, Egyptian, 19th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian bust, maybe Tutankhamen, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Mummy mask of a lady, late period, 1085-332 BC. Artist: Unknown
Spoon in the Form of a Young Girl Carrying a Vase. 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Statue, Amenophis III, Egypt,18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Akhenaten, Egypt, 1375 BC. Artist: Unknown
Bust of Nefertiti, Egypt, 1375 BC. Artist: Unknown
Man and Woman Figurine, Statue, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Prince Rahotep and His Wife Nofret, Egypt, 4th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Prince Rahotep and His Wife Nofret, Egypt, 4th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Statue of a Husband and Wife, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Amenemope and Female, Egyptian, 19th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Egyptian Couple, 5th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, Amenophis, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Tomb Stone of a Mercenary, 1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief from the tomb of Ramose, Luxor, Egypt, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Scene from the Book of the Dead of Any, Egyptian, c1275 BC, (c1900-1920). Artist: Unknown
'The Piazza del Popolo, Rome', Italy, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Alabaster Sphinx at Memphis, Egypt, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
Stele of the chief of treasurers Khor, Ancient Egyptian, 19th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Stele of Pepi, chief of the potters, Ancient Egyptian, 18th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'Thoth and the Chief Magician', 1925. Artist: Evelyn Paul
'To Philae in a Felucca', 1908.  Artist: Lance Thackeray
Berberin boatmen, flooded isle of Philae, Egypt, c1922. Artist: Donald McLeish
The Colossi of Memnon, Luxor (Thebes), Egypt, c1922. Artist: Unknown
Aerial view of archaeological excavations near Saqqara, Egypt, 1931 (1933). Artist: Unknown
Aerial view of the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, from a Zeppelin, 1931 (1933). Artist: Unknown
Ruined citadel, Siwa, Egypt, 1992.
View of Siwa from Aghurmi, Egypt, 1992.
Jebel at Takrur from Siwa, Egypt.
Cleopatra's Pool, Siwa, Egypt.
Mosque above the Temple of the Oracle, Siwa, Egypt.
Temple of the Oracle, Siwa, Egypt.
Temple of Rameses II, Abu Simbel, Egypt, c1820-1839. Artist: G Bramati